The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 668 The Man in Green Robe

"It's nonsense, absolutely nonsense!"

Someone in the crowd immediately stood up. How could you believe what he said at this moment? Xiao Cangtian snorted coldly and continued, "At that time, I was deeply affected by the backlash of Xuan Gong. I knew that I was no match for him. After I escaped, I could only hide. In order to force me to show up, he imitated my Nine Yin and Nine Yang Xuan Gong." Killing people, in this way, people from all sects will look for me, and I can't hide wherever I go, so it suits him! Later, I finally found out his identity, but at that time, my mysterious power backfired. There is no match for him at all. Finally, I thought of a place where he would not dare to go, and that was Xuan Qingmen! "

After hearing what he said, the crowd was even more shocked. It was true that he hid under Xuanqing Mountain as the rumors said.

Xiao Cangtian flicked his sleeves coldly and continued, "You must also know what happens next..."

At this moment, the various factions were still in shock, and someone finally asked, "Tell me, who is that person?"

The crowd gradually became noisy again. Hua Weiyang also looked at Xiao Cangtian and said, "Senior, you might as well tell me who that person is..."

"That man...hum!"

Xiao Cangtian snorted coldly, and suddenly shot two cold eyes towards Zangfeng Valley, "That person is the Xuanzu of Zangfeng Valley... Feng Xuanzhi! It is said that he passed away six hundred years ago, but in fact he didn't even He is not dead! For the past six hundred years, he has been secretly searching for the Book of Heaven. He has tried all kinds of tricks and methods, but in the end he still failed to obtain the Book of Heaven!"

As soon as these words came out, not only the hearts of people from various sects were shocked, but even the faces of the people in Tianmen changed.

Zangfeng Valley is one of the four major Xuanmen today, and Feng Xuanzhi was a peerless figure six hundred years ago. At that time, he was as famous as the previous head of the Xuanqing Sect, the master of Qingxuan Zhenren, Xuan Yin. If it is true as Xiao Cangtian said, then is it worth it?

"You devil, stop talking nonsense here!"

How can the people on the other side of Zangfeng Valley still stand at this moment? They all pointed their swords at the sky and laughed at the sky: "Xuanzu has been hidden from the world more than 600 years ago. In these 600 years, he has never left the valley. How can you be allowed to be here?" Rumors!"

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Cangtian raised his head and smiled, flicking his sleeves, "You can say whatever you want. Anyway, I have said everything I want to say. Whether you believe it or not, those who want revenge can come now!"

The crowd did not dare to move lightly. Xiao Chen's face was solemn. He recalled that when he went to Zangfeng Valley to solve the sword technique, the mysterious man at the end. It turned out that that person was the Xuanzu of Zangfeng Valley, Feng Xuanzhi, and in Later, the person outside the Sword Tomb who forced him to reveal the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Mysterious Skills must have been a clone of this person.

Hua Weiyang stood beside him, thoughtfully, and said, "Senior, you said that person was also present today, why not let him show up as well. In this way, wouldn't everything be clear?"

"Well...that makes sense."

Xiao Cangtian narrowed his eyes slightly, stroked his beard, roared, and a burst of sound power surged over, causing the people on the other side of Zangfeng Valley to keep retreating, but Feng Xuanzhi was nowhere to be seen.

Xiao Cangtian squinted his eyes again, and suddenly took out an ancient secret book from his sleeve, and said with confidence, "Feng Xuanzhi, you have been chasing me for so many years just for this book, and now it is in my hand. Here, do you dare to show up and get it!”

"That's really...a heavenly book!"

At this time, the crowd was even more excited. They all looked at the secret book in Xiao Cangtian's hand. Even if they all knew the situation in front of them, it was impossible for them to get this book. Even if they got it, they might not be able to escape thousands of miles alive. However, despite this, there are still many people who are tempted at this time.

Let's just say that people from various sects are tempted. Even the people in Tianmen are looking closely at the secret book for fear that it will fall into the hands of others, especially Elder Lei Zhen among the elders of the Eighth Palace. He tried every means to get it. Having obtained the Book of Heaven, now that the Book of Heaven is right in front of him, how can he not be tempted?

Even if he would rather not be the elder of the Tianmen, he also wants to get the Book of Heaven, and then go outside the territory to find a deserted place. Even if he is in seclusion for a hundred years, he still wants to understand the mysteries and the secrets hidden in the Book of Heaven.

