1850 American Gold Tycoon

Chapter 497: Expanding northward and eastward

Southern Oregon has already been established as a state. Next, the most suitable place in the western region for statehood, besides northern Oregon, is Arizona. scale

California's next strategy is to move north, reach the U.S.-Canada border, expand eastward, and seize the power vacuum in the western territories.

It’s just that the current natural and economic conditions in northern Oregon and Arizona are not as good as in southern Oregon (Oregon), which has already been established as a state.

According to rough estimates, the current population of Northern Oregon is 30,000, and the population of Arizona is less than 5,000.

Although Liang Yao's Western Brigade also has the Arizona Regiment under its name, this is just an organization name.

The Arizona Regiment of the Western Brigade only recruited some Arizonans in a symbolic manner, and the main source of troops for the regiment still came from the Chinese residents of California.

It is unrealistic for the two states to reach the threshold of 60,000 people for statehood simply by relying on natural population growth rates.

It is only possible to achieve this goal by relying on the promotion of external forces. scale

This external force is the transfer immigrants from California. Oregon is a precedent that relies on California transfer immigrants to rapidly develop and grow and meet the standards for statehood.

Northern Oregon, which later became the area of ​​Washington state, was in much better shape than the Arizona Territory.

Northern Oregon is close to the sea and has a port. In later generations, metropolises like Seattle developed. Its economic strength is comparable to that of Oregon, and each has its own strengths.

In terms of natural resources, northern Oregon is densely covered with spruce, pine and fir, has a high forest coverage rate and is rich in forest resource reserves. The coastal areas are rich in fishery resources and you can easily catch salmon, shrimp and crabs.

In terms of mineral resources, Northern Oregon is rich in coal mines, iron mines, copper mines, and small amounts of gold, silver and other mineral deposits.

In terms of agriculture, the region already has a precedent for successfully growing agricultural crops such as apples, cherries, wheat, potatoes and avocados.

Compared with the Southern Oregon region that has become a state, the only disadvantage of the Northern Oregon region is that it is far away from California, the economic center of the West Coast. scale

With such favorable natural conditions, Northern Oregon has many options. Whether it is limited development of agriculture, fisheries or mining, you can quickly find your way out.

As long as the stubborn Democratic forces in Northern Oregon are cleared away and the population of Northern Oregon is increased from 30,000 to 60,000 within a year, it will not be a big problem.

The most troublesome place for Liang Yao is the Arizona region.

Arizona was incorporated into the United States in 1848 after the first Mexican-American War, but it was already established in 1912. Then-U.S. President William Howard Taft signed the bill officially raising Arizona to the 48th state of the United States.

In other words, Arizona became an American territory only during the Daoguang period, and the Qing Dynasty was already dead when the state was established.

This shows the harsh natural conditions in this area.

Without large-scale Chinese immigration, historically, the Arizona Territory, which covers an area of ​​50,000 square kilometers, had a population of only two to three thousand people (excluding Indians), making it a vast and sparsely populated land. scale

Fortunately, although the terrain of the Arizona Territory is mostly deserts and plateaus, and the climate is relatively dry, the area is still rich in mineral resources, including coal, copper, molybdenum, limestone, silica, gypsum, petroleum and other mineral resources.

The climate here is also suitable for growing cotton, wheat, corn, citrus fruits, grapes, soybeans and other crops.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of building the Gade Railway, we can build the railway from Los Angeles to the Arizona Territory, improve local transportation conditions, and build a settlement in a more livable area along the railway. There is still hope that the Arizona Territory will be established within three to five years. The population exceeded 60,000, reaching the threshold for statehood.

Of course, if you can't achieve it, it won't be a big problem. There are always more solutions than difficulties.

Liang Yao has another option. The original Mexican state of Sonora and Arizona are adjacent. Merging the two places will definitely meet the standards for statehood.

It's just that this operation will test the operational skills of California politicians, whether to allow the Arizona Territory to establish a separate state or to try to allow the Arizona Territory to establish a separate state.

"Are you looking at Northern Oregon and Arizona?"

Fremont, who was smoking a cigar, saw that Liang Yao's eyes had been wandering around the Northern Oregon and Arizona regions, and he understood Liang Yao's thoughts.

"No, I'm trying to get four Senate seats." Liang Yao said with a smile.

