The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1832 The Black Emperor's Abyss

"Palace Master! Let's go!" Liu San didn't think twice and pulled Xiao Chen to run outside, but at this time a gust of cold wind came and formed an invisible force, blocking the way for the two. "Go this way!" Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, Liu San immediately pulled Xiao Chen and ran in another direction, but before he could run out, another gust of cold wind came and blocked the way for the two. ✭ "It's bad..." Liu San's heart almost jumped out of his chest. At this time, he forced himself to calm down, and his hands kept forming seals, and layers of golden light condensed. "The ground is Kun!" With a loud shout, the cold wind in front was broken. "Palace Master, let's go!" After breaking the cold wind in front, Liu San immediately pulled Xiao Chen to escape outside again, and this time, under the abyss, a very strong soul breath suddenly surged up, accompanied by a sound of evil and evil, like the howling of hundreds of ghosts, which was even more chilling to hear at night. "Oops... Black Emperor is awake."

Liu San's face changed even more, and Xiao Chen was beside him. He was a little confused when he heard him say "Black Emperor", but he thought that the existence under the abyss was definitely not simple.


Just then, a strange laugh came from the bottom of the abyss again. "This emperor seems to remember that many years ago, one of your Canglong said that no matter what, he would not get close to here. It seems that you didn't do it..."

Hearing this voice, Liu San was so scared that his face turned pale, and he hurriedly said, "Don't be angry, Black Emperor. This Canglong Palace Master has just come to the Canglong Palace not long ago and doesn't know everything here. I was careless and failed to explain to him that he couldn't come to this place..."

"Oh? Another Canglong? That means the last Canglong died again... Hehehe..."

Strange laughter kept coming from the bottom of the abyss. Xiao Chen listened to this sentence, but couldn't help but concentrate his mind, "That means the last Canglong died again..." This sentence seemed to be hinting at something. Did the other party know something?


At this moment, the voice of the Black Emperor came from below again, "Whether you know or not, whether you can live until dawn depends on your luck..."

After the voice fell, a burst of "Shasha" sound came from the bottom of the abyss, like a hundred ghosts at night, all the demons and monsters rushed up.


Liu San's face changed, and the next moment, he immediately calmed down. He kept making seals with his hands and muttered something. Layers of golden light suddenly enveloped his body. With his loud shout, these layers of golden light surged out, and suddenly set off a gust of wind, temporarily resisting the demons and monsters that rushed up crazily.

Xiao Chen stood aside, thinking that Elder Liu also had such a high level of cultivation, which could not be seen at all on weekdays, but it was still not enough to deal with the demons and monsters rushing up from the abyss.

"Palace Master! You go first!" Liu San said to Xiao Chen hurriedly while forming a golden light formation.

"I go first? Then you stay and wait for death?"

Xiao Chen looked at the demons and monsters that kept rushing up from the bottom of the abyss. He no longer hesitated at this time. He drew his finger and the Chongxiao Sword immediately made a whistling sound, turning into sword shadows all over the sky, and slashed at the countless demons and monsters one after another.

This continued until late at night. The dark clouds covered the moon, and even the moonlight could not shine into the abyss. There were more and more demons and monsters around, and they could not be slashed. In the vicinity, the Black Emperor also laid several soul power barriers, and the two could not break the barriers and rush out.

"Sha sha sha!"

There were more and more terrifying ghosts, and the two had no way to retreat. If they continued like this, they would be swallowed up by the demons and monsters in the abyss.

The yin energy around was getting heavier. Xiao Chen knew that it was approaching midnight. Once it was the third quarter of midnight, the yin and yang of the world would alternate, and the yin energy would be the heaviest in a day. At that time, I am afraid that the two of them would have to die here. No, he must find a way to leave here before the yin energy reaches its heaviest.

Thinking about this, he saw him concentrate his fingers and draw a line, recalling the Chongxiao Sword. At this moment, there was a faint sound of dragon roaring from his body, accompanied by a series of golden dragon shadows. Liu San was stunned. It was the power of the blue dragon!


At this time, the voice of the Black Emperor came from the bottom of the abyss again, followed by a black soul seal, coming straight towards the two!

"Palace Master! Be careful!"

Liu San's face changed even more. How could the Black Emperor's personal attack be taken lightly? Even if it was only one-tenth or one-twelfth of the power, it was definitely not something they could resist!

"Back off!"

In a flash, the black soul mark was coming towards the two of them. Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and sent Liu San to the back. At the same time, he struck out with a palm, and the sound of dragon roars resounded through the abyss. With a "boom", the two forces collided, and the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked. All the demons and monsters in the sky were shaken away, and Xiao Chen was also shaken back and forth. '6''9''s''h''u''x''.''c''o''m'

"Palace Master!"

Liu San stepped forward in an instant and supported him. Even with the Ten Thousand Dragon Scales to resist, Xiao Chen was shaken so much that his blood and qi surged. The true qi in his body was completely messed up. If there were no Ten Thousand Dragon Scales, I'm afraid that his internal organs would have been shattered just now.

"Such a familiar power..." At this time, the voice of the Black Emperor came from below again. Taking advantage of this moment, Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, grabbed Liu San's shoulder, and flew outside with him. The collision of the two forces just now had shattered the surrounding soul power barrier.

