Chapter 289: Password

Joshua plans to go and talk to Scrooge about the recent dispute. But before that, he must report these things to the family and let the family give a definite opinion. Otherwise, he made peace with Scrooge here, but he did something to escalate the conflict on the European side. Wouldn’t that cause trouble for himself?

Transoceanic communications are now completely controlled by Scrooge, so there are big problems with communications on confidential matters. In order to solve this problem, the family specially compiled a set of passwords for communication of more confidential things. However, it is difficult to say how confidential these passwords are. After all, passwords are still a new thing. The later so-called cryptography has not yet been formed at this time, at best it has a little bit of preparatory knowledge and skills. Therefore, in this era, most of the passwords are still quite rough, which makes confidentiality a big issue. However, at this time, whether it is the Rothschild family or even the Royal Navy, the awareness of the secrecy of passwords is still in the care of the password book, so that people have no chance to see this level.

But Shi Gaozhi from later generations is different. Relying on the large laboratory, Scrooge established a humble non-profit organization-the North American Computing Center. The basic role of this institution is to provide computing services for various “scientific research.” This organization employs hundreds of workers with basic education. Yes, it’s just a basic education. The mathematics level of the vast majority of the staff, even after training, is only equivalent to the level that has just entered junior high school. However, their work does not require their own high computing power, they only need to be able to calculate the simplest calculation given to them with a hand computer. In this era, there are relatively simple hand-cranked computers. It took two years for the large laboratory to double the efficiency of hand-cranked computers. In this organization, there are more than 300 hand-cranked computers busy day and night.

In addition to the general scientific research activities of large laboratories and the basic computing services provided by McDonald’s companies, the center itself also undertakes an important task, which is to decipher the telegram code.

In the absence of a codebook, the telegram code is not unbreakable. It’s just a special trouble. First of all, you have to be able to intercept a large number of other party’s messages. Well, this is very simple, because nowadays transoceanic radio communication is basically in the hands of Scrooge. Something like the British Embassy, ​​it can be regarded as owning a low-power shortwave radio station, and then relying on the warships cruising the Atlantic Ocean as a transit point, it can be regarded as able to transmit the news back to the country, other guys, including Rothschild The family can only send messages through Scrooge’s New York Tower. Therefore, the messages sent back and forth by these companies, the MacDonald Consortium also came to “Save As.”

In this way, over a period of time, various large companies, large families, etc., have accumulated a large number of messages sent through the New York Tower. Generally speaking, there are always some words that appear more frequently, and then the probability of their combination with other words will be higher, and then examine the various actions of the other party after the telegram is sent and the reply, and then comprehensively analyze to find the law. , Well, many passwords can be cracked.To deal with this method, the best means of keeping secret is to constantly change the password. As long as you are diligent in changing passwords, even if the level of password preparation is almost the same, the cracker will have nothing to do. For example, later in the Second World War, some of the KMT’s telegram codes were used for four to five years and almost never changed. As a result, the Japanese army deciphered them like clear codes, and they leaked the codes as soon as they were used. On the contrary, the telegram code of the Communist Party, whose coding level is much worse than that of the Kuomintang, has almost never been successfully deciphered. The reason is simple. The Communist Party, which has been engaged in underground activities for a long time, is quite cautious. NS. In two or three months, the number of intercepted messages was too small, and there was no way to reverse it. At the beginning, the Japanese planned to crack the Communist Party’s code, but after they discovered this habit of the Communist Party, they simply didn’t crack it. Anyway, no matter how smooth the cracking is, the eight-way password has been changed several times.

Ordinarily, after seeing the successful experience and the lessons of failure, the Japanese themselves should be careful when using passwords. However, when the Japanese and the United States guys got involved, the United States guys discovered that the Japanese use passwords. It’s almost indistinguishable from the Kuomintang. In addition to the coding level is much higher, the same habit of not changing passwords for several years. As a result, someone broke the code on Midway Island and was ambushed. When it came to Guadalcanal, it still didn’t change it, and even until the commander of the Joint Fleet was killed by an aerial ambush because of the leak of the code, he insisted not to change the code. Didn’t even know until the war ended, what? Our password has been cracked? How is this possible? Could such an advanced and complex code as our Great Japanese Empire be deciphered?

