The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 854 The mysterious man in black robe

The seven peaks of Xuanqing are steep and straight, far from comparable to Yangguan below. Since the spiritual veins are suppressed at the foot of the mountain, it is actually very dangerous among the seven peaks. Disciples are generally not allowed to wield swords at will, because if they accidentally fall down, they will be struck by that terrifying Even if the spiritual power is involved, the whole corpse of an immortal may not be seen. For example, the Immortal Burial Cliff at Lianfeng Terrace is the most terrifying place where the spiritual power meets.

At this moment, Xiao Chen used the Qing Gong taught by Xiao Cangtian, and combined with the Ling Xian Step, he could walk swiftly between these cliffs without using any profound energy or touching any restrictions.

The seven peaks of Xuanqing are Tianshu Peak, Tianxuan Peak, Tianquan Peak, Xuanyang Peak, Wangheng Peak, Yuji Peak and Zixiao Peak.

Tianshu Peak is where the leader, Qingxuan Zhenren, is located. ❋

Tianxuan Peak is where Qianyu Nishang’s master, Lord Meiyue, lives.

Tianquan Peak is the location of Lord Li Yuan.

Xuanyang Peak is where Master Xuanyang resides.

Wanghengfeng is where the mysterious mirror is hidden on the Yuhengzun.

Yuji Peak is the true location of Tianji Zun.

As for Zixiao Peak, it is where Yaoguang Fairy Ling Yin is.

The abnormal fluctuation of spiritual power just now came from the direction of Tianshu Peak. Xiao Chen followed the induction and walked quickly, avoiding those aggressive spiritual power flows. Soon, he arrived at Tianshu Peak. Under the mountain behind the pivot peak.

The spiritual power fluctuations came from the valley behind the mountain. Naturally, he didn't need to go up the mountain. He was already very close to the valley at this time.

The further he went, the colder the surroundings became. Xiao Chen held his breath and approached cautiously. Tianshu Peak was where the head of Qingxuan was. Could someone be here to use Xuan Qingshan's spiritual power? Who has such great ability...

Suddenly, he remembered the Tianmen Incident more than ten years ago. On that day, in addition to Xuanzu Feng Xuanzhi from Zangfeng Valley, there was another mysterious man in green robes.

At that time, the mysterious green-robed man was extremely powerful and could withstand Xiao Cangtian's Heaven-Swallowing Demonic Technique with just one Tao seal.

Uncle Mei and Uncle Jiangnan were also present at that time. When asked if it was the Taoism of Xuanqing Sect, the man only said that Xuanqing Taoism was profound and profound, and he only had a brief understanding of it.

Later, the mysterious man in green robe competed with Feng Xuanzhi for the Heavenly Book in Xiao Cangtian's hand. When the three of them pulled at it, the pages of the Heavenly Book fell apart, but there were no words on them.

Finally, the mysterious man in green robe left at some unknown time, and no one noticed because everyone's attention at that time was between him, Shen Cangming, and Feng Yin.

At this moment, Xiao Chen thought about it carefully, who was that person? If it were Master Qingxuan, that would be too terrible. Master Qingxuan has no reason to do this...

If not Master Qingxuan, then who could be so proficient in Xuanqing Taoism? People like Xuanyang Zhenren and Zangxuanjing may not be able to do it.

At this moment, with doubts in his heart, Xiao Chen slowly approached the valley. Sure enough, when he reached the valley, he felt an extremely subtle breath. Although the man hid the breath very deeply, he was still sensitive to it. His consciousness noticed it.

Who is in this valley?

At this moment, Xiao Chen was even more confused. This place was under Tianshu Peak, and not everyone could come here. The reason why he was able to come down quietly was because of his keen senses and his familiarity with Xuanqing Sect. He has just avoided those restrictions. If it were anyone else, even someone as powerful as Feng Xuanzhi would never be able to come in.

This person is very familiar with Xuan Qing!

At this moment, when Xiao Chen was about to take a look, a hand suddenly grabbed him from behind and pulled him behind a boulder.

In the flash of lightning, when Xiao Chen reacted, he smelled a familiar fragrance entering his nose. The person next to him was as flawless as the moonlight, and his clothes were floating in the dust. It was none other than Qian Yu Nishang.


Qian Yu Nishang immediately put her finger to her lips and made a silence gesture.

Under the moonlight, I could see that she was graceful and graceful, just like the nine-day fairy in the dust. Every part of her body exuded a peerless fairy aura. Apart from Ling Yin, there was probably only one person who could compare with this fairy aura in her body. The fairy who came out of the dust dreamed of the fairy.

"Don't say anything, that person's cultivation is higher than yours and mine." Qian Yu Nishang immediately sent a spiritual thought to him.

" that person?"

Xiao Chen frowned slightly and sent a spiritual thought to her, thinking that the person who could come to the foot of Tianshu Peak must be an extraordinary person, but Qian Yu Nishang had already noticed it. Could it be that Master Qingxuan hadn't noticed it yet? ? This is a bit strange...

"I don't know either……"

Qian Yu Nishang also gradually frowned. Xiao Chen looked at her and wondered what she was thinking at this time. Even the Seventh Master Xuan Qing failed to notice that there was something strange below. Why was it such a coincidence that she discovered it?

The two of them looked forward with their consciousness and saw that the man was wearing a robe. His appearance could not be seen clearly under the moonlight. At this moment, a gloomy voice came from under the robe: "Two." My little friend, since you are here, why hide?"

Both of them were stunned. They didn't expect to be so cautious, but as soon as their spiritual sense came out, they were immediately discovered by the other party. Sure enough, this person's cultivation level was higher than the two of them.

"The person who is hiding should be Your Excellency." Qian Yu Nishang's eyes were cold, and he suddenly flew out. A cold light flashed around his waist, and the autumn water was already unsheathed.

"Be careful."

Xiao Chen also flew out in an instant. The mysterious man swiped his fingers, and struck with a finger force. With a "clang" sound, he hit the Qiushui Sword. Xiao Chen stepped forward in an instant and used his power to resist Qian Yu Nishang. Even so, , the two of them were also knocked back a lot by the man's finger.

Xiao Chen flicked his sleeves, and the cold light shone again under the moonlight, "Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Three times, three blood-transforming needles were shot towards the man.

In such darkness, it would be impossible for ordinary people to avoid these three blood-transforming needles, even if they had reached the cave-like stage. However, that man looked like a ghost, turning into three phantoms and three blood-transforming needles in an instant. It all hit his shadow.


With a sharp sound, Qian Yu Nishang slashed away with another sword. There was no shadow in the autumn water. The sword energy was overwhelming. Xiao Chen turned into a blood divine needle and fired like lightning. The two of them had an unusually tacit understanding of each other. Even though that person Their cultivation level was higher than theirs, but they still didn't dare to take it lightly in the face of the fierce offensive from the two of them.

As if he was worried that this would attract other people from the Xuan Qing Sect, the mysterious man in black robe raised his sleeves and turned into a wisp of mist and went outside in an instant. Qian Yu's colorful clothes were about to chase him, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and said, Stop chasing."

As he spoke, the man disappeared without a trace.

Qianyu Nishang stared at the direction where the man disappeared. She was silent for a long time, as if she was thinking about something. Finally, she turned around and looked at Xiao Chen, "Why are you here?"

"I was also about to ask, this is Tianshu Peak, Junior Sister is not at Tianxuan Peak, but here instead, it will inevitably make people curious."

Xiao Chen said lightly while picking up the blood-transforming needle from the ground. The two looked at each other. At this moment, it was as sharp as the tip of the needle.

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