After about half a stick of incense, the two of them had escaped from the strange abyss far away. At this time, the bright moon was thousands of miles away, and under the moonlight, there was no longer the eerie feeling just now.


Suddenly, Xiao Chen's face turned pale, but Liu San couldn't see it because of the Canglong mask. He had just faced the soul seal of the Black Emperor, and even with Ten Thousand Dragon Scales, he had suffered serious internal injuries.

"Palace Master! How are you..."

Liu San was shocked and immediately stepped forward to support him.


Xiao Chen used Xuan Gong to stabilize his inner breath, looked at him again, and asked, "Just now, where was that place? Why is there such a place in Canglong Realm?"


Thinking of the scene above the abyss just now, Liu San was still a little scared. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "I have never told the palace master before that the abyss is called the 'Black Emperor's Abyss', and just now he looked up. The one below is the Black Emperor..."

"Black Emperor?"

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed. He had never heard of this Black Emperor, but he could feel the strength of the other party just now. Even though he only has his soul now, he is still so strong. He was probably the same person who was with Dugu thousands of years ago. People like Tianxia and Qingdi, the strong men of the same era, only they can truly be called strong. As for why they are in this Canglong Realm, you have to ask Liu San to know.

Liu San thought for a while and said, "This... the Black Emperor has always been there. As for when it started, this... you probably have to ask the first generation Canglong. Regarding the origin of the Black Emperor, we never know, we only know, The Black Emperor's Abyss is absolutely not allowed to be visited, no matter day or night..."

When he spoke, there was obviously some fear on his face. After a while, he raised his head again, looked at Xiao Chen and said, "I forgot to tell you before that this is the Black Emperor's Abyss. When I remembered, I Catching up...this time, we were lucky."

"Good luck..."

Xiao Chen's eyes narrowed slightly. Regarding this Black Emperor, he always felt that it was not simple, especially what the other party said before, "Another Canglong? That means that the last Canglong died again...".

This sentence clearly seemed to imply something, and the reason why he went to the abyss was to find the abnormality in the spiritual veins. In the evening, he seemed to faintly discover that there was a trace of abnormal spiritual power, going towards The abyss passed.

Liu Sandao: "In short, the master of the palace must never go to the Black Emperor's Abyss again. Although the Black Emperor has been there for a long time, he never comes out, and he will not take the initiative to hurt our people. As long as our people don't go there." , he will never be harmful to our Canglong Palace, but if he goes there, there is no guarantee that he will have such good luck as tonight..."

"Well...I understand, let's go back first."

"Then Palace Master, were you...injured just now?"

"No, let's go."

It wasn't until late at night that the two of them returned to Canglong Peak. At this time, everything was quiet. They would not tell anyone about the Black Emperor just now, but Xiao Chen always felt that maybe he would go there again.

Returning to Canglong Hall, the whole hall was quiet. Xiao Chen walked to the head of the hall and saw Xinyue Fox sleeping on his desk, holding several volumes in his hand.

A delicate fragrance floated on her body, and her breath also carried a sweet aroma. Even when she was asleep, it was so sweet that people couldn't bear to wake her up.

"Master Xinsu Palace, wake up."

"Ah...ah...who, who?"

"it's me."

"Palace Master? When did you come back? Why did I... fall asleep..."

Xinyuehu held the scroll in his hand and was a little confused for a moment. Xiao Chen couldn't help but think of Ziyuan. In the past, in Wuyutian, whenever she was asked to sort out some books for him, she would fall asleep while looking at them.

"It's late at night, Palace Master Xinsu, please go back first."

"Oh... hmm? No... Hall Master, where did you and Elder Liu go? Why did you come back so late at night... Huh? Wait, Hall Master, your breath is very disturbed. Are you injured?"

Xinyuehu noticed something was wrong and immediately showed a nervous look on his face. Xiao Chen said, "No, I just walked a little hastily along the way."

"Is it true...did you meet someone from Xuanwu Palace?"

The other party still looked nervous, Xiao Chen shook his head, "No." As he said that, he sat down on the chair.


Xinyuehu was still a little suspicious, but he couldn't ask anything, so he said, "Then I'll go back first. In two days, there will be the meeting of the Eight Desolate Alliance. The master of the hall, take a good rest in these two days. These books, I've sorted it out."

"Well, go ahead..."

Xiao Chen nodded, and after Xinyue Fox left, he suddenly covered his chest and coughed violently, and a wisp of blood flowed out of his mouth.

In the Black Emperor's Abyss just now, the Black Emperor's blow obviously caused him internal injuries. However, there was a meeting of the Eight Desolate Alliance in two days. In order to avoid worrying Liu San, he kept using Xuan Gong to hold on. Didn't show it.

Unexpectedly, even with ten thousand dragon scales, they couldn't completely resist that blow. This Black Emperor must have been a strong man who had stepped into the realm of Fangwai ten thousand years ago.

Xiao Chen placed his hands on his Dantian and slowly stabilized his inner breath. In two days, there will be a meeting of the Eight Desolate Alliance. He will put aside the Black Emperor issue for the time being. Now he must recover from his injuries as soon as possible. He cannot let people in Xuanwu Hall see it then. He came out hurt.

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