The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 661: Master Feng Yin

"Stop these two!"

Elder Qianyuan cheered up and rushed forward in an instant regardless of his injuries. Seeing this, the others behind him didn't care so much and used their last strength to prevent Xiao Chen from leaving.


Seeing the Eighth Palace elder coming to block him again, Xiao Chen's eyes were full of coldness. He raised his sword and slashed, and the sword energy surged out. With a "bang", Elder Li Huo and Elder Gen Yue were shocked to the point where they vomited blood and flew backwards. go out.

When the disciples from Lihuo Palace and Genyue Palace saw that their two masters were injured, they rushed up in an instant, but it was just to spread an extra layer of blood along the way.

"Zheng! Zheng! Zheng!"

After slashing out several swords in a row, Elder Qianyuan and Elder Kunyi were also severely injured again. Their bodies were already stained with blood, and the disciples with lower cultivation levels suffered countless casualties.

The cold wind whistled, making people shiver. I saw many figures standing outside the valley in the distance. These were also people from various sects, but these people were the elders of various sects who had been stationed at Tianmen all year round.

One of the old men in green clothes and white hair was Elder Qingfeng of Xuanqing Sect. At this time, he looked at the young man walking out slowly. In his mind, the man who was covered in blood more than ten years ago suddenly appeared again. A boy who is willing to admit defeat, even risk his life, and is more stubborn than anyone else...

"Let him go..."

A voice rang out in the crowd, and the speaker was none other than Elder Qingfeng. He looked at Xiao Chen blankly, just like he looked at the stubborn young man on the fighting stage.

The crowd fell into silence, no one spoke. Elder Qianyuan coughed up a mouthful of blood and looked at him, "Elder Qingfeng, do you know what you are talking about? This man is deeply possessed. If you let him leave today, you will Do you know how many people will die..."

The cold wind blew, and no one spoke. Elder Qingfeng looked at the corpses and blood everywhere in the valley, and the seriously injured people lying on the ground, moaning constantly. At this moment, he suddenly felt extremely heartbroken, "Is it worth it? Is it worth it? …”

I saw him looking at the people around him one by one, and said slowly, "For a heavenly book, haven't the people who died in these years been enough? Aren't the people who died here today not enough? You are forcing him so, just for the heavenly book. That’s it, isn’t it…”

Everyone was silent and lowered their heads silently at this moment. Elder Qingfeng continued, "Back then, you forced each other hard and forced him to throw himself into the cliff. Now you continue to force each other. Even if he becomes possessed today, it is only because of you step by step. So hard..."

"shut up!"

Hearing this, Elder Qianyuan's already pale face suddenly lost all color. He could no longer listen to it. He glared at him and said coldly, "Elder Qingfeng, have you forgotten who you are? You know What were you talking about just now! Yes, I forgot, you are from the Xuan Qing Sect, and so is he!"

"Alas..." Elder Qingfeng shook his head and sighed, and stopped talking.

In Shura Valley, blood flowed all over the ground. Xiao Chen stepped on the blood all over the ground and walked out step by step. No one dared to step forward to stop him. The eyes of the elder of the Eighth Palace gradually became sharp. Even if he was seriously injured at this time, he must keep this person. , no matter what, we have to wait until the three real people come out of seclusion.

They knew in their hearts that today was not the day for the three real people to come out of seclusion. If they suddenly stopped practicing, their vitality would be damaged. If their cultivation reached the level of the three real people, even a small damage would probably cause harm to their future cultivation. It has a huge impact, and there is even no hope of becoming an immortal, so until now, the three real people have not come out.

The eight people looked at each other. At this moment, as if they had made some decision, they all suddenly rushed forward.

Seeing the menacing attack of these eight people, Xiao Chen remained calm and composed. Digu in his hand was shocked, and a sword energy of a hundred feet rushed out. With a "boom", the eight elders worked together to block it.

In mid-air, the elders of the Eighth Palace were each using their ultimate moves to resist the terrifying sword energy. Strong winds were surging all around. Even people far away felt pain on their faces, as if they had been scratched by a knife.

The disciples all held their breath. Normally, the Eighth Palace Elder was like a god-like figure to them. They could not even meet him a few times a year. But now they saw that all the eight elders were seriously injured. Even with their combined strength, they were unable to resist the man's sword energy. How could they not be shocked?

The entire valley was already raging with strong winds, causing grass to fly and trees to snap. Under the shock of Emperor Gu's sword energy, the true energy in the body of the Eighth Palace elder was losing even faster, and it was faintly unable to withstand it.

Xiao Chen's eyes were cold and stern, his sword energy shook again, and with a "boom", the elders of the Eighth Palace flew back and vomited blood. They were obviously very seriously injured.


The disciples behind quickly flew up and caught their masters in mid-air. At this moment, everyone's eyes showed fear, and they kept retreating, never daring to move forward.

"Weiyang... let's go."

Xiao Chen swung his sword, and the blade of the sword bloomed with cold light, as if to warn everyone, whoever dares to stop him again will have only one fate, and that is death!

However, at this moment, Hua Weiyang's expression suddenly changed, and she stopped for a moment, as if she sensed something at this moment. Xiao Chen also felt it, it was a very strong energy!

"Watch out!"

Behind the Asura Valley, a stream of blue energy was shot towards his back at high speed. It seemed inconspicuous, but in fact it contained a very powerful force.


There was a heavy sound, and Xiao Chen turned around instantly. He was immediately shaken and kept retreating. He had to retreat more than ten feet before he could barely stand still. However, his palm was shattered. If he didn't have the Emperor's Sword, how could he have blocked this attack? one strike?

At this moment, a miao celestial spirit enveloped the entire valley. The originally thick bloody aura was dispelled in an instant. Everyone's heart trembled. They saw a green sword light flying across the vague layer of clouds. Come, when you get close, you turn into an old man in green clothes.

I saw the old man in green clothes holding a fly whisk in his hand, with an immortal mark between his eyebrows, and his feet on the clouds and mist. His body was full of immortal energy. He really looked like the Penglai immortal. Just standing there made people awe-inspiring.

This person is none other than Master Feng Yin among the three real masters of Tianmen. His cultivation is profound and unpredictable, and his moral conduct is not inferior to that of Master Qingxuan.

"It's Master Feng Yin..."

Seeing that the real person finally arrived, the Eighth Palace elder was shocked at first, and then slowly calmed down. This time, the real person finally came out.

The disciples looked at the immortal figure above the clouds and mist, and were all fascinated by the sight. The three immortal figures were unpredictable. Only Master Youlan would come out occasionally on weekdays, but no one had seen his appearance. As for the other two, Master Feng Yin and Master Yushan, these two have not come out of the "Dongtian Paradise" in the back mountain for almost hundreds of years. How have the disciples ever seen them? When I saw it today, it was like seeing an immortal descending to earth, and I immediately felt a sense of awe in my heart...

The elders at the head of various sects in the distance were also dumbfounded. Three hundred years have passed by in a hurry. During these hundreds of years, their moral conduct has increased more or less, but the person in front of them is not as good as before. It's such a huge difference. Could it be that in the past three hundred years, we have actually had a glimpse of the fairyland?

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