"Really? Then I'll give it a try. You have some skills now!"

The demonic energy in Shenquezi's whole body shook, and he struck Hua Weiyang with a palm. Black mist formed in the palm of his hand, making the power of this palm much stronger.

Hua Weiyang's expression remained unchanged, and she pinched the seal with both hands, and a ray of light shot out. With a "bang" sound, the whole valley shook violently, but she was able to withstand Shenquezi's terrifying palm.

All the disciples below felt shocked, but before they could react, the torrential demonic energy came from all directions. Obviously, even though Hua Weiyang used the power of the You clan at this time, she was injured after all. It may not be possible to completely deal with Shenquezi.

Seeing that the demonic energy was shrouded in all directions, it was impossible for Mrs. Xianshu and the others to leave. Hua Weiyang thought of Xiao Chen leading the demon away yesterday. She wondered if it would be effective for this god today, but she could only give it a try now. Thinking of this, He said to Shenquezi, "Shenquezi, you can be considered a great master. If you want to compete with me, this place is narrow. How about changing to another place?"

"Ha ha!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Shenquezi raised his head and smiled, and said fiercely, "You want to lure me out so that they can escape. You are too naive!" As soon as he finished speaking, another powerful force came to him. . ✩

Faced with this terrifying force, Hua Weiyang felt suffocated, thinking that the devil was not completely mentally ill as rumored. If so, it would probably be impossible to wait for Xiao Chen to come back, so now he could only sink his teeth and sink the boat. tried.

"Xianshu, take this person away immediately. This person is too strong. I can only use all the spiritual power I can use to try to seal him temporarily..."

After sending a secret message to Mrs. Xianshu, Hua Weiyang did not hesitate anymore, jumped up, and hit several curse seals at Shenquezi in succession. However, when she saw layers of purple spell seals, Shenquezi was instantly destroyed. shrouded inside.

"You want to seal me off? You're wishful thinking!"

Shenquezi's demonic energy shook, and the layers of purple curse seals were immediately loosened. Hua Weiyang's eyes were fixed, and the seal with both hands changed to "Youzu - seal!"

As soon as the words fell, a purple curse seal immediately covered Shenquezi's head. At this moment, all the spiritual power in Hua Weiyang's body turned into a steady stream of sealing power, sealing Shenquezi inside.


Shenquezi's whole body of demonic energy shook, as if he was crazy, trying to break through the seal. Hua Weiyang's body shook, and his face turned pale. He quickly sent a divine thought to Mrs. Xianshu, "My spiritual power can't last long... Take it with you." "Come on Lianhua, hurry up!"


Little Lianhua was so frightened by the scene in front of her that she cried. Mrs. Xianshu's eyes were red, but she couldn't just care about Hua Weiyang. There were countless disciples of Lianhua Palace here, and Lianhua who had not yet grown up...

"Everyone, follow me!"

Madam Xianshu felt like a knife was cutting her heart, but at this moment, she could only take everyone in Lianhua Palace and evacuate this place...

"Master... wuwu... don't... master..."

Little Lianhua kept crying. Madam Xianshu hugged her, her eyes already red. "Lianhua, be obedient. Master will be fine. Let's not cry. Let's go..."

At this moment, everyone, led by Mrs. Xianshu, began to retreat outside the valley. Within the seal, Shenquezi became more and more crazy, constantly attacking the seal again and again, and his appearance was extremely terrifying.

"You can't seal me... you can't seal me! Ah!"

Shenquezi looked crazy. This time, he seemed to be really insane. He kept attacking the seal. When everyone evacuated, Hua Weiyang finally couldn't hold on any longer.


With a loud noise, the seal completely shattered, and the layers of purple curse seals outside immediately turned into dots of spiritual power, slowly disappearing with the wind.


Shen Quezi's eyes were blood red, and his expression was extremely crazy. He suddenly hit Hua Weiyang with a palm, and saw bursts of black fire in his palm, which was his unique skill "Five Fire Poison Heart Palm".


