When True Lord Xuanxiao and Taiyin Division jointly attacked that day, Xiao Chen did come out early, so there was a backlash left behind. This backlash was especially obvious every time he used his power.

Originally, only Bai Luan and Zi Yuan knew about this matter, but thinking about it, even if Bai Luan and Zi Yuan didn't tell them, Wei Yang would definitely find out over time.

Ku Lingzi tried his best to fend off the enemy for him that day. In the end, if he came out one step later, even Shen Jing would be captured by True Lord Xuanxiao, so he had to come out early.

Hua Weiyang gently stroked his chest and said, "It's okay. During this period, you just need to stabilize your cultivation in Secret Demon Cliff. I will leave the outside matters to Xian Shu and Mingyue, so you don't have to worry." "


Xiao Chen nodded lightly and said, "I don't know how strong the Yun Sect is in the ancient Shu land. You tell Bai Luan and Zi Yuan to be careful. If you really can't find the medical saint and medicine, Holy two, come back as soon as possible and don’t act rashly.”

"Okay, I will send a message to them and ask them to come back as soon as possible..." Hua Weiyang nodded slightly, looked at him and said.

Xiao Chen saw that she always seemed to be perfunctory at this time, and then he said with a serious face, "You are not allowed to go to the Lingxu Realm before I come out of seclusion." ♦

"I know, it's up to you." Hua Weiyang stuck out her tongue and smiled, stretched out her finger and gently scratched his nose.

That night, there was no light from the stars and the moon, there was no desire in the sky, and the sea of ​​clouds slowly rose and fell. Hua Weiyang called the Mingyue Valley Master, but the Mingyue Valley Master saw that she had changed into a black robe for night walking, and couldn't help but be startled: "Palace Master, what are you doing?" Where are you going? Your Majesty told me not to let you..."


Hua Weiyang immediately made a silence gesture, looked towards the Mystic Demon Cliff, and whispered, "When Ye Ying sent back the message before, I asked them to investigate this Yun Sect. Now it seems that the matter of burying the Sword Valley is indeed true." It has something to do with Your Majesty, the Yun Sect seems to be a bit powerful, I'm worried that they won't be able to cope with it, and if something happens, I won't be able to explain it to the idiot..."

At this point, she paused for a while and continued, "The terrain in the Lingxu Realm is vast. I'm afraid that my spiritual power will be exhausted, so I came to you. Mingyue, with your 'Moon Shadow Technique', it shouldn't be a problem to travel thousands of miles in an instant." ?”

After hearing what she said, the Lord of Mingyue Valley was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said with an embarrassed expression, "It's no problem, but if your Majesty finds out about this, he will blame me..."

Hua Weiyang interrupted, "You know this and I know it. Your Majesty will not know about it. In addition, I will take Rui with me. As long as Rui is there, there will be no danger."

"Well, then..."

After all, the Mingyue Valley Master couldn't defeat her, so he went with her to the Mystic Demon Cliff. When they arrived at the Mystic Demon Cliff, Hua Weiyang made a silent gesture to indicate that she was on top, then gathered her breath and went to the Black Water Pond. went.

After summoning Rui out, Hua Weiyang glanced into the cave again, and then left cautiously. Xiao Chen had already entered a state of concentration and calmness at this time, so naturally he was unable to detect her aura.

The night is dark. At this time, in the Buried Sword Valley, I can see that the valley is broken and the rocks are jagged. The giant swords have also been broken and buried in the rocks. The whole valley is no longer surrounded by the spiritual energy of the past. There is only one... Dead silence.

The palaces and houses all collapsed, and it was a tragic scene.

At this moment, in the broken square, in addition to a few corpses lying there, there were also several people tied up. They were all disciples of the Burial Sword Valley. Gongsun Chang's eldest disciple Yin Jian was among them.

Several people had bruises on their faces, blood was constantly flowing from the corners of their mouths, and their bodies were also covered in blood. They had obviously suffered severe internal injuries.

In front of a few people, stood a man in white clothes. The man was holding a sword in his hand, and the sword was still dripping with blood. At this time, he looked down at the few people and said lightly, "What? Are you going to continue?" Are you being stubborn? Chief Gongsun has already run away with his men, leaving you as the scapegoat. At this time, you are still unwilling to tell where the formation to suppress the earth line is. Or, at this time, you are still unwilling to tell me. Do you expect the Lord of Desireless Heaven to save you..."

The night wind blew coldly, bringing with it a biting chill. Several people's hands were tied and their acupoints were sealed, making them unable to move. The blood of the corpses nearby had not yet solidified. They had just been killed by the man in white.

Yin Jian raised his head, looked at him bitterly and said, "I told you, my junior brothers and I don't know what earth veins there are in the valley, let alone where the formation eye you mentioned is..."

"It's true, I won't shed tears until I see the coffin..."

The man in white had a calm voice. As soon as he finished speaking, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He passed the long sword forward, and with a "chi" sound, another sword pierced someone's chest.

"Junior brother!"

Yin Jian's eyes were about to burst, and he watched helplessly as the junior brother fell back into a pool of blood. At this moment, he shouted almost hoarsely, "What do you want? What if you kill us all? So does your Yun Sect. You are an upright person, but you act so viciously and kill them all like this. What is the difference between you and that demon sect..."