"Four Senate seats are certainly tempting, but Oregon has just been established as a state, and now you are interested in these two places, and you are not afraid of eating up one bite." Fremont teased.

After teasing, Fremont also seriously thought about the feasibility of statehood between the two places. He stubbed out his cigar, put away most of the remaining cigars, and said: "Northern Oregon can achieve statehood in the short term. Standard, after all, the conditions in Northern Oregon are not bad.

Arizona guessed that the environment and traffic conditions there were so bad that apart from the Mexicans who originally settled there, perhaps only the Hakkas were willing to go to such a place. "

The average white politician can't even tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese after the Chinese cut off their braids, but Fremont, who has lived in California for five or six years, can distinguish Chinese and Japanese not only in appearance.

Cantonese, Chaoshan, Southern Fujian, Eastern Fujian, Zhejiang, Hakka, and immigrants from other areas who moved to California from war-torn areas and disaster-stricken areas in North China can even be distinguished from the accents spoken by the Chinese. When voting, can you also add a few commonly used dialects? scale

In addition to distinguishing different Chinese ethnic groups, Fremont also has a certain understanding of different Chinese ethnic groups. He knows that Cantonese, Fujianese, and Zhejiang people prefer to do business and live by the sea, while people from other ethnic groups prefer to be more stable. farmers or skilled workers.

In the entire United States, there is no politician who understands the Chinese better than Fremont.

"What if I spend money?" Liang Yao said, "Los Angeles was a rough place before oil was discovered. Who knows what good things are buried under the ground in Arizona."

Liang Yao is more optimistic about the prospects of immigrating to Arizona, at least more optimistic than Fremont.

Furthermore, with two seats in the Senate and two seats in the House of Representatives, he doesn’t have to pay for immigrants.

Wu Yuanhua, Pan Zhengwei and others are willing to spend money to recruit legislators and governors for themselves in the Oregon region, and there are also many wealthy Chinese who are willing to spend money to buy officials.

"Throwing money is another matter." Fremont laughed. scale

He is also happy to see the Citizen Party control more electoral states. Now that the Whig Party is dead in the grave and the Democrats are distracted, now is the best time for small parties to rise.

Due to its geographical disadvantages and disadvantages in political opinions, the Citizens' Party was unable to poach the Whigs and Democrats like the Republicans and go to the east to compete with these new and old parties for constituencies.

However, it is a shortcut to expand one's political influence by establishing new states and implement the party's political proposition of developing the west.

If the Civic Party can develop rapidly, it is not without the possibility of filling the power vacuum, extending its influence across the country, and even electing a Civic Party president.

After instructing the servant to arrange a guest room for Fremont to rest, Liang Yao came to the bedroom on the second floor.

It was just time to enter that dormitory, but Liang Yao had a problem.

Are you sleeping with Elizabeth tonight? Or sleep with Zoe? scale

This is really a difficult question to make.

After much thought, Liang Yao finally decided to let God help him solve this problem.

Liang Yao didn't drink much tonight, but the red wine was still very strong when it came back. When he freed his hand to fumble for coins from his pocket, Liang Yao almost fell down.

Fortunately, in the end, he leaned on the door panel and did not fall.

Liang Yao took out a five-dollar gold coin from his wallet and threw it into the air. After a crisp sound of metal falling to the ground, Liang Yao knelt down to look for the gold coin he had just thrown.

But due to the dim lights at night and his head being a little swollen and numb, Liang Yao couldn't find the gold coin for a while.

After searching for the coin to no avail, Liang Yao took out another gold coin and prepared to toss it again. scale

"What are you doing flipping coins at the door in the middle of the night?"

Liang Yao heard the news of Zoe's side. Zoe was wearing a thin white one-piece nightgown and holding the gold coin that Liang Yao had just thrown in her hand.

No wonder I couldn’t find this gold coin after searching for a long time. It turned out that it had rolled into Zoe’s room.


Just as Liang Yao was about to speak, Zoe made a shushing gesture and involuntarily pulled Liang Yao into the room.

"Be gentle. Sister Elizabeth has just returned from an inspection trip to Los Angeles and is resting. Don't disturb her. You can sleep here tonight."

Saying that, Zoe pushed Liang Yao to the bed.


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