I saw two figures coming from the horizon very quickly. One was wearing a Canglong mask, and the other was shrouded in the energy of the Eight Desolations. They were Xiao Chen and Liu San, although Liu San had only mastered the Earth-Character Technique in the Ancient Eight Desolation Techniques. The second level, but its depth of knowledge is definitely not comparable to those of Qin Wuyi's disciples.

Soon, the two of them had arrived nearby, and the aura on their bodies naturally made Xuan Youzi and others wary, "Who are you...!"


The two words "cold" came out of Xiao Chen's mouth. At this time on the mountain peak, everyone was startled when they heard the word "Cang Long". Wasn't the palace master already... decades ago...

"Ha ha!"

A middle-aged man raised his head and smiled, then looked coldly and said coldly, "Do you think you can say you are Canglong just because you are wearing a mask? Canglong has been dead for a long time. Who are you trying to scare by wearing a broken mask?" "

"Hmm... It seems that you guys haven't been out for a long time." Xiao Chen's voice was calm. As he spoke, he walked forward, completely ignoring Xuan Youzi and others.

For a moment, Xuan Youzi was a little undecided and secretly thought to himself, is the person in front of him really the Canglong of this generation? He seems to be a young man, but his aura is so hidden...

"Canglong? So what about Canglong!"

Suddenly, a middle-aged man drew his sword and attacked. His powerful energy immediately caused the surrounding mountains to tremble. Xiao Chen stood motionless. When he was approaching, he made a swipe of his condensing finger, and the cold front came out instantly, "Chi!" "With a sound, blood splattered everywhere. ✻

"Ah!" The man let out a scream, and his whole right arm holding the sword flew out. Everyone present was shocked, and they didn't even see how the other party took action.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here right now..."

The powerful aura intimidated everyone present. Even Xuan Youzi did not dare to act rashly for a moment. They had spent a lot of money to break the Eight Desolations Xuanyang Formation in the past three days. It would be absolutely unreasonable to attack the opponent at this time. good.

At this moment, on the mountain peak in the middle, Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan were also stunned, looking here motionless. Their hair was as white as snow and as cold as frost. Even wearing the Canglong mask, they gave people a deep pool-like feeling. Han Leng, is this person... really the new Canglong? Could it be that someone was pretending to be here to defraud Jun Wu Gou?

"Zhu Qing! Zhong Yuan!"

At this moment, Liu San flew over. When Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan saw him, they couldn't say a word. If they didn't recognize Cang Long, they could see this old friend in front of them, even after decades. How could they admit their mistake?

When the three of them reunited, they were speechless for a moment. The scene when they left Canglong Palace reappeared in the minds of the three of them. Unfortunately, some of their old friends were deceased and could never go back...

"Third Master..."

The two elders, Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan, turned red at the same time. The disciples behind also had tears in their eyes, "It's Elder Liu... It's Elder Liu!"


Liu San looked at the dozens of people in front of him, and his eyes were suddenly blown red by the wind. There were hundreds of people back then, but now these are the only ones left...

"Elder Liu, go over there and I will deal with these people.

Xiao Chen's voice was cold, and as soon as he finished speaking, the Emperor's Sword appeared in his hand. A burst of cold sword energy immediately shocked the people nearby to step back, and no one dared to step forward.

"Be careful..." Elder Liu glanced at him and immediately flew towards Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan without any further hesitation.

"Hmph! So what about Canglong? You alone want to take Jun Wu Gou away from here today?"

"Then you can try..."

Xiao Chen's voice was still cold, but as soon as he finished speaking, he slashed down with a sword, and the sword energy of a hundred feet roared out, causing the surrounding peaks to tremble, and it had the potential to swallow mountains and seas!

"Master! Be careful!"

The more than three hundred disciples behind Xuan Youzi were all shocked. The sword energy was so strong that even if they were far apart, they couldn't get through it at this time!

Xuan Youzi immediately felt that this terrifying sword energy came not only from the sword in the opponent's hand...

"Clang!" There was just a loud sound, and the surrounding mountain peaks were shaken violently. The boulders rolled down the cliff. Xuan Youzi gathered his true energy with his palms and barely resisted the Emperor Gu's sword energy, but he was pressed continuously. sink.


Seeing this scene, the more than three hundred disciples were even more frightened. The master was actually unable to withstand this man's sword energy...


Seeing this, the rest of the people nearby also attacked Xiao Chen at this moment. They were invited by Xuan Youzi. If Jun Wu Gou failed to take him out, wouldn't this risk of life and death be in vain?


Xiao Chen waved his cold sword, and the sword energy surged out in a ring. With a "boom", the middle-aged men, the two old men, and the charming woman in red were all knocked away. Even Xuan You Zi was also shocked and stepped back, his face turned pale.

"This person has such a high level of cultivation..."

Xuan Youzi couldn't help but be secretly shocked. He had far underestimated the strength of the Canglong in front of him. Although he was a young man, his cultivation was so terrifying.

Xiao Chen said lightly, "With your little cultivation, you dare to enter the Sea of ​​Evil Love to fight for Canglong Qisu. You are really brave..." After saying that, he took back the Emperor Sword and dropped it towards the mountain peak inside. No longer pay attention to people like Xuan Youzi outside.

"Ancestor Xuanyou, what should we do now?"

The woman in red covered her chest and came to Xuan Youzi's side. She looked at the mountain with some annoyance. This Canglong's cultivation level was too high for them to deal with, but could they just watch it being cooked like this? Did the duck fly? So what's the point of their adventure into the Sea of ​​Evil this time?


Xuan Youzi looked at the mountain peak and said coldly, "This man is conceited, so let the people outside deal with him. When the time comes, we will act according to the situation and leave first." After saying that, he immediately led the people and flew outside.

Seeing that Xuan Youzi's people had finally left outside, Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. They stared blankly at the new Canglong Palace Master in front of them. For a moment, they didn't know what to say. The old Palace Master Soul Lantern Extinguished, before dying, did he entrust the Canglong Mask into his hands...

The more than thirty disciples behind him also looked blankly at the Canglong in front of them. In their impression, the master of the Canglong Palace was an old man who saw the dragon but never saw its end. Suddenly, there was a new person in front of them, and it was difficult for them to get used to it.

At this moment, Liu San walked up and said to the two of them, "Zhu Qing, Zhong Yuan, I haven't introduced you yet, but the person in front of you is the master of Canglong Palace of this generation."

Hearing this, Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan came to their senses and immediately raised their hands to Xiao Chen, "Zhu Qing, Zhong Yuan, have met the Master of Canglong Palace!"

"Two elders, there is no need to be polite."

Xiao Chen walked forward and looked at the disciples behind him. These were the people Liu San secretly sent out to find Canglong Qisu... and some people could never go back.

Elder Zhuqing said again, "Elder Liu, Master of Canglong Hall, when you came, how many people did you see outside? Are you the only one coming this time?"

Obviously, he was worried that there were too many people outside and Jun Wu Gou could not be taken out. Xiao Chen said, "You two elders don't have to worry about those people outside. Where is Jun Wu Gou now?"

"The Jun Wu Hook...is on my body." Elder Zhu Qing did not hesitate, and immediately took out the Jun Wu Hook and handed it to Xiao Chen.

This Junwu hook was made of unknown materials. It looked like bronze, but it looked like a sword but not a sword, and it looked like a knife but not a knife. It was covered with a layer of cyan light. Xiao Chen took it in his hand and immediately felt a... The extraordinary aura and the cold feeling were vaguely similar to Di Gu's.

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