The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,662 The Soul Appears

The power of Ling Yin's palm was completely beyond the expectations of the Green Demon Ancestor. He couldn't help but wonder where this woman came from. He had never heard of such a powerful person in the past. Could it be...that it came from somewhere other than the ancient world?

"Fairy Lingyin, how are you?"

In the distance, Luo Yun was quite nervous and sent a spiritual thought to Ling Yin. After all, no one had seen Ling Yin suffer the backlash outside the clouds before, but he had seen it with his own eyes. At this time, he guessed that Ling Yin Most of them are just like the Hongchen Immortal Emperor, who are trying to support him by force. If the Green Demon Ancestor sees the truth, it will be bad.

"It doesn't matter, you should look at the opportunity and save Fairy Biluo."

Ling Yin's expression remained motionless, but she was indeed holding on at this moment. Before, she had rashly released the power of the seal on the Nine Heavens, causing damage to herself, and just now she had forcibly faced the Green Demon Ancestor's palm. Above, at this time, the inner breath is already somewhat disordered, but it has not been revealed yet. ✾

Luo Yun frowned and looked at Fairy Biluo who was being held captive by an evil man in the distance. He thought that Fairy Biluo had been targeting Fairy Lingyin before, but Fairy Lingyin asked him to rescue her. But after thinking about it, It's no wonder that if she falls into the hands of the apprentice of the ancestor of the Green Demon, she will definitely distract the Hongchen Immortal Emperor, but now Jiutian Immortal Chen can't make any mistakes.

At this moment, a layer of sweat slowly formed on Luo Yun's back. He had to find a way to save Fairy Biluo, but he was guarded by the three disciples of the Green Demon Ancestor. The cultivation of these three people was not inferior to his, so he rashly In the past, I was afraid that there was some danger, so it didn't matter if he was injured, but if Fairy Biluo was damaged and distracted the Immortal Emperor of Hongchen, it would be a big problem.

But at this time, in the distance, all the immortals were frightened. Although there were many people attending the banquet in Hongchen, no one dared to come forward at this moment. Even if Fairy Biluo fell into human hands at this time, no one dared to go up and take action. Luo Yun didn't expect these people to help him.

On the other side, the Hongchen Immortal Emperor was still carefully leading the Nine Heavens Immortal Dust out. There could be no mistakes. Two green and red sword spirits were guarding him, never leaving.

In mid-air, the strong wind was cold and cold. The ancestor of the Green Demon condensed his eyes and thought secretly in his heart. This woman's cultivation level is not low. He must find a way to deal with these two people before the Hongchen Immortal Emperor takes out the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust. Otherwise, once When these two people join forces, even if they are both injured, it will not be easy to deal with them.

Thinking about this, he no longer hesitated, and shook his hands. On his left hand, a line of cyan true energy condensed, and on his right hand, there was a line of black demonic energy. All the immortals in the distance were shocked. This is... Three points of true vitality, seven points of demonic vitality!

" careful!"

The Hongchen Immortal Emperor certainly knew how powerful the Green Demon Patriarch's three-quarter true energy and seven-point demonic energy were combined into one. While he was concentrating on taking the Nine Heavens Immortal Dust, he still did not forget to send a spiritual reminder to Ling Yin.

At this moment, the Green Demon Ancestor had gathered three parts of his true energy and seven parts of his demonic energy to attack Ling Yin. Ling Yin concentrated his fingers and a layer of Sanhua Qi was instantly enveloped all over his body to prevent him from being attacked. Injured by Qing Mo Ancestor's seven points of demon energy.


The wind and clouds rolled violently, and the sharp light came again. The Green Demon Ancestor used all his "Tao" and "Demon" cultivation to strike with all his strength, which immediately caused the demonic energy to surge all over the sky, and the entire world of the world of freedom was shaken for a moment.

Everyone present trembled and stepped back. Ling Yin was surrounded by the energy of three flowers, and his movements were as erratic as a god. While resisting the Green Demon Patriarch's three-cent true energy and seven-cent demonic energy, he was waiting for an opportunity to find a gap. , use the Thirty-Three Layers of Xuantian Finger to severely injure this person.

" careful!"

The three disciples of the Green Demon Ancestor were also very nervous, but how could the Green Demon Ancestor not be careful? He tried to distance himself from Ling Yin to avoid being hurt by his fingers.

The two of them fought for a moment, and the area was filled with smoke and dust. At this moment, Ling Yin suddenly turned pale, and the energy of Sanhua that had just been condensed suddenly collapsed. It was obvious that she had suffered a backlash and had already It's hard to force it down.

"good chance……"

The Green Demon Ancestor's eyes were so sharp. He saw that she was finally injured. If he didn't attack now, when would he wait? I saw that he suddenly activated his skills, and finally combined three parts of his true energy and seven parts of his demonic energy into one, and attacked Ling Yin in an instant!