"Demon Sect..."

The man in white smiled coldly, took out a handkerchief, wiped the blood on the sword, and said lightly, "That's because you haven't seen how the Demon Sect behaves, that's why you feel this way, if it falls into the hands of the Demon Sect, Your fate will probably be a hundred times more miserable than it is now..."

The night wind was cold, and the man's words made it even colder. At this time, on a mountain peak outside the square, only shadows floating on the cliff were seen, but it was Bai Luan, Zi Yuan and others.

"Don't act rashly."

Bai Luan immediately held Zi Yuan down, and she saw her sharp eyes staring at the square below. There were more than a dozen Yunzong masters outside the square, but with their ability, they had to assassinate these dozen people. It is not difficult to rescue those buried in Sword Valley.

It's just that Yeying always obeys orders. The order they received was to investigate the Yun Sect. The order did not include rescuing people.

What's more, it is still unclear whether those powerful figures from the Yun Sect who were destroyed and buried in the Sword Valley are still hiding around here, waiting for Gongsun Chang to come back to save people. Bai Luan, as the leader of Yeying, will Never let others take risks at this time.


Zi Yuan frowned deeply and whispered, "Those people seem to be your friends. If we don't save them, they will all be killed by the Yunzong people..."

"That's not OK!"

Bai Luan's expression was calm, and his tone was categorical, leaving no room for doubt: "No one is allowed to act before receiving the order, do you hear that clearly?"

Time passed little by little, and the night got deeper and deeper. On the square, several corpses were already cold. The man in white from Yunzong looked at the people and said, "Well, just wait here and see who will come to save you before dawn." , if you don’t tell me where the formation is, I will chop off your hands and feet, gouge out your eyes, and finally cut out your tongue, making your life worse than death..."

After that, the man in white threw the sword in his hand to the ground, and with a "clang", he walked out of the square.

On the cliff, Zi Yuan's eyes lit up, and she whispered in a secret voice, "They have let down their guard. It would be a good time to rescue them now."


Bai Luan's attitude is still resolute. If it were an ordinary small sect, that would be fine. However, this Yun Sect is becoming more and more unusual as she looks at it. There must be a big shot behind it. She will never act without permission before receiving an order. .

At this moment, the spiritual message finally arrived. Bai Luan immediately took out the jade note. Zi Yuan hurriedly asked, "How is it? Did your Majesty send the message?"

"It's Palace Master Weiyang..."

At this moment, Bai Luan's eyebrows frowned deeper. Seeing her deep frown, Zi Yuan asked in a low voice, "Do you want us to save people?"

"Let us evacuate immediately."

Bai Luan put away the jade note, no longer hesitated, and immediately sent a spiritual message to the rest of the people in the Buried Sword Valley, "Everyone listen to the order and evacuate immediately!"


Zi Yuan's face was slightly startled, and she glanced down the cliff again, and whispered, "If we leave, they will definitely die. If..."

Before she could finish her words, Bai Luan suddenly shot two cold eyes at her, "Zi Yuan, are you going to disobey the order?"


Zi Yuan still frowned slightly, and glanced down the cliff again, and said, "Those people are probably friends that your Majesty met here. You heard just now that Yun Zong killed them all for some reason. , also because Your Majesty... I know Your Majesty better than you. If Your Majesty learns that we are here, but fails to save people, he will not blame us, but he will definitely blame himself, burying the lives and deaths of these people in Sword Valley. I have nothing to do with it, but I don’t want to embarrass my superiors..."

"I ask you again, are you serious about disobeying my order?"

At this moment, Bai Luan's eyes became even colder. Zi Yuan trembled slightly, and finally lowered her head silently, "Zi Yuan... don't dare."


The group of people finally left the Sword Burial Valley. Along the way, Zi Yuan was silent and Bai Luan didn't speak either. It wasn't that she didn't understand Xiao Chen, it was because of her understanding that she refused to let Zi Yuan save people.

Zi Yuan was motivated, but she was more concerned about the overall situation. Just now she received a message from Hua Weiyang, who not only asked them to evacuate immediately, but was also on the way. Even Palace Master Weiyang was alarmed, which shows that Yunzong's matter is by no means an easy matter.

Bai Luan understands that the person your Majesty cares about the most is Hua Weiyang, so at this time, no accidents can happen. The people buried in the Sword Valley can die, but Palace Master Weiyang must not have any accidents. It was what she believed in her heart.

After traveling for hundreds of miles, a group of people came to a deep valley, but saw darkness all around. The night wind gently shook the shadows of the trees. Bai Luan stopped and took out a jade note to sense Hua Weiyang's position. The distance between Shuzhong Wuyu Tian is far away, and even with the ability to escape from the earth, it is not easy to get there.

After a while, Bai Luan put away the jade paper and looked at the people behind him. Seeing Zi Yuan still lowering his head silently, he frowned and said, "Zi Yuan, are you still thinking about what happened just now?"

Zi Yuan still lowered her head and said nothing. At this moment, Bai Luan suddenly noticed something strange and quickly walked over. He pressed his palm on her shoulder. Unexpectedly, with this press, the other person's whole body turned into a corpse in an instant. The wisp of smoke dissipated.

"The art of shadow... is terrible!"

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