The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1877: Confrontation with the Third Elder

"It seems that you are very confident..."

Xiao Chen slowly took a few steps forward. The cold wind raised the white hair behind his shoulders. The eyes under the Canglong mask were always as deep as the night. Because of the Canglong mask, the third elder of the Thunder Clan could not see through his eyes. Cultivation.


The purple-clothed elder snorted coldly, raised his palms, and suddenly there was a strong wind and thunder around him, and thunderclouds suddenly enveloped the sky, as if a punishment from heaven was coming.

Among these three people, the elder in purple is good at the art of controlling wind and thunder, the elder in green is good at controlling the sword, and the elder in ink is good at the art of void confinement, and can even trigger the restriction of the Seven Nether Rocks. Among the three, he is the most difficult to deal with. one.

Xiao Chen had already felt it when he came here just now. Many places around here have been restricted. He must stay away from the old man in black at all times. Otherwise, if he accidentally falls into the imprisonment set by the other party, it will be difficult to escape. .

"Wind and Thunder move!"

In an instant, the purple-clothed elder had already attacked. Xiao Chen had a rough understanding of the cultivation bases of these three people. The ink-clothed old man's cultivation base was the most unfathomable, followed by the azure-clothed elder who controlled the sword. Although the purple-clothed old man controlled the thunder was He has the lowest cultivation level among the three, but he must not be underestimated.

On the other side, the elder in Qingyi also raised a green sword and attacked him from the other side. Facing the attacks from the left and right of these two people, Xiao Chen did not dare to be careless. Wait for the dead soul to be summoned.

"Sha, Sha, Sha!"

Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the surroundings. Looking at the sudden appearance of these soul figures, the old man in black clothes could not help but narrow his eyes, "This careful!"

Before the words fell, several dead souls had already attacked. Sheng Yizi and other dead souls temporarily held back Elder Mo Yi and Elder Qing Yi, while Xiao Chen concentrated on dealing with the elder in purple who was Yu Lei. The two fought for a while. The nearby restrictions seemed to have become stronger, but in the distance, the people watching the battle were all silent. A few days ago, the news of Canglong destroying the Thunder Flame Sect had already spread throughout the Eight Wastelands.

"Junior brother, be careful of this person."

A secret message came from Elder Mo Yi in the distance. As he spoke, he speeded up the seals in his hands in an attempt to imprison the dead souls such as Sheng Yizi. Although his cultivation was higher than that of Sheng Yizi, Sheng Yizi was now It is a dead soul, neither alive nor dead, so it is definitely not that easy to deal with.


The purple-clothed elder snorted coldly, and was surrounded by thunder and lightning. These thunder and lightning were very powerful, just like a layer of armor. Coupled with the power of this person's Thunder Clan bloodline, even if Xiao Chen used the emperor's lone sword, it would be difficult to seriously injure this person unless It is to perform the ultimate sword technique like "Three Talents Sword".

At this moment, Xiao Chen looked at the surging wind and thunder in the sky. The restriction here was getting stronger and stronger. He had to get rid of this person as soon as possible. Otherwise, once a few dead souls were imprisoned, the three of them would be besieged. He It's bound to be more bad than good.


The elder in purple seemed to have seen through his intention. At this time, he raised his palms, and thunder and lightning suddenly broke out all over his body. Then, with a violent "crackling" sound of thunder, he actually used his palm to control the wind and thunder in the sky, heading straight towards Xiao Chen called over.

"It's Thunder Palm..."

The people watching the battle from a distance held their breath at this moment. Even though they were far apart, they could feel the terrifying power hidden in the palm of the purple-robed elder, which even shook several mountains.

"The opportunity has come..."

Xiao Chen's heart condensed. He wanted to kill this person, but he had no choice but to take the risk. The palm came in an instant, and the thunder and lightning in the sky also struck down fiercely. He pretended to be repelled by the thunder and lightning, and led the elder in purple to slap him. He was hit, but in the distance, Elder Mo Yi seemed to have seen some clues, and his expression suddenly changed. At the moment of life and death, he sent a spiritual message to Elder Zi Yi, "Junior brother! Don't fall into the trap!"

