The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1801: Changes in Pattern

The demonic aura ahead is getting heavier and heavier. Xiao Chen has three corpse demons on his body, so he is not afraid of this demonic aura. Lingyin, who has three flowers gathering on his head, is also not afraid of the demonic evil.

"Well -" Kunpeng let out a long roar and vibrated its wings vigorously to fan away the evil energy. It seemed that it didn't like the evil energy here.

In this way, Kunpeng soared up. The next day, Xiao Chen and Ling Yin passed through this ancient land. Recalling that when Ling Yin came, they had to open the teleportation array from the Eastern Immortal Alliance in order to reach this ancient land. place.

There is still a heavy aura of gods and demons in front of them. When Ling Yin came over, he helped the Eastern Immortal Alliance repel the demon cultivators in the Tomb of Gods and Demons. Now it seems that the chaos in the Eastern Continent is still unavoidable.

On this day, Kunpeng flew up to the sky. Ling Yin and Xiao Chen were checking the situation below. At this moment, several auras suddenly came from the front. These auras were not weak, but they were not those who cultivated immortals. The aura must be the aura of those cultivating demons in the Tomb of Gods and Demons.

"Wait a minute, this breath..."

Xiao Chen's expression condensed, and he inexplicably felt that one of these breaths was somewhat familiar, but he had been away from the Eastern Continent for a long time, could it be...

"There's someone nearby."

At this time, the other party also noticed their aura. When the two parties met, Xiao Chen couldn't help but be startled. One of these people was actually... the people who had adventured with him in the Tomb of Gods and Demons. Ghost Taoist.

"Ghost Taoist?"

"Little friend Wuchen?"

The ghost Taoist is still the same as before, wearing a black robe and exuding a mysterious aura. However, after thirty years, his cultivation is no longer comparable to that of the past.

And even though thirty years have passed, Xiao Chen's long hair is now white, and the aura on his body has changed greatly, but the ghost Taoist still recognized him, but he just couldn't believe it, that time he and Luo Die fell into the void. In the chaos, he is still alive? And this aura of cultivation on his body could be from the Taiqing realm!

After feeling the deep aura on Xiao Chen's body, the ghost Taoist couldn't help but be shocked. How could it be possible that in just thirty years, no matter how talented he was, he could not reach the Taiqing realm. For For them back then, let alone the realm of Taiqing, just the word "holy" was just a realm in legend.

"Ghost Taoist? Do you know this person?"

At this time, the people behind the Ghost Taoist were all on alert. They were demon cultivators at the Tomb of Gods and Demons. Naturally, they could feel the pure aura of cultivating immortals from Ling Yin.

"I recognize it...of course I recognize it!"

The ghost Taoist still couldn't hide the horror in his heart. Back then, he saw that Xiao Chen was not a thing in the pond, but he didn't expect that decades later, the other party would actually reach a state that others could not achieve in hundreds or even thousands of years.

Xiao Chen said to Ling Yin, "I met this ghost Taoist in the Tomb of Gods and Demons..."


Ling Yin nodded lightly and said nothing. Xiao Chen also knew that the master had always disliked people who cultivated demons, so he said no more at this time. The ghost Taoist turned around and asked him, "Little friends Wuchen, you...are you... From where?"


Upon hearing this, the people behind the Ghost Taoist all showed shocked expressions. How could the two of them get over with such a heavy demonic aura over there? But the ghost Taoist was not surprised. In the Tomb of Gods and Demons, it was precisely because Xiao Chen was not afraid of the spirit of gods and demons that he found the other party.

At this moment, Xiao Chen saw how surprised they were and asked, "Master Ghost, what happened here? Why is there so much demonic energy everywhere?"

The ghost Taoist looked at the two people in front of him and said, "It seems that little friend Wuchen doesn't know yet... but that little friend still remembers that when we were in the Tomb of Gods and Demons, there was a place that we were not allowed to go to. Those who went there would Never came back."

Xiao Chen concentrated for a moment and said, "I remember, what? Did you go there..."

The Ghost Taoist shook his head, "It's a long story, but in short... You should never go there. It turns out that there is..."

After listening to the ghost Taoist explain the whole story, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel his heart condensed. This was very similar to the situation under the Canglang Sea. Could it be that a demon was also buried deep in the forbidden area of ​​the Tomb of Gods and Demons? No, no...

"Master...what's wrong with you?"

At this time, Xiao Chen looked at Ling Yin. He had never seen his master look so solemn at this time. Did the master also discover something? And at this moment, he suddenly thought of the deep sea of ​​hidden clouds behind Wuyu Tian...


