"Hey Hey……"

Looking at the swaying long sword at his feet, Lingxuzi suddenly laughed miserably, and pulled the sword up from the ground with a "clang" sound.

At this moment, everyone looked at him with disbelief in their eyes. Did the elder really want to kill himself with this sword?

"Junior brother..." The expression on Xuan Yuanzi's face also became tense. Master Zhongyi stood beside him, his eyebrows furrowed and he held his breath in silence.

"Master... no!"

At this moment, countless figures suddenly flew over from a distance. These were the disciples of Lingxu Palace. They had seen their master leaving in a hurry before, so they expected something to happen, so they hurried over. I didn’t want to see this scene as soon as I arrived.

"I never thought that I, Lingxuzi, would be here today, hehe, hehe..."

Ling Xuzi picked up the long sword in his hand, looked at the cold light that was blooming from the sword, and laughed miserably.

"Let's do it..."

Xiao Chen said no more, his eyes were still full of indifference. As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around, his hands still on his back.


Lingxuzi laughed miserably, but at that moment, the sword edge reflected his eyes, which were clearly filled with murderous intent!


There was a sharp sound, but Lingxuzi's sword was not a suicide, but he used his twelfth level of skill and stabbed Xiao Chen in the back.

"Junior brother..." Xuan Yuanzi immediately felt that something was wrong and wanted to stop him, but it was too late. Lingxuzi's sword was so powerful that he was behind Xiao Chen in an instant.

No one expected that he would suddenly stab Xiao Chen behind with his sword, but when the tip of the sword was still a few feet away from Xiao Chen's back, he stopped moving forward, and Lingxuzi seemed to be struck by A mysterious invisible force strangled his throat.


His eyes gradually became bloodshot. With a "clang", the sword in his hand fell to the ground. Then he grabbed his throat with both hands. His eyes became more and more bloodshot. The breath of life on his body was rapidly increasing. Loss!

Finally, he opened his eyes wide, and his eyes had turned blood red. There was no trace of life in his body, and he slowly fell to the ground.

"Junior brother——"

Xuan Yuanzi finally reacted and stepped forward to catch Lingxuzi. But at this moment, he seemed to have seen the most terrifying thing, and the shock on his face could not go away, because at that moment, he I noticed that there were no wounds on Lingxuzi's body at all, nor any internal injuries at all. His life disappeared in such a strange way...


Xuan Yuanzi raised his head and looked at Xiao Chen's back slowly walking out in disbelief. What method did he use just now? What method was used to kill Lingxuzi, and why was there no trace at all...

The disciples in the square were already stunned. When they saw Xiao Chen going out, they quickly moved aside, not daring to block his way. However, no one noticed that the flowers and plants on both sides of the road he passed by, Everything withered and withered, and around him, there was also a wisp of black energy that seemed to be nothing.

"This is……"

Zhongyi Zhenren only felt his breath suffocating. At this moment, he clearly felt a heavy death aura from this young man. Could it be that what he just used was the legendary...manipulating life and death! This boy actually possesses the power to control life and death! Could he be...

At this moment, Zhongyi Zhenren's face was full of shock, and he remained motionless, watching the young man with white hair slowly walk out.

"From today on, if you no longer infringe on my territory, all past grudges will be wiped out..."

Xiao Chen's voice was indifferent, and he left such a sentence. With his feet a little bit, he drifted away. Until long after he left, many people were still stunned in place, still feeling as if they were in a cold dream, only feeling a wave of pain. The chill kept coming from behind.

Two days later, the Lu Family Villa, not far from Taicang Mountain, saw only green mountains and green water, but from time to time there were swords in the valley that emitted dazzling light. In the past few days, the entire Villa was surrounded by a heavy sword formation. , not only that, but there are also three family elders and many elders working together to form a restricted defense.

The disciples have been facing a formidable enemy these days, and the security everywhere is many times tighter than before. At this moment, in the main hall of the villa, there are only four people sitting at the head of the hall, one of whom is a middle-aged man wearing brocade clothes. The man and the other three are old men with white beards and white hair.

This sullen middle-aged man is the current head of the Lu family, Lu Yongyuan, and the other three are the three elders of the Lu family. In fact, the real power of the Lu family is in the hands of these three people.

The pale old man in purple clothes was Lu Li. He was injured by Ruoshui outside Wuyu Tian not long ago. No matter how many elixirs the Lu family had, it would be difficult for him to recover in a short time.

The other old man in green clothes, named Lu Zhang, is unpredictable and seems to be quite scheming.

The last one sitting next to Lu Yongyuan is an old man wearing a sandalwood robe. This man's name is Lu Yan. He is the one with the highest cultivation level among the three, and he is also the most virtuous and respected person in the Lu family. Lu Yongyuan must listen to him in everything. , even Lu Li and Lu Zhang would probably act based on their appearance.

At this moment, there were many Lu elders sitting in the hall, and everyone frowned. It was obvious that they all knew about the Taishi Taoist incident two days ago. They never expected that Lingxuzi would be killed by that person in the Taishi Taoist Gate. …

After a long silence, someone below raised his head, looked towards the head of the palace, and asked in a low voice, "What are the three family elders' plans for this matter?"

Obviously, the Lu family was also involved in the robbery of the power of spiritual veins from Wuyutian. However, completely different from Taishi Taoism, Zhongyi Zhenren of Taishi Taoism did not know about this, and Lingxuzi kept everything secret. , but this is no longer the case in the Lu family. The elders of the Lu family and above are all aware of this matter, and even now, they are not willing to return the power of the spiritual veins.

Although in recent years, people from the Taishi Taoist Sect have often been working for Beigong Changfeng outside, the ambitions of the Lu family are actually much greater than those of the Taishi Taoist Sect, especially Lu Yan, who is unfathomable and only wants to He was above the Taishi Taoist Sect, and even completely separated from the shackles of the Beigong clan.

So from a long time ago, the Lu family has secretly gathered the power of spiritual veins everywhere. Even this time, they hid all the power of spiritual veins under the Lu family. With such an abundant influx of spiritual power, the effect is obvious. Yes, not only the elders' cultivation speed has accelerated a lot, but the disciples' cultivation has also advanced by leaps and bounds.

But now, they are asked to return all the benefits they have gained over the years to others, and how can they be willing to do so?

Especially Lu Yan and Lu Zhang, they are always looking forward to the day when they can step into the Dongzhen stage and join the ranks of the real strong ones, but now for them, Xiao Chen has become the biggest obstacles.

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