And in this era, most people can’t even think that there will be such a thing as code cracking. So naturally there will be no good habit of changing passwords from time to time. So now, the telegram code used by the Rothschild family is no different from the clear code in Scrooge’s eyes.

“Well, is there any reaction from the Jew?” Scrooge asked.

“Mr. MacDonald, two days ago, Mr. Joshua Rothschild sent a very long telegram to Europe. According to our people’s deciphering, he took some of the contents of the letter we sent to him last time. , As well as some of his personal analysis and suggestions. Here is the translation of the telegram he sent. You can read it, sir.” Bond handed a document to Scrooge.

“Joshua sent us a telegram from North America.” An old man handed a telegram to the few people in the meeting. “Look at it. What are your thoughts?”

The telegram began to circulate in the hands of several people, and after a while, everyone had read it.

“Who played such a trick on the MacDonald’s factory?” the old man asked calmly.

“It’s me, grandpa,” a young man stood up and said.

“Well, why did you do this?” The old man continued to ask quietly.

“Because they entered our territory and undermined our plan,” the young man explained. “We finally took down the stock prices of French industrial companies, but they suddenly came out and bought these companies. They The behavior of these companies caused the stock prices of these companies to rebound, which hindered our plan to buy bottoms. So…”

“How much do you know about this opponent?” the old man said, he paused for a while, and then said full, “Judging from what you revealed in the newspaper, you should know this opponent well. Then tell Me, what is the purpose of his investment in France? How much resources is he willing to invest in this? Do you think your power is enough to deal with them?”

The old man spoke slowly and didn’t have any stern tone, but the young man felt that sweat was coming from his head.

“Grandpa, I think they just want to take advantage of the low price and make a profit.” The young man replied.

“Do you really just think so?” The old man stared at the young man’s eyes, still speaking in an unhurried tone.

“Dad, Werther did not consider this matter very well.” Another middle-aged man in his forties said, “Werther, you are not young anymore, how can you still be so rough in doing things! MacDonald is starting now.” Which companies have they bought? They have bought steel companies and are building power generation and ammonia companies. Witte, tell me, what do these companies of McDonald have in common?”

“Dad, it should be MacDonald who has very unique technology in these industries.” Witte thought for a while and replied.

“Since you have a certain understanding of the McDonald’s family, then you can introduce to everyone, what kind of technologies they have, and what kind of effects can these technologies bring to the market?” The old man continued to say in an unhurried tone. .

“Okay, grandpa.” Wei set his mind, and then said, “Macdonald Steel can use the most inferior iron ore with high sulfur and phosphorus, and make steel that is as good as others made with high-quality iron ore. Because the raw materials are cheap, their prices are very competitive. In North America, they rely on this to squeeze almost all of their opponents. Carol McDonald, who is in charge of McDonald’s Steel, got a’steel road roller’ for this reason. As for synthetic ammonia, currently only they and the Germans have related technology, which is said to be jointly developed. In terms of electricity, McDonald uses AC power generation technology, which has a high patent barrier and has obvious advantages in long-distance power transmission. In addition, they also hold most of the patents for electric lights and various electrical appliances, and almost no electrical appliance can bypass their patents.”

Because United States consortiums rarely actually go to Europe to make long-term investments, local capital in Europe is actually not particularly familiar with the Macdonald consortium. Many of you here are not particularly familiar with the situation of this consortium. Now that I heard such an introduction, I felt a little shocked.

“In this way, they are simply monsters in industry.” Someone interrupted.

“For such a powerful consortium, you actually launched a provocation without discussing it with everyone? Fortunately, since people showed this to us, it means that there is still room for relaxation. They probably didn’t mean to directly turn their faces with us. Now, Witt, think about it, and then tell me, what is the purpose of the Macdonald Consortium’s investment in France? Compared to the United States, where is their biggest weakness in Europe.” The old man said at last.

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