Ling Yin came back to her senses and said, "Chen'er, let's go back as soon as possible."

"Well..." Xiao Chen nodded and said to the ghost Taoist, "Master and I are leaving, ghost Taoist. See you later."

"Goodbye, little friend Wuchen."

Ghost Taoist also hugged him and watched the two of them go away. After a while, the few people around him turned around and asked, "Ghost Taoist, who is that person?"

The ghost Taoist shook his head and said, "These two masters and disciples are very powerful..."

The two masters and disciples returned to Kunpeng, looking down from thousands of miles above the ground. They had a panoramic view of the mountains and rivers, but many places were shrouded in demonic energy. It was hard to imagine that this was the Eastern Continent.

"Xiao Kun, fly faster."


Kunpeng flapped his wings fiercely, and thousands of miles of mountains and rivers disappeared in an instant. Kunpeng soared up to ninety thousand miles. It won't be long before Xiao Chen and Ling Yin can return to the Five Realms of Immortal Yuan.

At this time, in the five realms of Xianyuan, there is no desire in the sky.

It was June and the end of summer, but the peach blossoms in Wuyutian were in full bloom. At this time, in the Weiyang Palace, the pear blossoms turned into snow and fell, and only two voices were heard coming from the palace.

"Weiyang, are you feeling better today?"

"'s no longer a problem. How about it? Is there any news from the Demonic Sect recently?"

The two people in the palace at the moment were Mrs. Xian Shu and Wei Young. Ever since the Tianwaitian attack on Xuan Qingmen, Wei Young had been sleeping until a few months ago when she woke up.

Mrs. Xianshu's eyebrows were slightly furrowed. Apparently, when Tianwaitian attacked Xuanqingmen three years ago, everyone thought that Xiao Chen was wiped out in the catastrophe. No matter how powerful Fairy Miaoyin was, she could not revive him. At most, he could be reincarnated, but the world didn't know that at that time, Xiao Chen had an ancient treasure such as the Samsara Jade, which could keep his master's soul alive even if he was annihilated.

But everyone in the world thought Xiao Chen was dead, so over the years, people in Wuyu Tian had already become distraught. Even Mrs. Xianshu was helpless. Motian Sect took the opportunity to expand its power. The ancestor of Motian was originally very powerful in the demonic way. Prestige, at this time "Xiao Chen died", he responded to everything.

In the past, the four major demon sects competed in separate chambers, which no longer exists. Now only the Demon Sky Sect is the dominant one, and they can destroy whoever they want. The momentum in these years has been even greater than that of Wuyu Tian, ​​which was at its peak back then.

The last time Tianwaitian attacked, the righteous path suffered heavy losses. Now all the factions can only watch the Demonic Sect becoming stronger and stronger. If this continues, it will inevitably devour the entire Five Immortal Realms.

Mrs. Xianshu frowned and said, "Ancestor Motian has obtained the fragments of the 'Extreme Demon Chapter' in the 'Eight Wonderful Books'. Now that the demonic power is great, in the righteous path, except for Zhenren Qingxuan, no one may be his opponent..." …”

"Eight wonderful books, the remaining volumes of the Extreme Demon Chapter..."

Hearing these words, Hua Weiyang couldn't help but frowned. Mrs. Xianshu said, "It is said that it is a strange book in the heavens. Tens of thousands of years ago, all the gods, demons, gods and Buddhas wanted to compete for these eight strange books. I don't know who this extremely evil chapter is." How could the fragments end up in the human world... But think about it, even the gods and Buddhas in the heavens are fighting for it, how can it be a mortal thing? Maybe it is not under the Book of Heaven..."


Hua Weiyang frowned even deeper. Although she had only woken up for a few months, she was aware of the current situation. If Wuyutian hadn't still had many ancient restrictions outside, I'm afraid that the old fox from the Demonic Heaven Sect would have already used an excuse to attack. Are you coming?

Although the Demonic Sect has not officially attacked Wuyutian today, it has made many moves secretly. Especially in the past few years, the Demonic Sect has been spying on the power of spiritual veins that Xiao Chen has gathered from everywhere. This time, they Continue to expand your power, and when it reaches a certain level, it is inevitable to attack Wuyutian.

It's just that the step that the Motian Patriarch is going to take now is to unify the four major demon sects. From now on, there will no longer be three demon sects, Xiaoyao Tower, Baiyun Pavilion, and Mengxian Sect in the world, only the three major branches of the Motian Sect.

After that, there will be no desire.

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