The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 852: My heart is broken because of separation


Xiao Chen frowned and asked, "Did she say where she was going?"

"No, no...but looking at Miss Luodie's appearance at that time, she seemed very sad. She left...crying."

"She..." ♦✫

Xiao Chen's frown deepened. Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, judging from Yang Xiaoran's demeanor and tone at this time, he could still imagine Luodie leaving at that time.

Maybe many years later, he will still not forget that when she first came to Wuyutian, she smiled like a child and was curious about everything, nor will he forget that when she left, she cried like a child. All red...

"Instruct Ye Ying immediately to let them go down to find someone!"

Xiao Chen frowned, put his feet a little, and immediately flew down to Wuyu Tian. Yang Xiaoran was about to call him, but in the end he just sighed, "What is love in the world, alas!" At the end of his words, he turned to the two people behind him. The man glared, "What are you still standing there for? Didn't you hear that Your Majesty just said that Ye Ying should find someone?"


The thunder was rolling and the rain was pouring. It turned out that the rain in the world was so cold. Qianluo walked on the muddy mountain road, tears and rain mixed on her face. She cried as she walked.

"sorry Sorry……"

"I shouldn't have hurt her, I'm sorry..."

The voice was choked with sobs, and it made me feel sick.

"Luo Die... Luo Die! Where are you? Luo Die!"

The heavy rain gradually blurred his vision, and Xiao Chen's whole body was soaked by the rain. Qianluo's figure could not be found in the vast rain and fog, and even his consciousness could not find her. It seemed that she had deliberately suppressed the aura on her body.

"Luo Die! Can you hear me! Where are you..."

Xiao Chen uses his internal power to transmit sound. Even if there are thunders in the sky and heavy rain, the sound can be heard far away. I wonder if Qianluo can hear it.

"Your Majesty! There is no trace of Miss Luodie..."

The following figures caught up with them, it was Ziyuan, Yeying and others. Their bodies were also soaked by the heavy rain.

Xiao Chen looked around at the vast rainy and foggy green mountains and said, "The people from the Eastern Continent Immortal Alliance are chasing her. If she falls into the hands of the Immortal Alliance, she will escape death. She is injured and should still be near Tianwai Peak. Keep looking!"


Several people immediately looked elsewhere. It was not until dusk that the rain stopped and the sky was overcast. Xiao Chen searched everywhere nearby, but still could not find Qianluo.

"Luodie! Where are you!"

No matter how he shouted, there was always only his echo in the vast mountains, and no one else's voice came.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, as if it was going to wash away everything in the world. Several figures approached from behind. It was Ziyuan and the others.

"How? Did you find her?"

Xiao Chen asked several people, but none of them spoke. In the end, only Ziyuan slowly walked up. As she walked, she said, "Your Majesty, maybe Miss Luodie chose to leave not because of what happened today, but maybe because of her..." Something else, a last resort..."

At the end of her sentence, she slowly handed over something, "This is what my subordinate just picked up... on the mountain road not far over there."

Xiao Chen slowly took the thing from her hand. It was a puppet that was soaked by the rain. It looked like him. It was carved by Luo Die himself. It was so lifelike that she had no use for it. , but all these years, I still carry this clone with me, never leaving it for a moment...

“She eventually… left.

Looking at the puppet in his hand, he didn't know why. At this moment, Xiao Chen's heart suddenly felt like he was stabbed by something. When he was at the Tomb of Gods and Demons, he saw Luodie often carving something secretly at night, and he was afraid that he would let it go. Others saw it, and later found out that three puppets were carved exactly like him...

"Your Majesty..."

Zi Yuan frowned slightly. She had rarely seen Xiao Chen look so sad at the moment. In her impression, his lord was always cold and cold, without any joy, anger or joy on his face. .

"Maybe, maybe Miss Luo Die, she just has her own affairs, so she has to leave. Maybe... maybe she will come back after her affairs are over... Your Majesty, let's go back."

Zi Yuan has always only known how to kill people, but does not know how to comfort people. At this time, she can only say this.

At the end of the words, she was seen looking towards the valley in the heavy rain in the distance, shouting loudly, "Miss Luodie, can you hear me now? Your Majesty, he did not blame you. Your Majesty accidentally injured you today, He doesn't say it, but he must feel guilty in his heart. Can you hear it... If one day, your things are done and you want to go back to Wuyutian, you can do it anytime. I also hid a few jars of wine and didn't drink it. It’s over…”

"Your Majesty..."

After shouting in one breath, Zi Yuan turned around and looked at Xiao Chen, her face was covered with rainwater, and her hair had already been soaked by the rainwater.

"That's all..."

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and let the cold raindrops hit his face. After a while, he said, "Go back."

It was raining heavily outside, but inside a cave, Qianluo's face was still filled with tears. She had heard everything that happened outside just now, but she had suppressed her aura, so Xiao Chen could not find her.

