At dawn, Liu San had already taken Elder Feixing to the secret realm to heal his wounds, leaving Xinyuehu in the Canglong Palace, sitting with Weiyang for half the night.

"Ajiu, I want to go back to Xinsu Palace first. Your master... don't worry. In Bahuang Palace, Elder Xuan Ye and the others have already gone out before, and they must have met the master of Canglong Palace by now."


Hua Weiyang nodded lightly, and then went outside with Xinyue Fox and watched her leave. It was already the early winter season. Due to the lack of spiritual energy in Canglong Peak, the vegetation in many places had begun to wither and wither. Will it recover next spring?

Suddenly, for some reason, she remembered the story of scholar Yanqing and Miss Tang's family when she and Mingyue went to Suzhou in the mortal world last year. The meeting between the two was beautiful, but the ending was endlessly miserable.

Xiangsizi, for mortals, is the most poisonous thing. Even she and Mingyue are helpless. After taking Xiangsizi, Tang Xuezhi's lifespan will be over. She does not have the means to change the fate of a mortal... ...It is said that the life and death of mortals are in the hands of the Nine Nether Emperor. If you want to change the life and death of a mortal, you must go to the underworld and tamper with the life and death book in the hands of the Emperor.

At this moment, the words of the Black Emperor not long ago in that terrifying Black Emperor's Abyss resounded in her mind.

"Your lifespan has expired. You are a person who should die, but someone has forcibly reversed the yin and yang... Interesting, interesting, haha..."

"I can let you have a glimpse of your past, life and death, and future. If you don't believe me, just see for yourself..."

At this moment, Hua Weiyang's mind was filled with the horrific scenes that day in the Black Emperor's Abyss, and the words of the Black Emperor that day were constantly echoing in her ears. ★

"It's so annoying, so annoying!"

The more she thought about it, the more confused she became. She covered her ears and stamped her feet angrily, "Smelly Black Emperor, damn Black Emperor, you are the one who died! I'm so annoyed, so annoyed!"

"Jiu...Sister Jiu'er."

Not far away, two girls walked over at some point. Seeing her appearance at this time, they both froze on the spot. Hua Weiyang came back to her senses and looked at the two girls in front of her, feeling embarrassed for a moment. , asked, "You...why are you here?"


The two girls still looked at her blankly, and after a while they asked, "Sister Jiu'er, who is the stinky Black Emperor, the dead Black Emperor you just mentioned?"

"Ah...this, this..." Hua Weiyang smiled bitterly, shook her hand and said, "Anyway, he is a very annoying guy.

"Oh! It's annoying..."

The two girls blinked at her with their big watery eyes. They had just arrived at Canglong Palace, so they didn't know that there was a Black Emperor's Abyss behind Canglong Peak, let alone that there was a terrifying existence underneath, which Hua Weiyang said A particularly annoying guy.

Let's talk about the Xinsu Palace. As soon as Xinyuehu walked outside and before entering the palace, he saw a man wearing dark blue clothes walking not far away.

"Elder Jingxin? Why are you here?"

Xinyuehu stopped and looked at the man in green who was walking slowly. This man in green was none other than the great elder of Xinsu Palace. His name was Jing Xinyue. Hundreds of years ago, he single-handedly illuminated the The heart mirror is found, and the strength is evident.

"I heard... you brought Xun Huozhu back."

Jing Xinyue walked over slowly, Xinyuehu looked at him motionless, and did not answer his words immediately, but stared at his face and asked, "Elder Jingxin, your breath seems to be a little disordered, is it just now?" Coming back from somewhere else?"


Jing Xinyue smiled softly, "Your intuition has always been so sharp. Yes, I just came out of the Xuan Realm. When I was enlightening the Xuan Realm last night, I saw a bad dream, which even confused my breath..."

"Is that so?"

Xinyuehu still looked at him motionless, walked around him again, and asked again, "During the time I left, Elder Jingxin has been in Xinsu Palace and has never gone out?"


Jing Xinyue said lightly, while Xinyuehu looked at him, still a little doubtful on his face, and finally asked, "You just said that when you were enlightened, you saw a dream. What did you see?"

As she spoke, she pondered carefully. Elder Jing Xin's cultivation was unfathomable. With his way of doing things, how could he lose his breath just because he saw a dream?

"Nothing..." Jing Xinyue looked in the direction of Canglong Peak and changed the topic, "When you came back, who did you meet?"

Seeing that he didn't say much, Xinyuehu stopped asking more questions and said, "When I came back from Wanxia Pass last night, I met... the Three Saints of Yunmiao who had disappeared for many years.

"Oh? Three Saints of Yunmiao? Interesting..."

Jing Xinyue smiled faintly and said, "Duanyu Xiaoxiang, Juexian Qinshi, Mr. Yubi... these three people disappeared from the world as early as 800 years ago. Besides, very few people have seen the true faces of these three people in the past. How can you judge , are those three people the Three Saints of Yunmiao?"


Hearing what he said, Xinyuehu couldn't help but feel condensed. In his mind, he carefully recalled the scene at Wanxia Pass last night...

