The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1893 The Sea of ​​Evil Love

"Palace Master!" At this moment, two disciples came hurriedly outside. Xiao Chen looked outside and asked, "What's going on?"

"Elder Liu asked the palace master to come over now..."

The two disciples had anxious expressions on their faces. Xiao Chen thought to himself that Liu San asked him to go over at this time. It seemed that he was about to leave for the Sea of ​​Evil and said, "Okay, go back and tell Elder Liu that I will come right away."


The two disciples hurriedly left again. Xiao Chen turned around, looked at Hua Weiyang in front of him, and said, "Don't worry, I will be back soon this time... But you, you must practice the Ancient Eight Desolations Art well in order to With your talent, you should be able to comprehend the third level of Di Zi Jue soon, and then you can practice Wuxiang."

The Ancient Eight Desolations Jue is the most mysterious skill of the Eight Desolations Alliance. It is divided into three major realms, the Human Character Jue, the Earth Character Jue, and the Tian Zi Jue. Those who can practice the Tian Zi Jue can be said to be Phoenix Feather Dragons. A scaly existence.

In the past few thousand years, only a few elders of the Eight Desolations had practiced Tianzi Jue. However, since those elders went to the Nine Heavens, in the following thousands of years, no one in the entire Eight Desolations League would be able to master the Tian Zi Jue. Cultivate the Ancient Eight Desolate Jue to the Tianzi Jue.

Hua Weiyang has a unique talent in practicing the Ancient Eight Desolations Art. The last Eight Desolations trial where she fought Qin Wuyi was obvious to all the elders of the Eight Desolations Alliance.

"I see……"

At this moment, Hua Weiyang looked at him. Because she couldn't go out with him, she was still a little unhappy. Xiao Chen said, "I and several elders are not here during this period. If you meet someone who doesn't understand, you can go to Bahuang Hall." Go to Elder Xuan Ye and the others. With your talent, the elders must be willing to teach you.

"Slightly..." Hua Weiyang stuck out her tongue at him.

"Okay, I'll go over so that Liu San won't have to wait for a long time."

Above the main hall, Liu San was pacing back and forth. Xiao Chen came in from the outside and asked, "How is it? Is Elder Liu ready?"

"Palace Master, you are here..."

Seeing him coming in from the outside, Liu Sanji walked over quickly. Seeing that there was no one outside, he whispered in his ear, "I have made arrangements for Elder Qianji and the others. Now it's just you and me. Let's go to the Sea of ​​Evil..."


Xiao Chen nodded. The reason why he was so secretive was naturally to guard against the people in Xuanwu Palace. He asked, "How long will it take to get to the Sea of ​​Nie Qing?"

Liu San thought for a while and said, "If it's fast, it'll be about a month. If it's slow... I can't say for sure. I received news today that the two elders Zhu Qing and Zhong Yuan are trapped in Huanhai. They are all enemies and we can’t get out now...we are the only ones going in.”

"One month..."

Xiao Chen pondered for a moment, then looked outside and said, "We are such a big Bahuang League, can't we imitate others and make two flying dragons come back?"

At this moment, he couldn't help but think about the little Kunpeng who was following his master. If Kunpeng was here, it would only take a month, soaring up to ninety thousand miles, and reaching the Sea of ​​Evil Love in at most three days. Those flying dragons, in front of Kunpeng , no different from a sparrow.


Hearing this, Liu San didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said, "We don't do Western stuff. We have a teleportation array and marble. It's also very fast. I don't think it will take more than a month..."

"Okay, let's go."

After arranging everything, Xiao Chen and Liu San stopped delaying and immediately set off for the Nie Qing Sea. The last time they went to Lei Yanmen, it took a month to go back and forth. This time going to the Nie Qing Sea was obviously not that easy.

The Nie Qing Sea is located to the west of the Eight Wastelands. It is an endless sea area left over from ancient times. Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a battle between gods and demons, which caused a lot of sea water to evaporate. Therefore, in the Nie Qing Sea, Nowadays there are also many land masses.

The three words "Nie Qinghai" were the names given by people later. It is said that the deep sea is endless and bottomless, and can lead to the realm of the netherworld. As for what the Nieqing Sea was called before, no one can remember.

Nearly a month later, on this evening, Xiao Chen and Liu San finally arrived at the Sea of ​​Nie Qing. Looking around, they saw rough waves and huge waves. Especially under the setting sun, the sea water seemed to be stained with blood. It was red and had a fishy smell. Even the rocks on the coast were dyed dark red over time.

"Is this the sea of ​​sinful love..."

Xiao Chen stood on the marble and looked at the rough sea area in front of him. He had been to many sea areas before, but he had never seen such a fierce sea like the one in front of him. Thousands of huge waves were like a wave. It can swallow people up in an instant and sweep them into the sea, leaving no bones behind.

Liu Sandao said, "The area outside is called the Huanhai. There is land inside the Huanhai. Now Elder Zhuqing Zhongyuan and the others are trapped on the land inside the Huanhai. Junwu Gou has found it, but they can't get out now. , only we went in to respond... It’s been a month, I don’t know what their situation is now, the spiritual energy around here is too chaotic, I can’t sense them.”

"Without further ado, let's go."

Xiao Chen no longer hesitated, and immediately drove Yunshi to fly into Huanhai. As he and Liu San entered, the already fierce waves began to hit the two of them layer by layer, as if they were about to blow away. Both of them devour the same.

The Huanhai is also boundless. The two of them flew on the sea for three days and three nights, but still could not see the land. What they saw every day were fierce and huge waves, or other cultivators flying into the Huanhai. Everyone is wary of each other.

At this time, in a boundless mountain range, you can see dangerous peaks towering and ancient trees towering into the sky. This is the land inside the ring sea. In the past, the sea water evaporated and the sea and land changed. After tens of thousands of years of evolution, such a land was finally formed. Endless mountains.

At this moment, on a mountain peak, the surrounding peaks are covered with restrictions. Only on this mountain peak, there are about thirty or forty people, including an old man in green clothes and an old man in purple clothes. The cultivation level does not look low, but they are already injured at this time, and their faces are a little pale. They use their last mana to support the forbidden formation outside. The other disciples behind are uneasy.

"Zhu Qing, Zhong Yuan, how long can you two hide in there? Hand over Jun Wu Gou, otherwise when the restriction here is broken, I will teach you that your souls will be driven away!"

At this moment, a deep voice like thunder came from outside. Hearing this voice, the disciples trembled with fright and looked at the two elders, "Elder, what should we do now? They are coming in with a quick attack..." "

"Don't be afraid." Elder Ziyi said calmly with a serious face, "They want to break through the Eight Desolations Xuanyang Formation here, but I don't think it's that easy..."

These people are the people from Canglong Palace. The elder in green clothes is named Zhuqing, and the elder in purple clothes is named Zhong Yuan. The two of them came to the Sea of ​​Sinful Love decades ago, and it is only now that they are better. It was easy to find Jun Wu Gou, but in the process, he was targeted by people from other forces in the Eight Wastelands.

"This formation... I'm afraid it won't be able to hold on for much longer. At most, there are still three days."

Elder Zhuqing frowned deeply. There were too many people outside. He and Zhong Yuan alone, plus the disciples behind them, couldn't get out no matter what. Jun Wu Gou would definitely fall into the hands of these people.

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