With a sharp sound, the palm hit Hua Weiyang hard, and Hua Weiyang immediately gushed out a mouthful of blood. Her whole body, like a butterfly in the wind, fell weakly to the ground.

"Xiao Yichen...go to hell! Go to hell! Ah!"

Shenquezi suddenly became demonic, and his mind became confused. He fell into madness. He actually saw the person in front of him as Xiao Chen, and struck him with another palm, five in a row, each palm heavier than the last. , Hua Weiyang's white clothes had already been stained red with blood, and her whole body was like a withered delicate flower, stained with blood.

"Idiot, take care..."

Hua Weiyang's consciousness gradually blurred. At this moment, she no longer resisted and allowed Shenquezi's last palm to hit her...

"Weiyang...wait for me, wait for me..."

After knowing that he had fallen into the trap of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, Xiao Chen kept rushing back to Yunchuan, even ignoring the possibility of backlash, and used the Shunbu Qiankun several times in a row.

However, by the time he rushed back to Yunchuan, it was already evening. The entire Baihua Valley had long been destroyed. The valley was quiet and all the palace buildings were reduced to ruins.


Xiao Chen came to the broken square and turned over the rubble, but he couldn't find Hua Weiyang.

"Young Master Xiao!"

At this time, a figure flew from outside, but it was Mrs. Xianshu who came back. Xiao Chen turned around and saw her, and asked eagerly, "Where is Weiyang? Where is she..."

"Weiyang...Weiyang, she..."

Mrs. Xianshu didn't know the whereabouts of Hua Weiyang at all, so she could only tell what happened this morning. After Xiao Chen heard this, he suddenly felt the world spinning. If he hadn't fallen into Feng Wuyin's plan, how could he be like this?

"I'll go find her..."

It's too late to say anything at this time. Xiao Chen can only follow the remaining demonic energy and chase Shenquezi all the way. Hua Weiyang is not in Baihua Valley, so she must have been captured by Shenquezi. It's not even a day yet. , hoping to catch up.

Besides, Shenquezi's demonic nature was strong this morning, but at the last moment, he suddenly woke up and saw clearly that the person in front of him was not Xiao Chen.

"Xiao Yichen, I won't let her die so easily..."

At this moment, Shen Quezi's eyes turned blood red again. He had already lost a lot of demon energy in order to break through Hua Weiyang's seal. He knew that if Xiao Chen came back at this moment, he would definitely not be his opponent, so he could only find him first. A place to restore magic energy.

"Come with me!"

Stretching out his hand, Shenquezi carried Hua Weiyang on his shoulders and flew out of the valley. It was not until night that he found a deep valley, which was thousands of miles away from Yunchuan.

When they came to a forest, Shenquezi threw Hua Weiyang to the ground, but a mouthful of purple-black poisonous blood surged up from his own body.

It's not because of the heavy loss of magic energy this morning, but because he took another magic pill not long ago. This magic pill can make people possessed and greatly increase the power of magic energy, but it is obtained in exchange for life essence. , In other words, the reason why Shenquezi suddenly had such a strong power was because he sacrificed his life.

Hua Weiyang immediately saw that the demonic fire was attacking his heart and he had only a few days left to live. He said, "You were expected to reach the realm of Xu Tian and break the mystery of life and death. How could you end up in this situation if you had less hatred."

"shut up!"

Shenquezi's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, another mouthful of purple-black poisonous blood gushed out, and his face suddenly became paler and uglier.

After an unknown amount of time, a bright moon gradually rose in the sky, illuminating the entire forest. At this moment, a cold wind suddenly blew in from outside. Shenquezi opened his eyes and said in a deep voice. "who!"

Under the moonlight, outside the woods, a figure was slowly approaching. The sound of rustling footsteps made one feel the coldness behind his back.

As the distance got closer and closer, the figure finally became clearer and clearer. Shenquezi immediately activated his magic energy and became alert. After he could see the person clearly, he only felt suffocated, "Master Youlan... no, No, you are not Master Youlan..."

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