After a while, she raised her head, looked at Elder Jing Xin in front of her, and said, "Those three people have very high cultivation levels and their auras are hidden. One of them has a powerful flute sound, one has unparalleled music, and one of them writes like a sword." ,excellent……"


Jing Xinyue smiled, "There are so many people in this world who are good at playing the piano and flute. If you are like this, are you sure that those three people are the Three Saints of Yunmiao?"


Xinyuehu couldn't help but frowned. After a while, he said, "Later, a mysterious person appeared. He revealed the identity of the Three Saints of Yunmiao..."

"Oh?" Jing Xinyue slowly walked closer to her and whispered in her ear, "Did I teach you before, don't trust anyone easily..."

"But...he saved me!"

Xinyuehu raised her head. At this moment, she wanted to see some different changes in Jing Xinyue's eyes, but there was no change in the other's eyes. It was like the night sky without stars and moon, calm and deep.

Jing Xinyue said, "Then how do you know that he has no other purpose? Even the Three Saints of Yunmiao are fake..."


For a moment, Xinyuehu couldn't speak to him any more and glared at him gently, "You never trust anyone anyway. Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you. I'm tired and have to go back to the palace to rest. You If you're bored, just go outside and play in the mud by yourself, and don't bother me."


Jing Xinyue suddenly stopped her. Xinyue Fox stopped, turned his head slightly, and said in a slightly heavier tone, "I said... call me Elder Xinyue, or Palace Master Xinsu!"

"Okay, okay..." Jing Xinyue shook her head and said helplessly, "Elder Xinyue, Master of Xinsu Palace... Is it okay this time?"


Xinyuehu hummed slightly and glanced at him, "Tell me, what else is there?" Jing Xinyue said, "As I said, stay away from that person."

"You're doing it again."

Xinyuehu turned around, and this time there was finally a slightly sulky look on his face, and said, "Since he came to Canglong Palace, you have told me to stay away from him, and it is still the same now. This time when I went to Leiyan Sect, if it weren't for him, Don’t even think about getting this Xunhuo Pearl back!”

Jing Xinyue took a deep breath and said, "Didn't you just ask me what I saw in my dream?"

"What?" Hearing him talk about the dream again at this time, Xinyuehu frowned, wondering what on earth he wanted to say, so roundabout?

Jing Xinyue said, "I saw Cang Long in my dream... Indeed, their eyes are exactly the same, but... he is not the real Cang Long."

"What did you say?"

At this time, Xinyuehu felt as if he had fallen into the clouds. He couldn't understand what he was talking about. Why was he not a real Canglong? He is not the real Canglong, so who is the real Canglong?

Jing Xinyue slowly walked closer to her and said word by word, "The real Canglong is not dead..."

"Wait...stop, stop, stop, stop!"

Xinyuehu made a stop gesture and looked at him with a blank expression, "What on earth are you talking about? He is not the real Canglong, and the real Canglong is not dead. Are you talking about the old palace master?" The soul lamp of the old palace master was extinguished, it was with my own eyes..."


Jing Xinyue shook her head, looked at her and said, "I'm not talking about the old palace master, I'm talking about the person who gave the mask to the old palace master himself..."


Xinyuehu was stunned, but this time, she understood what Jing Xinyue was saying.

Jing Xinyue turned around and walked slowly outside while saying slowly, "Canglong is fake, and Canglong's descendants are also fake... Think about it yourself."


Xinyuehu froze on the spot, looking at Elder Jingxin's figure gradually walking away. If Canglong was fake, then could his real purpose be Canglong Qisu...

Two days later, Xiao Chen has arrived at Wanxia Pass. After passing through Wanxia Pass, it is not far away and is the boundary of Canglong Palace. If you go faster, you can probably go back this evening.

"Who is it? Come out!"

Just as he was about to enter, Xiao Chen felt two powerful auras at this moment, and then saw two figures flying out from inside.

"Elder Qianji, Elder Chonghua?"

The two figures in front of him were Elder Qianji and Elder Chonghua. When Xiao Chen saw that they were here to support him, he expected that Xun Huozhu had been safely returned to Canglong Palace.

Elder Qianji said, "Elder Chonghua and I went to look for the palace master yesterday, but we were afraid of missing the palace master, so we came back and waited here... Xun Huozhu has been brought back to Canglong Palace."

"I see..." Xiao Chen looked at the two people in front of him and said, "Let's talk while walking."

At that moment, the three of them headed to Wanxia Pass. On the way, Xiao Chen told them about the Thunder Clan's pursuit and the rescue by the Bahuang elders.

Elder Chonghua said, "Situ Xuan is a man of extremely high cultivation. Fortunately, three elders arrived in time, otherwise the consequences would be really unpredictable..."

While talking, the three of them had already arrived at the place where Liu San and the others passed by that day. Although there were not many traces of the fight left here, Xiao Chen's consciousness was extremely sharp and he faintly noticed something unusual.


At this moment, Xiao Chen seemed to feel a trace of residual aura, and immediately stopped. Elder Qianji looked at him solemnly, "What's wrong?"

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