The first time was a big change, and the second time was a big change.

After playing the seventh round of La Liga with Barcelona.

That night, the entire La Coruña team rested in Barcelona.

The next morning, all the players took a plane back to La Coruña.

The next week, which is also the first week of October, has another international match day that everyone likes to see.

La Liga was suspended for a week, and Jimenez was in a good mood after the draw with Barcelona.

After returning to the base, he immediately announced a week off.

Su Wei still has not received an invitation from Perrin's team, which is also in line with the slow style of the Dragon Football Association.

They have to hold several conferences to study everything, and those who don't know would think it is the leader of the United Nations.

To be honest, even if they invite him, Su Wei may not go.

In the recent news, he saw that Li Chuimao, who was kicked by him, had recently become a member of the Chinese coaching team.

Su Wei suddenly felt as disgusted as if he had eaten a fly, and he lost interest in the Sea Cucumber Team.

Instead of acting with them, it would be better to rest in Spain for a few days, recuperate, and continue to improve his strength.

So after returning from Barcelona, ​​Su Wei immediately entered the vacation mode.

Sleep until you wake up naturally, and go to the players' restaurant to eat when you are hungry.

Brush your phone when you are bored, and go to the stadium to practice when your feet itch.

In the evening, you have free time to go to the beach to see the bikini foreign girls.

This kind of fairy life lasts for two or three days.

The only flaw is that the previous fat agent calls Su Wei once a day and harasses Su Wei on time.

The purpose is also very simple, wanting Su Wei to endorse their company. It is reported that the endorsement fee is "not cheap".

Su Wei is not interested and flatly refuses.

Fatty made too many harassing calls, so Su Wei simply blocked his phone number.

Now Fatty couldn't bother him for the time being, but Su Wei, who had calmed down, gradually realized that as his performance in La Liga became more and more outstanding, he would definitely have more and more troubles outside the court in the future.

It seems that it is time to find an agent, otherwise he will not be able to answer all the calls in the future.

After making up his mind, Su Wei began to think about where to find a suitable agent.

This matter is not difficult for him, because Su Wei knows that the fastest and most reliable way to find an agent is to ask teammates for recommendations.

Su Wei immediately decided to ask his good brother Salman to see if he has a suitable agent to recommend to him.

Salman is currently participating in the national team competition in Cameroon, so Su Wei can only call him.

The call was quickly connected, and the two chatted for a few words, and Su Wei asked about the agent.

Salman immediately recommended his agent, Vigreli, to Su Wei.

Salman said that this man was introduced to him by his teammates in the Cameroon national team.

The Dane has been working as an agent in Europe for many years and has a lot of resources. Cameroon's big brother Eto'o is a player under his name.

When Su Wei heard that he had been an agent for Eto'o, he must be experienced.

He immediately asked Salman for his contact information. After the two hung up the phone, Su Wei called Vigreli.

After the call was connected, Su Wei explained his purpose. Vigreli was very happy and said that he was currently in Denmark and would go to Spain in two days to meet Su Wei for a detailed discussion.

Vigreli said that he would be free in two days, but he didn't expect that he would appear in the Laco base in the afternoon of the next day with a small leather bag and a suit.

When they met for the first time, Su Wei looked at this person carefully.

He was 1.9 meters tall, with a square face and thick eyebrows. He was in his forties and had a typical Nordic appearance.

Speaking fluent English, he said to Su Wei, "Ni...Hao!"

Su Wei was stunned for a moment, and then realized that this guy was saying 'hello'.

Su Wei smiled and said, "You can speak Danish, I can understand."

Vigreli was shocked and immediately tried to speak his hometown dialect.

Su Wei felt familiar with it at first, and after a few words, there was no pressure. In a blink of an eye, the two of them could communicate in Danish.

Vigreli originally wanted to use the Chinese he had just learned to get closer to Su Wei.

Unexpectedly, it was Su Wei who conquered him instantly with his hometown dialect.

The two sat in the living room and chatted happily, and Su Wei also learned more about each other.

This Vigreli was also a professional player before. When he was young, he played for Brondby Club in Denmark and was teammates with Manchester United goalkeeper Schmeichel for several years.

Unfortunately, Vigreli's talent was not on the green field. When Schmeichel

When Chelsea was still creating the Manchester United dynasty in the Premier League, Vigreli had already bid farewell to the green field and entered the business world.

Facts have proved that Vigreli's decision was correct.

Since becoming an agent, his career has been booming.

Eto'o, Salman and others are now his players.

Vigreli has a rich resume and Su Wei is very satisfied with him.

The two talked for an afternoon and decided to cooperate and signed a simple agent contract.

Before leaving, Vigreli happily stretched out his hand and smiled: "Su, don't worry! I will definitely make you a first-class European star, just like Cheetah Eto'o!"

Su Wei smiled in his heart. This Vigreli is good in everything, but his vision is a little small.

It is true that Cheetah Eto'o has been very successful, but he is a long way from his buddy's ultimate goal!

Although Su Wei thought about it, he still thanked him sincerely: "Okay, thank you, I will trouble you in the future."


Time flies, and two days have passed in a blink of an eye.

Vigreli is not big, but he is very efficient.

On the third day after I confirmed the cooperation with him, he brought good news.

That morning, Su Wei, who was still on vacation, received a call from him.

"Su, are you there? I have good news for you."

Su Wei was lying on the bed and asked, "What good news?"

"There is a business. A clothing company here wants to find you to be an endorsement. I wonder if you are free to come to Denmark?"

"Huh?" Su Wei was stunned at first, then he asked, "How much is the endorsement fee?"

"Six hundred thousand euros, one year contract, very simple, just cooperate with them to shoot for half a day."

Six hundred thousand euros, that's almost five million Dragon country currency, which is equivalent to his income in La Coruña for half a year!

The most important thing is that it only takes half a day to get it done, this money must be earned!

No one doesn't like money, and Su Wei is no exception.

It has been more than two months since I came to Spain, and I have only received one salary so far.

Su Wei decided to send some money to his parents after he made it so that they could improve their lives.

Su Wei immediately replied: "No problem, I'm free today!"

"Okay, book a ticket and tell me the flight number, I'll pick you up at the airport."


You have to make money quickly, Spain is a bit far from Denmark.

Su Wei was in a hurry, so he had to transfer in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

It took seven or eight hours until the evening, and he finally arrived in Copenhagen alone.

After getting off the plane, he dragged his suitcase to the airport reception hall.

Su Wei searched for Vigreli in the crowd, but he didn't see him.

Just as he was about to take out his mobile phone to call the other party, he suddenly heard a clear voice: "Su, this way!"

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