At this moment, everyone was holding their breath, no one spoke, the cold wind in the air was like a blade, but Feng Xuanzhi was still nowhere to be seen.

Xiao Cangtian said coldly, "Feng Xuanzhi! Do you really dare not come out? It doesn't matter if you don't come out, then I will destroy this Book of Heaven now. From now on, there will be no Book of Heaven in the world!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone below was slightly shocked, and they were really afraid that he would destroy the Book of Heaven like this. After waiting for a while, no one came out, Xiao Cangtian nodded, "Very good, in order to find me six years ago, you You transformed into a clone, and in the end, you even took away all the cultivation of that clone to avoid being discovered by the people of Xuanqing Sect, and successfully sneaked into a small village at the foot of Xuanqing Mountain. Now you don't even have the courage to show up, don't you? Come out, I'll count to three, and I'll kill all your disciples here, and then I'll go to your valley and kill them all. I'll see how long you can hide!"

"Six years ago, Ningcun..."

At this moment, Xiao Chen's expression suddenly changed. Six years ago, it was the day Ningcun was destroyed. There was no way there was no connection between the two... At this moment, he suddenly felt that trace again. The mysterious aura comes from the southeast.

"come out!"

After catching the fleeting breath, Xiao Chen did not hesitate and slashed towards that side with a sword. Di Gu's power was not easy, the sword energy came in an instant and directly leveled the mountain top. It was also at this moment that amidst the flying rocks, a figure suddenly flew out from the top of the mountain. The figure was hiding in a green robe, but his appearance could not be seen clearly.


The sudden appearance of a mysterious man in green robes shocked many people. Who is this man? When did you come? Why do you wear a robe and don't dare to show your true face?

In the distance, the elders and four envoys of the Eighth Palace of Tianmen were also slightly shocked. When did this person come? Although there were countless people coming to Tianmen today, they knew exactly who came, and the person in front of them was clear. , the aura was so hidden that even Master Feng Yin probably didn’t notice it.

"Who are you!"

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and he didn't say a word. He used the power of Emperor Gu to strike at the man with a sword. The sword's power was like a huge wave, unstoppable!

However, he saw that the man was not in a hurry, and his right hand suddenly stretched out from his sleeve, and with a flick of his fingers, a green finger force flew out, and hit the emperor's sword with a "clang" sound, and actually hit Xiao Chen hard. Shengsheng was shocked back, and one finger force was already so powerful!


Hua Weiyang's face was startled, and she flew over in an instant, held him steady, and said in his ear, "This person is at least the Hehe stage of cultivation and has more than a thousand years of Taoism. You are no match for him. Leave it to him." Laugh at Senior’s treatment.”

"Feng Xuanzhi, are you finally willing to show up?"

Xiao Cangtian's eyes suddenly turned blood red. As soon as he finished speaking, the Nine Yin Nine Yang Mysterious Skills were extremely lucky. In an instant, the demonic energy surged into the sky, and he struck the green-robed man with a palm.

Seeing such overwhelming demonic energy coming, the man in green robe still left three points of leeway when he took action. He made a seal with both hands and shot out a green mysterious light. It was completely an authentic Taoist secret method. He only heard a "boo" sound, and it turned out to be He resisted the demonic energy that filled the sky in mid-air.

This move seems to be easy, but the people below have already held their breath, knowing that the master's duel, life and death, is often only a matter of seconds, and why does this man in green robe actually do it at this time? Doesn't seem like you're trying your best?

"You got the wrong person."

At this moment, a slightly older voice came out from under the robe.

Hearing this voice, everyone below was stunned. Could this person not be Feng Xuanzhi? Who could it be? With such abilities, it couldn't be Master Qingxuan. How could Master Qingxuan, a famous grandmaster with an immortal spirit, wear a fighting robe and not dare to show his true face?

"You have indeed admitted the wrong person..."

At this moment, another deep man's voice came from behind Shura Valley. Everyone looked at it and saw a purple figure floating over. The man was wearing a purple robe, and they could not see clearly either. Appearance, stepping on the void, every step he takes is another hundred feet closer to the valley here.

"It's Zhenren Youlan..."

After seeing that person, everyone couldn't help but suffocated. Compared with the immortal spirit of Master Fengyin, the Master Youlan in front of them was like the mysterious deep valley and abyss, making people unpredictable and feeling very cold at the same time. .

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