Feeling the sudden increase in murderous intent from the Green Demon Ancestor at this moment, the Hongchen Immortal Emperor was shocked, but at this time, he could not free his hands to support the opponent. On the other hand, he was also thinking about Fairy Biluo, and the more he became In this way, the Nine Heavens Fairy Dust becomes more and more difficult to take out.


At this tense moment, a roar suddenly came from the sky, and then a large shadow shrouded it, and Kunpeng flew back from nowhere.

I saw Kunpeng's wings trembled, and a strong wind suddenly came over. Many people present were unable to stand, and were blown around by the strong wind.

And the three points of true vitality and seven points of demonic vitality that the ancestor of the Green Demon had just attacked Ling Yin were also shaken away by this ancient divine power. He couldn't help but wonder in his heart, how could this ancient divine beast appear here?

Seeing the Kunpeng swooping down, the Green Demon Ancestor did not hesitate and immediately sent a spiritual message to the three disciples behind him, "You guys think of a way to lure this Kunpeng away!"

The three people reacted quickly, and at that moment, Luo Yun found the opportunity and flew in front of the evil man. He brushed it away with his palm and hit him on the chest with a "bang" sound, which made his whole body tremble. , kept retreating, and the Fairy Biluo in his hand also fell off.

Luo Yun didn't hesitate, he caught Fairy Biluo in an instant, and with a display of his body skills, he immediately flew away to the distance, and then fell back to the ground. With two fingers together, he touched several large acupoints on her body, unlocked the seal on her body, and asked "Are you okay?"

Unexpectedly, Fairy Biluo blocked his hand with a flick of her hand, and with a bit of resentment on her face, she said, "You don't have to worry about it."

Luo Yun frowned slightly, and naturally did not say much to her. At this moment, Kunpeng had been led away by the three disciples of the Green Demon Ancestor, but Ling Yin had not yet recovered, and a murderous look appeared in the eyes of the Green Demon Ancestor. , seven points of demonic energy gathered again, and attacked her again in an instant.

"Fairy beware!"

Luo Yun's face was startled. He ignored Fairy Biluo at this moment and flew towards Ling Yin in an instant. However, he only had the cultivation level of Yuqing Realm. Even if he practiced the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian, how could he resist the Green Demon Old Man? Ancestor’s three parts true vitality and seven parts demonic vitality? I'm afraid that one blow will shatter him into pieces!

But even though he knew he was about to die and knew he couldn't do anything, Luo Yun still stood in front of Ling Yin for an instant. He formed a seal with his hands, bit the tip of his tongue hard at the same time, and spurted out a mouthful of blood. He didn't know what secret technique he used in the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian. , at this moment, a blood mark suddenly appeared on his chest, and with a "boom", he actually withstood the attack of the Green Demon Ancestor.

But after all, there is a huge disparity in strength. Even if the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian is an ancient book, Luo Yun was shocked to pieces by the Green Demon Ancestor. A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the whole person flew backwards. If it weren't for Tongtian, Volume 13, at that moment, he had been completely destroyed physically and mentally.

"Luo Yun..."

Ling Yin stretched out her hand to slow down his fall, and at the same time, she flicked out her palm. With a "bang" sound, the remaining strength of the Green Demon Ancestor was dispersed. However, this move also shocked her and made her face look even paler. .

Everyone in the distance was worried. She had fought with the Hongchen Immortal Emperor before, but both of them were injured. Otherwise, how could the Green Demon Ancestor take advantage of the loophole today? What to do this time...

"Hmph... Let's see how long you can last."

The ancestor of the Green Demon shook his arms and gathered all the vitality within a ten-mile radius. In the next moment, a hundred-foot-long black palm print condensed in the void, carrying seven points of the demonic vitality, and fiercely charged towards Ling Yin. After the fight, in an instant, the situation suddenly changed and the sky and earth turned pale!


The Hongchen Immortal Emperor was shocked. This move was one of the secret skills of the Green Demon Ancestor, the "Soul-Splitting Palm". The soul of the person struck by the palm, no matter how high the level of Taoism, would be severely damaged!

This move is the sure-kill move of the Green Demon Ancestor. Everyone in the distance changed their expressions. Ling Yin's breath was condensed, and he wanted to gather the energy of Sanhua again, but there was a sharp pain in his Dantian. , but the true energy she had finally gathered collapsed in an instant.

The Green Demon Patriarch's soul-splitting move came in an instant, leaving no room for maneuver. With a "boom", dust suddenly flew up in the area. Everyone's hearts were shaken, and everyone had a look of shock on their faces. When the dust in the sky dispersed, When she left, she saw Ling Yin standing on the spot without any damage, and a figure actually appeared in front of her, blocking the powerful palm of the Green Demon Ancestor for her.

"Then, that person is..."

Everyone present looked shocked. The man standing in front of Ling Yin, with flying white hair, actually blocked the Green Demon Ancestor with just one hand. But upon closer inspection, the man actually blocked the attack. It's a soul!


Ling Yin slowly came back to her senses and looked at the soul figure in front of her, but the next moment, her expression suddenly changed. This soul power aura...

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