The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 832 Xiao Su’s Past


At this moment, Qianluo's expression suddenly changed. He was in his twenties, how could that be possible! Even if he is a genius among geniuses, how can he practice so well in his twenties!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's expression gradually became serious. He was in his twenties and had already reached the realm of cultivation. Who is that...

Guan Zhen slowly woke up from his memories and said slowly, "Yes, that person is the most outstanding genius of the Xiao family in the past tens of millions of years. He has become one of the Ten Saints at a young age..."

"Ten Saints..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed, and he suddenly remembered the Ten Saints that Ku Lingzi mentioned before. However, the Ten Saints that Ku Lingzi mentioned at that time were the Ten Saints from Lingxu Realm a thousand years ago. At that time, for some unknown reason, all ten people failed to become Saints. , it’s really weird, and the ten saints Guan Zhen is talking about at this moment should be the ten saints in the Lingxu Realm now.

It's just that he didn't expect that at just over 20 years old, his strength has already reached the quasi-sage level. Is there really such a strong person in this world? It’s really hard to imagine…

"I dare to ask senior, that man... what is his name?"

"Xiao Zhufeng."

"Xiao Zhufeng..."

Hearing these three words, Xiao Chen didn't know why, but his calm heart seemed to suddenly have a wave of emotion.

Guan Zhen said slowly, "His name is Xiao Zhufeng. The word "Zhufeng" was chosen by him. He only wishes to follow the wind and clouds throughout his life instead of falling into the whirlpool of these six aristocratic families. However, fate cannot be escaped. If What can I do..."

Xiao Chen frowned, "Senior, why did you say this?"

Guan Zhen shook his head and sighed, "In the end, he betrayed the Xiao family..."


This time, even Qian Luo couldn't help but look stunned and murmured, "Since he is such a peerless genius, how could he betray the Xiao family again? Then where did he go after betraying the Xiao family?"

"Girl, please listen to me slowly.

Guan Zhen was talking and reminiscing, and Xiao Chen was also listening attentively. Guan Zhen said slowly, "Although Xiao Zhufeng has made amazing achievements, his life has been full of ups and downs. He himself The young man’s parents are both dead, and he is not an eldest son of the Xiao family. If he hadn’t had amazing perseverance and extremely high talent, he would probably be just a young disciple working in the Xiao family compound, being bullied everywhere..."

For some reason, Xiao Chen was deeply touched when he heard him talking about these things. After a while, Guan Zhen continued, "The reason why he betrayed the Xiao family later was because he met someone."

Xiao Chen said, "Mostly because of the beauty."


Guan Zhen nodded and continued, "That person is completely different from him. That person is the daughter of the Su family. She is the daughter of the current head of the Su family. Her status is so high..."

Hearing this, Xiao Chen couldn't help but frown, "That young lady named Su, but you look down on his origin?"

"No no no..."

Guan Zhen kept shaking his head, "Not only did Su Rou not look down on his background, but... she even fell in love with him. Although Su Rou's talent was not as good as his, it was still extremely high. Together, the two of them were a match made in heaven. At least in my opinion, only Xiao Zhufeng is worthy of Su Rou in this world, and only Su Rou is worthy of Xiao Zhufeng, but..."

"Just what?" Xiao Chen asked with his eyebrows slightly furrowed.


Guan Zhen sighed again and continued, "At that time, the Su family disagreed with the marriage and even locked up Su Rou. Not only did the Su family disagree, but the Xiao family also firmly opposed it. Even in accordance with the family rules at that time , Xiao Zhufeng was almost executed..."


Qian Luo's expression changed, as if just now, she heard the most ridiculous thing in the world, and murmured, "Are you going to be executed just because you like someone and want to be with someone? And he is still Qian Luo." A peerless genius who only meets once in ten thousand years, this, what kind of rule is this, it’s so ridiculous..."

Guan Zhen shook his head, "Young lady, I don't know. I don't know much about the Xiao family and the Su family. Anyway, they can't get married, but it doesn't look like there is a feud between them. Some of them even become good friends and confidants, but... Even if there is no marriage, a person with the blood of the Su family can never marry into the Xiao family, and a person with the blood of the Xiao family can never marry someone with the blood of the Su family, and vice versa..."

"This...what's the truth?"

After listening, Qian Luo was completely confused. He had no idea what the rule was. Are all the six major families so inexplicable?


After listening for so long, Xiao Chen only shook his head and said these two words, and asked, "What happened next? Did he betray the Xiao family because of this?"

Guan Zhen said, "Yes, he not only betrayed the Xiao family, but also went to the Su family and brought Su Rou out. The two of them eventually fled to the end of the world, but in the end, people from the six major families found them, and they were chasing after them." They are all masters among the Ten Saints, including those from the Beigong family and the Mo family..."

Xiao Chen frowned and said, "What does the matter of Xiao and Su's family have to do with them?"

"Who knows..."

Guan Zhen shook his head and sighed, "The relationship between the six aristocratic families has always been very delicate. Besides, they are not from the Lingxu Realm. How can outsiders know what is going on between them?"

"Then what happens? Did the two of them finally escape successfully?" Qianluo asked with his eyebrows deeply furrowed.

Guan Zhen continued, "Although the people who were chasing the two of them at that time were all people from the Ten Saints, no one was Xiao Zhufeng's opponent until...until someone came out of Wutian Palace. Rumors...had A saintly person."


Qian Luo was startled. After a long time, he slowly came back to his senses and murmured, "Then...then the two of them, finally, finally..."

"Luodie, don't ask anymore."

Suddenly, Xiao Chen interrupted her and continued to ask.

Luodie heard something was wrong with his voice at this moment. She turned around and saw that he was clenching his fingers tightly, as if his nails were about to dig into his palms. She had never seen Xiao Chen look like this before, and she couldn't help but be startled again. Mr. Xiao, what’s wrong with you..."

"If a strong man in the holy realm takes action, even the ten quasi-sages combined will not be his opponent. The two of them... will probably die together."

Xiao Chen squeezed his fingers tightly. For some reason at this moment, when he said these words, he felt as painful as a thousand arrows in his heart, as if all the blood in his body had been drained instantly.


Qian Luo's face suddenly turned pale and he murmured, "The two of them, they just like each other. What did they do wrong... Why do they have to die... Saints, saints should not follow the way of heaven, and the best is like water. Shouldn't we help them? Why... why should we kill them..."

"Saint, saint... Hahahahahaha! Saints are unkind and treat the people like stupid dogs!"

For some reason, Xiao Chen suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed. Qianluo was stunned. This was the first time she saw Xiao Chen smile, but why was the smile at this time so sad and heartbreaking...

"Master Xiao, you, what's wrong with you..."

Qianluo approached cautiously, and Xiao Chen slowly calmed down. Guan Zhen looked at him, and his eyes suddenly became profound at this moment. "Why did Xiaoyou hear about Xiao Zhufeng and Su Rou? Will it be so deeply touched?”

Note: "The heaven and the earth are unkind, and treat all things as straw dogs; the saints are unkind, and regard the common people as straw dogs." From Chapter 5 of the Tao Te Ching. However, in the Tao Te Ching, the original meaning of the sentence "The sage is unkind and treats the common people as stupid dogs" is not the meaning expressed by Xiao Chen at this time. Readers, please pay attention when reading and do not misinterpret the original meaning of this sentence. .

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