The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 685 Gathering and dispersing

"I'm not wrong..." Xiao Chen raised his head, still saying these three words in his mouth. Everyone in the distance trembled and became speechless.

Suddenly, Ling Yin's eyes turned cold, and a palm came down. With a "bang" sound, the palm hit Xiao Chen hard, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood and keep retreating.


Hua Weiyang screamed in fright at the sudden scene, and wanted to rush over, but Mrs. Xianshu held her tightly, "Weiyang, don't go over..." ✿

People from various factions in the distance were also stunned, including Qian Yu Nishang, Fu Ling and others, who did not expect this.

"I'll ask you again, do you know you are wrong?"

Ling Yin's eyes were cold and stern, just like when he was at Zixiao Peak, and his tone was unquestionable. Xiao Chen stood up unsteadily from the ground, "I...that's right."

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the distance was even more stunned. They didn't expect that he would be so stubborn. Ling Yin raised his palm and hit him with another palm. This palm was even more powerful. With a "bang", Xiao Chen spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.


Hua Weiyang's face suddenly turned pale, but she was held tightly by Madam Xianshu. In the current situation, Madam Xianshu would never let her pass.

Shen Jing's face turned pale, she quickly ran over, lifted Xiao Chen up from the pool of blood, and asked, "How are you?"

Xiao Chen did not speak, but slowly pushed her back, his eyes still falling on Ling Yin. At this moment, everyone was silent, and the only sound in the entire valley was the sound of the wind blowing slowly.

At this moment, everyone was looking at him motionless, as if they had returned to that stubborn young man covered in blood on the fighting stage.

"Finally, I ask you, do you know you are wrong?"

Ling Yin's eyes became colder at this moment, and everyone shuddered. This coldness made them feel as if they had fallen into a bottomless abyss in an instant, and they felt extremely scared.

Blood kept pouring out of Xiao Chen's mouth. At this time, he was almost unable to even stand, but he still said those three words, "I...that's right."

At this moment, everyone held their breath. Ling Yin raised his hand. At this moment, it seemed as if the vitality of heaven and earth had gathered together. A strong wind suddenly blew up and scattered all the gravel on the ground. .

"Junior sister... don't do it!"

In the distance, Mei Jianyi screamed in surprise. The moment Ling Yin dropped his palm, Xiao Cangtian suddenly rushed forward, blocked Xiao Chen's front, looked at her and said, "Ling Yin! I was the one who went there back then. He has demonic energy in his body. If you want to kill him, you should kill me first!"

At this moment, everyone was holding their breath and didn't even dare to blink. Before Xiao Cangtian could continue to say anything, a hand full of blood from behind suddenly put it on his shoulder.


Xiao Cangtian turned around and saw Xiao Chen, who was almost a bloody man. He couldn't help being slightly shocked and whispered, "Boy, don't be stubborn anymore..."

Xiao Chen ignored him and slowly pushed him away from him, still looking at Ling Yin, "I... was not wrong."

At this moment, everyone was even more stunned. They never expected that he would be so stubborn, and would he really even risk his life? Many people felt as if they had fallen into a cold pool, feeling chills all over their bodies.

"Idiot... don't..." Tears slowly gathered in Hua Weiyang's eyes.

The wind blew slowly, and Ling Yin also looked at him, and finally slowly lowered his palm.

Xiao Chen gushed out a mouthful of blood, swayed on his feet, and said intermittently, "Everything the master said...I remember...but today, I was not wrong...then...I was not wrong was not me who was wrong, but the world." The prejudice is yours..."

At this moment, he looked at the heads of the righteous sects one by one, but the heads of each sect lowered their heads and remained silent. The righteous path and the devilish path, over the years, for a book from heaven, within the righteous path, Have you really done nothing wrong?


Suddenly, Xiao Cangtian let out a muffled groan, and then, his face suddenly turned red and white, which was very abnormal. It must have been that he had been severely injured by Master Feng Yin's sword before, and now the Xuan Gong was backfired.

"Senior!" Shen Jing walked up in an instant and condensed her true energy with her two fingers, temporarily alleviating the pain of the backlash for him.

But here, no one spoke, and everyone's eyes fell on Ling Yin and Xiao Chen. After a long time, Ling Yin said, "Today, we are finished as master and disciple. You go..." At the end of the words, deep Take a breath and close your eyes.

At this moment, the entire valley became deathly silent. Everyone was stunned and no one spoke.

The cold wind blew by, Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were both stunned in place, "Junior sister..."

At this moment, it seemed like I had returned to that year again, when the wonderful Xuan Qing Ceremony was disrupted by a disgraced young man.

"What's your name? I'm asking you, why don't you answer?"

"If you want to kill me, just kill me! That's right, I just bumped into you, so you have to kill me too. Anyway, there is no good person in your Xuanqing sect!"

"From today on, I am your master. You must change your words and call me master."

"Oh...I know, it's Master..."

"These lotus flowers were brought back from the extreme north by my master who tracked people in the demonic path. I thought they would not be able to survive, but I didn't expect that the coldness of Yaoguang Palace actually allowed these lotus flowers to survive..."

"Master will punish you to copy these classics ten times. When you finish copying, you will not be allowed to sleep until then."

"If I leave, then master will have to be alone in this cold Yaoguang Palace again. No, there was no me before, but now I am, then I will never let master be alone again. Already..."

Scenes from the past, like a scroll, slowly passed through his mind. Xiao Chen lowered his head, turned around and stepped on the blood on the ground, walking outside step by step. His back looked indescribably lonely.


Hua Weiyang's tears finally slipped from her cheeks at this moment. Everyone was silent, and only the sound of bloody footsteps slowly echoed in the valley.

However, at this moment, a cold murderous intention approached, and in the distance, Master Feng Yin suddenly had blood-red eyes. He did not hesitate to consume his own blood and launched a final blow towards Xiao Chen's back!

This happened so suddenly that no one thought of it in advance. Master Feng Yin was as fast as a bolt of lightning, arriving in an instant. With two fingers condensing, he turned his own blood into profound energy and condensed it on his fingertips. Remember the extremely powerful blood element finger!

Ling Yin closed her eyes. At that moment, she seemed calm, but how could she really be so calm inside? Therefore, at this moment, she failed to detect Master Feng Yin's murderous intention in time, and when she opened her eyes, it was already too late.

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