"Master Xiao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... Luo Die, Luo Die can't continue to like you, because Luo Die wants to go back... for revenge."

"Luodie can't continue to like Mr. Xiao because he wants to... go back for revenge..."

The rain didn't stop, and the tears didn't stop. Qianluo's voice was choked with sobs. She had never cried so sadly, so heartbroken, but it was not separation.

Time went back to that night, in the inn, she saw the words in the bronze mirror that her father had left on her back.

"Luo'er, don't cry. You must be full of doubts now. Why is all this happening? Daddy will tell you everything now..."

"The reason why dad did this back then was because it was the only way to save your life. That man was too strong. Even if dad practiced the Thousand Sun Tiangang Technique to the ninth level, he still couldn't block any and a half of his moves... …”

"Luo'er, you must have thought that Dao Wuwei did some heinous things back then and that he was our enemy. You must have killed him now. But Luo'er, you have to know one thing. Our real enemy is not It's not Dao Wuwei. Back then, dad had to lure Dao Wuwei here to save your life. Listen to dad and tell me slowly..."

"This book of Taishang Wangqing was originally obtained by the ancestors of our Qian family, and it was passed down as an oral instruction. Do not practice it without permission, and do not spread it to outsiders. Otherwise, it will definitely lead to disaster. This is the secret of our Qian family for nearly a thousand years. Alas, it's my father's fault. , couldn’t hold it back for a moment, and practiced the above skills, which led to this secret finally being known to others..."

"That man has great magical powers. He is not only one of the four leaders of the Immortal Alliance, but also one of the people behind the Immortal Alliance. Dad only knows that his name is 'Guimu', and no one knows his real name. When he learned about our Qianjia When the secret of Qianjia was revealed, dad knew that Qianjia would not be able to escape this calamity. His ability was too great. He could cover the sky with only one hand in the Eastern Continent. It would be easy for him to destroy Qianjia..."

"Dad knew at that time that it would be useless even if he took everyone to escape in advance. He would not be able to escape the man's pursuit even if he fled to the ends of the earth. It would be useless even if he took the initiative to dedicate himself to him. With this human nature, in order to avoid the Taishang If word of forgetfulness spreads, he will definitely not let anyone go from the Qian family, but you were still so young at that time, how could your father bear to have you die in that person's hands, so he thought of a way to protect you..."

"This method is to use Dao Wuwei. Dad deliberately let Dao Wuwei know about Taishang Wangqing. This man wanted to seize Taishang Wangqing, but he didn't want to hand over Taishang Wangqing to the Immortal Alliance. He would definitely destroy thousands of families and not let anyone You know, just before Dao Wuwei came, dad had already told Butler Zhong to take you out no matter what..."

"Because dad knows that if that person takes action, no one in the Qian family will be able to survive. No matter how high Guan Zhong's martial arts are, there is no chance that he can help you escape. But if Dao Wuwei takes action, with Guan Zhong's martial arts, he has 70% chance I will take you to escape with the opportunity. After you escape, Dao Wuwei will definitely chase you. Butler Zhong will use his internal power to throw you off the cliff. But the only thing left for Dao Wuwei is Taishang Wangqing. In order to lower the volume, , he will definitely save you..."

"In order to find the emperor's forgotten subordinate volume, Dao Wuwei will not only save you, but also completely conceal your identity. Only in this way can you survive... But then, Luo'er, you will suffer, dad. I know that you must have endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden over the years, and there is not a day that goes by that you don’t want to seek revenge..."

"Now, you know everything, but you must remember that Guimu's cultivation is beyond your imagination. If you fail to train Taishang Wangqing to the transformation state and go to seek revenge on him, then there is only one way to die... "

"In addition, Luo'er, in the oral instructions of our ancestors of the Qian family, the word 'Ruthless Way' was once mentioned. Our ancestors once received guidance from an expert in Wuqingdao. This was the time when the expert was in danger. , given to our ancestors, if in the future, you hear the three words 'Ruthless Way', you must distinguish whether it is an enemy or not..."

"Finally, Luo'er, you have to remember that if you choose to practice the complete chapter of Taishang Wangqing, you must cut off all the ties in the world, and you must not touch any lust in the world. Otherwise, the Xuan Kung will eat your heart, and life will be worse than death. …”

"So dad hopes that you can live well and not take revenge. But once you kill Dao Wuwei, Guimu will definitely know that you are still alive in the world. In order to get the emperor's love, he will not let you go. A person's cultivation reaches the heavens, no one can match it, Luo'er, you must be careful..."

I don't know how long it took, but it was getting dark outside and the rain slowly stopped. Qianluo's face was still stained with tears. She slowly walked outside. The cold wind was biting. In her heart at the moment, there was only two words of revenge.


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