The night in Mangyin Mountain was extremely cold, especially on the top of the mountain, where the wind was even colder. At this moment, under the bright moon, only shadowy figures could be seen on the top of the mountain. There were about a hundred people gathered, and Xueyizi and Yun Chuanlang were among them.

These were more than a dozen people from the Demonic Sect. They had been waiting here for most of the night, but no one had arrived. Everyone gradually became impatient. A middle-aged man in green clothes said coldly, "Then Yang Xiaoran asked us to come on the tenth day of the first lunar month." Wu Lai Mang Yin Mountain, I arrived yesterday, but I haven’t seen him yet, could he be teasing me?”

"Oh, wait, wait some more..."

Suddenly, an old sigh sounded, and the person who spoke was Xue Yizi, but looking at his calm face at this time, he had been waiting here for most of the night, but he was not as impatient as the others.

Everyone had no choice but to continue waiting. The weather was getting colder and colder. At this time, behind a large rock in the distance, there was a vague figure hidden there. It was the girl in red clothes in the tavern. She was too courageous to dare to come here. Peeping at the demons above.

There are more than a hundred people here, people like Xueyizi, all of them are very advanced in Taoism. She can hide quietly in the distance without anyone noticing. She must have some special magic weapon to protect her body, so that she can suppress the aura from her whole body.

About an hour later, the moon gradually set in the west. This time, everyone was even more impatient, and many even started to curse. At this moment, a cold wind suddenly swept over, causing everyone present to panic. He suffocated and immediately became quiet.

"Yang, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting for so long..."

A cold and indifferent man's voice sounded from the darkness. At this moment, everyone held their breath. In the dark night, a man's figure finally appeared gradually. Behind him, there were two other people. A total of three people came.

I saw that the man was wearing a green suit and had a dignified appearance, but his eyes contained a bit of decisiveness and ruthlessness. He was very different from other people in the demonic path. There was also a hint of Xuanmen hidden in him. breath.

Behind the boulder in the distance, the girl in red clothes had her eyes slightly focused, thinking to herself, could this person be Yang Xiaoran, who has been the most popular in the demonic world in recent years? Even the older generation figures in the Demonic Dao are very afraid of this person, but why does this person have a somewhat familiar aura about him?

The girl was a little confused, but this person was really none other than Yang Xiaoran, the senior brother who secretly harmed Yichen and Zhao Wangsun when he first entered the Xuanqing Sect.

After so many years, Yang Xiaoran is no longer the young man he was at Pingyang Peak. It is hard to imagine that a person can change so much.

At this moment, I saw him slowly walking this way. The sound of cold footsteps actually made everyone present feel scared. Those who were cursing a moment ago all held their breaths and felt a little panic in their hearts. They had just cursed. What did he say? He probably didn’t let the other party hear it...

At this moment, there was only the cold wind whistling by on the top of the mountain, but no one spoke. Even the dozen or so sect leaders or cult leaders present were all prominent figures in the demonic path. When they met Yang Xiaoran, all of them Without the temper of the former sect master, he didn't even dare to say a word.

Yang Xiaoran's eyes were cold, he glanced at the crowd, and said calmly, "Scorpio Sect, why didn't Yin Chunqiu come?"

No one answered. After a while, a young man stood up. He looked a little nervous. He lowered his head and said, "Senior Yin has been ill recently and it is inconvenient to travel far. I specially asked this junior to come and bring a message to Yang Zunshi." , said... He said that the old man is not coming. If anything happens, Yang Zunshi can just send someone over. "


Yang Xiaoran nodded slightly, without any change on his face. At this time, someone else said, "Mr. Yang, if you have anything, you might as well just tell me. Everyone is here tonight. As long as it's not something embarrassing, everyone." Just do as you are told.”

"Not in a hurry……"

Yang Xiaoran looked calm, glanced at everyone again, and said slowly, "Blood Clothes Sect, Canglang Sect, Purple Crane Sect, Liuyang Sect..."

At that moment, he explained the sects here one by one. Everyone was puzzled and listened attentively. Unexpectedly, his next sentence was, "From now on, there will be no such sects in the world."

"What did you say!"

Everyone was suddenly startled, Yang Xiaoran still looked calm and said, "I say, from today on, all your forces will be merged into Wuyu Tian."


Hearing this, everyone felt suffocated. Yun Chuanlang of the Canglang Sect suddenly walked up, pointed at him and said, "Yang Xiaoran! Over the years, we have paid tribute every year, with treasures from heaven, materials, earth, and precious spiritual stones." , there has never been one thing missing, what do you mean now!”

Everyone suddenly became very excited. In recent years, Wuyutian has indeed conquered many sects, but now that they are merged into Wuyutian, what is the difference between that and becoming a human servant? The person who comes here today is also the master of the same sect. Who would be willing to be someone else's slave?

"Oh, that's all..."

At this time, Xueyizi walked up, as if he had already seen through the outcome of this trip, and said, "I submit, I submit, and there will be no more Xueyi Sect in the world from now on." After saying that, he took out a token from his sleeve Come on, there was a "bang" sound, and it was crushed to pieces. It was the order of the leader of the Blood Clothes Religion.

"Senior in Blood Clothes!"

The rest of the people were shocked. The person with the highest seniority and the most prestige here was Xueyizi, but why didn't he resist and just surrendered so willingly?

"Yang Xiaoran!"

At this time, someone else pointed at Yang Xiaoran and said harshly, "Don't just rely on yourself as a Wuyutian person to do whatever you want. If you push us into a hurry today, the worst we can do is fight to the death with you." , no one can benefit from it!”

Yang Xiaoran's eyes were still indifferent, "You are going to fight to the death with Yang. It's nothing. I'm just over there. How are you going to explain it?"

"What did you say?"

Upon hearing the word "Your Majesty," everyone was startled again. This time, they seemed to have softened, and no longer had the aura of wanting to fight to the death together.

Yang Xiaoran said calmly, "I say, this is what your Majesty means. Don't you still understand?"


Everyone felt suffocated again, but not long after, someone else said, "Yang Xiaoran! Don't use Lord Wuyu to suppress us! I'm afraid it's because you want to increase your power!"

"That's all..."

Yang Xiaoran was too lazy to talk to them anymore, and suddenly took out a black token from his sleeve. Everyone was shocked when they saw the token. At this moment, it was like falling into a bottomless abyss. cold.

"I...I submit, I submit!"

"I have surrendered too...I have surrendered too..."

At this moment, many people stood up immediately. Everyone was panic-stricken and surrendered by the way. Even the order to kill that person was issued. If you don't surrender this time, you have to surrender. Otherwise, you will have to wait for the whole night. Just destroy the whole family. They know very well how terrifying and ruthless that person is.

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