But Elder Ziyi only wanted to kill Xiao Chen, but he didn't know that the other party was leading him to attack. Just when he hit him with a palm, Xiao Chen suddenly activated the spell given to him by the sky under the great burial abyss. In an instant, a dragon shadow with ten thousand dragon scales appeared, like the roar of a dragon in the abyss, shaking the sky and the earth, and dragon shadows flew up and down.

"That's...the power of the blue dragon?"

People in the distance didn't know that this was the power of Ten Thousand Dragon Scales, and thought it was the power of the blue dragon. Elder Ziyi didn't expect it, but it was too late to close his palm at this time.

With a "bang" sound, this palm hit the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales hard. Even though Xiao Chen's body was violently shocked, Elder Ziyi himself was even more severely shocked. If he hadn't been highly cultivated, this arm would have It was gone on the spot.

"This is……"

At this moment, the purple-clothed elder's internal energy was disordered, and his face was pale and ugly. At that moment, he clearly felt that his palm power was completely resisted by something, but it was definitely not the power of the blue dragon.

"Junior brother, be careful!"

Elder Mo Yi quickly sent a spiritual thought, and Elder Zi Yi also reacted instantly, but it was too late. At that moment, Xiao Chen's demonic finger had already formed, and now he pointed towards him with one finger, even though the sky was full of Wind and thunder can hardly resist this devil's finger!


The face of the elder in purple changed with shock. The attack just now caused the true energy in his body to be in chaos. At this time, he could not care about the backlash of the true energy, so he had to force up his internal strength and condensed a thunder and lightning barrier in front of him. However, this temporary condensation alone Barrier, how to block the devil's finger?

With a "bang" sound, the barrier shattered. The finger hit the purple-clothed elder's chest hard, causing him to spurt out a mouthful of blood, and he flew backwards.

If he was hit by the devil's finger at such a close range, even if he didn't die, he would still be seriously injured. This finger must have cracked his internal organs, broken his heart, and even his soul was severely injured.


Seeing that Elder Ziyi was seriously injured, the Thunder Clan disciples on the distant mountain peak were also shocked. At this time, Elder Moyi reacted without hesitation. With a flick of his sleeve, a strong wind blew out and rolled Elder Ziyi away. Arriving at the top of the mountain in the distance.


The purple-clothed elder's eyes were bloodshot, his mouth was bleeding, and he was speechless. More than a dozen Thunder Clan disciples were frightened to death, and they quickly stepped forward to protect his heart and help him recover from his injuries.

"That finger just now..."

On several mountain peaks in the distance, the cultivators watching the battle were already stunned. With one finger, a strong man from the Taiqing Realm was severely injured like this. What kind of magical power is that? Even in the Bahuang League, such magical powers have never been heard of... This person's strength is mysterious and terrifying.

"I'm here to meet Master Canglong Palace!"

The elder in Qingyi's face was filled with murderous intent. As soon as he finished speaking, dozens of blue thunders flew up all over his body. As he focused his fingers, the dozens of green thunders condensed into a hundred-foot-long green sword, and he struck fiercely with the sword. Xiao Chen chopped it down.

The power of this sword was earth-shaking and unstoppable. When the sword energy fell, the sky was filled with wind and thunder. Even those who were far away at this moment were completely unable to withstand this overbearing sword energy.

Just when the sword was slashed down, the Emperor Gu Sword appeared in Xiao Chen's hand for an instant. With a "clang" sound, the sword energy surged out, causing several nearby mountain peaks to tremble violently.

If it were an ordinary sword, it would be impossible to withstand Di Gu's sharp edge, but the Qing Yi elder's sword-handling skills had already been superb. In addition, the Qing Lei sword he was using at the moment was transformed from Qing Lei, so he was not afraid of Di Gu's ferocious aura. .

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