Chapter 278: Silent Spring

Jim’s worries are not unreasonable. The winter is not cold enough this year. Although the winter is not a snow-free winter, there is no serious snowfall. This means that few insect eggs laid on the ground last year were frozen to death. As the weather gets warmer, the problem of insect pests will definitely become more serious. Fortunately, the people in Cleveland Agriculture are very interesting. Not only did they send Jim the “earth gold” in time, even every few days, their sales staff would come to Jim’s house to check the fields and observe with him. The growth of wheat is meticulously registered one by one. Sometimes, when Jim planted so much land that he and his wife could not take care of the fields as meticulously as in the instructions. The Cleveland Agricultural salesperson named Tom would even go to work with Jim’s family altogether. After going back and forth, Jim and Tom became friends.

“Tom, take a rest. Even if we choke all the bugs here, it won’t take long for more bugs to fly over from the fields next to you. Hell, I will be inspired by you to do it. I’ve never done this before when I’m farming by myself. It’s too hard…” Jim sat down on the farm and said to Tom, panting.

Tom also sat down next to him. Jim handed the kettle to Tom. Tom was not welcome. As a result, the kettle drank more than half of the kettle until he shook his body, and he could hear the water sloshing in his stomach. The voice lowered the kettle.

Tom took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. This is a very cheap local cigarette. The name is very big, called the Universe brand, but the tobacco leaves used are very bad. The castle brand cigarettes with the Swan Castle painted on the cigarette case naturally do not know how far it is. Fortunately, it’s cheap. Tom always carries two packs of cigarettes in his pocket, a pack of Castle cigarettes in his jacket pocket, this one is for the first time customers, and one pack in his trouser pocket is for himself and his own friends to smoke. Now Tom and Jim are also old acquaintances, so Tom will not hand Jim the castle card, but only hand him a Universe brand cigarette.

“Brother Tom,” Jim said, taking a mouthful of his cigarette. “It’s a great manure, you guys. Look at how good the wheat seedlings grow in our field. Let’s say that this piece of land is really good. I bought it new, but it’s not the first time I’m planting land. The soil here is not fertile, but with your “earth gold”, wheat grows better than in the fattest black soil. But maybe it’s because our wheat grows so well, you see, the bugs in the fields nearby are flying towards us! This is really…”

For such a situation, Tom has no great solution. He took two puffs of cigarettes, then stood up and said, “This is nothing. But we can’t just watch these bugs just eat our wheat? Okay, we have enough rest, let’s take the rest Go over a few acres of land again.”

In this way, Tom has been busy almost all day in Jim’s wheat field. Jim and his wife were very grateful to Tom for his warmheartedness, and kept him for dinner, but Tom said that he had something to do with the company and had to rush over, so they didn’t eat at Jim’s house and went straight away. Catch the train at the railway station.

“Mr. Tom is really a good man.” His wife said to Jim, “He is helpful and serious, and takes care of our family’s fields. He is more attentive than we are. What a good man…”

Tom’s enthusiasm is not without reason. As early as the beginning of the year, there was a meeting in the company. At this meeting, the heads of the meeting first gave a big talk about the meaning of their work:

“This year is the first time that our native gold has been put into agricultural production. We must ensure that the users of this batch of native gold get a good harvest, so as to make the native gold an instant success. Last year, we invested so much advertising expenses in order to This year, we will shake the world with amazing production data. Therefore, our sales staff must maintain a high sense of responsibility and must serve our first batch of customers with a highly responsible spirit. Let them get a good harvest and their A good harvest is our harvest.”

Then there was a material incentive from above:

“When the winter wheat is harvested this year, if the wheat yield per mu of your responsible customer exceeds 30% of the national average yield per mu last year, you will be entitled to a basic bonus of $400, if it exceeds 40%. , Your bonus will go up by 10%, which is 440 US dollars. If the yield per mu exceeds 50%, your bonus will go up by 20%, which is 480 US dollars, but If it exceeds 60%, your bonus will rise by 60%, which is 640 U.S. dollars. If it exceeds 70%, your bonus will be ascending 100%, which is 800 U.S. dollars. In the future, for every ten percentage points ascending, your bonus will be ascending 15 percentage points on the basis of eight hundred dollars.”

Such incentives certainly make Toms motivated. But now, the bug thing made Tom particularly anxious. And it’s not just Tom who is anxious. This year’s pests are serious. It’s not easy to make the yield per mu more than last year. If you are not careful, the excess will be less than 20%, and even the basic $400 will be gone. . So when he saw those bugs eating wheat in the field, Tom really felt as distressing as seeing them eating his own banknotes.

Two days later, Tom appeared in front of Jim again with a look of excitement. He was carrying a big thing that looked like a big iron bucket, with a tube connected to it, and a long spray head with a handle in front of the tube. On the other side of the bucket is a long stick.

“Jim, we have a way to deal with bugs! Hahahaha!” Tom smiled happily.

“What’s this? What’s the use?” Jim asked.

“Pesticide sprayer.” Tom replied, “Our company’s new product, coupled with our company’s insecticide, is specially used to kill all kinds of pests.”

“There won’t be any bad side effects?” Jim was quite cautious about these things that he hadn’t heard of too much.

“If you don’t believe in other people’s things, can you still believe in our company’s things?” Tom smiled and said, “I brought the contract, and I will give you a trial this time. But I finally got it from the company to help you apply for this trial opportunity. . It’s not easy. Look at this contract, as long as you sign and use this, in the future, if the output is lower than 120% of the national average output last year. Our company directly uses the national average output per mu last year. The current market price of one hundred and twenty wheat buys all the output in your hand. What else do you need to hesitate? I will tell you the principle of this thing…”

“Really! You guys, can we still trust Brother Tom?” After Tom finished explaining the principles of DDT in detail, Jim’s wife said, “The contract, let us see.”

Jim and his wife looked at the contract carefully, and it was indeed the same as Tom said. So Jim signed the double contract.

In front of Jim, Tom took out a glass bottle, and some liquid came out of it, and then a strange smell diffused.

“You stay away, this thing is somewhat toxic,” Tom said, and put on a mask quickly at the same time.

Tom prepared the lotion according to the method he learned yesterday, poured it into the airtight tin bucket, then tightened the lid on the bucket, and walked out with the bucket on his back. Jim also followed, and his wife too. Curiously followed.

When he arrived in the field, Tom pressed the handle with one hand to press high-pressure air into the tin bucket, and with the spray rod in the other hand, he started spraying medicine on the wheat field of Jim’s house. As his arm continuously pressed the handle, a thin, mist-like mist of medicine was continuously sprayed from the nozzle and sprayed into the wheat field of Jim’s house.

“Stand upwind!” Seeing Jim’s wife ran downwind of the spray in order to see more clearly, Tom immediately stopped and reminded her. “This thing is more or less poisonous, and it will make you dizzy if you smell it too much.”

In one morning, Tom sprayed several acres of wheat fields in Jim’s house. Such a fresh move naturally attracted the attention of others. When Tom finished his work, many farmers had surrounded the wheat fields. Talking about it.

Compared with fertilizers such as “earth gold”, the effect of DDT is much more pronounced. As soon as you finish spraying the medicine, you can see that the grasshoppers and other kinds of bugs that were originally stumbling around in the wheat fields are not They couldn’t fly anymore, they all twitched and fell to the ground, almost dead in a blink of an eye.

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