"Wan'er, Wan'er..."

At this moment, Luo Yun felt that the world was spinning, but Tang Yun was even more frightened when he saw that he had received a palm from him and was unhurt. When Luo Yun looked at him again, he would probably never forget it in his life. How terrifying this was, what a terrifying look in his eyes, he was so frightened that he quickly said, "It's not me! It's not me...it's Leimen, Leiyuan and his son Lei Ao..."

In the past three hundred years, Tang Yun has always wanted to get the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian. He does not believe that all the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian are in Luo Yun's hands, and half of them must be in Tang Wan'er's hands.

As Tang Feng's only daughter, Tang Wan'er was supposed to be in charge of the Tang Sect after Tang Feng's death. However, she was weak by nature, and Luo Yun had always protected her in those years. She was used to relying on Luo Yun for everything. If something unexpected happens, how can she defeat these people?

In the early years, Tang Yun regarded her as his niece and would not embarrass her every time. But later, after he took charge of the entire Tang Sect, he gradually lost his patience.

But no matter what, he still slightly missed the old brotherhood. At least he would not beat or scold Tang Wan'er. At most, he would confine her to the attic and not allow her to go out unless she told the location of the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian. Three hundred years have passed.

Until a few years ago, Leimen gradually controlled various sects. When Leiyuan learned that Tang Feng's only daughter was still alive, he immediately came to Tangmen and asked Tang Yun to hand over Tang Wan'er. His purpose was naturally the Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian.

Today's Tang Sect has long been in decline, so how can it compete with Lei Sect? Tang Yun had no choice but to do as he was told and took Lei Yuan to Tang Waner's attic. In fact, he had not let Tang Waner go out before because he was worried about this.

Lei Yuan's methods are notoriously ruthless in the land of Baizhou. When he treats Tang Waner, he does not care about the relationship between uncle and nephew like Tang Yun. In those two years, every time Tang Waner was questioned, she always... Covered in bruises.

This lasted for two years, until three years ago, Lei Ao, the son of Lei Yuan, came to Tangmen. At that time, Tangmen could no longer fight Leimen. Tang Yun could only let the people of the Lei family do whatever they wanted. That evening, After Lei Ao came out of Tang Wan'er's attic, Tang Wan'er was already out of breath when the people from the Tang Sect went there again.

At this moment, after hearing all this, Luo Yun's eyes suddenly turned red. At this moment, an old woman's trembling voice suddenly came from behind, "Ayun... Ayun... are you back? Ayun... "

I saw an old woman on crutches staggering out from behind a red wall. The old woman was blind and could only hold on to the wall and follow the sound.

"Mother Yang..."

Luo Yun was stunned and immediately ran over. He recognized the old woman in front of him as Wan'er's wet nurse. Her mother died shortly after Tang Wan'er was born, and it was Grandma Yang who brought her up.

"Ayun...Ayun...is that you..."

"Mother Yang...it's me! It's me! Your eyes, what's wrong with your eyes..."

Luo Yun supported her. When he left Tang Clan, Grandma Yang was not as old as she is now. Although she did not have much cultivation, she was still unmatched by anyone in the world. But now she...

"Ayun, Ayun, you're back..." Nanny Yang touched his cheek with trembling hands, but her eyes were blinded by crying three years ago.

"Where is Wan'er? Where is Wan'er? Mother Yang, tell me, she, she is married, right? Ah? Mother Yang, tell me, Wan'er is married, isn't she?"

"Wan'er, Wan'er... Wan'er..."

Upon hearing the word Wan'er, Grandma Yang suddenly broke down in tears. Who could see such an old man crying so sadly and not feel heartbroken? At this time, many Tang Sect disciples had red eyes and wiped their tears with their hands.

"Mother Yang, don't cry... tell me where Wan'er is..."

Luo Yun's eyes were also filled with tears. Aunt Yang choked with tears and said, "That beast Lei Ao... That day, when I went to Wan'er's room, I saw that she was covered in injuries, she had been humiliated, and she was out of breath... Lei Ao That beast, beast! My Wan'er... her life is so miserable... wuwuwu..."

"Wan'er... Wan'er... Poof!" Luo Yun gushes out a mouthful of blood. He was hit by Tang Yun's palm just now, and now he is obviously furious.

"Thunder Gate...Thunder Gate...ah!"

Luo Yun raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar. At that moment, his eyes turned blood red, the true energy in his body began to flow crazily, and the thirteen volumes of the Heaven-Bearing Sky started to operate independently.


He was so full of blood that he was so frightened that none of the Tang Sect disciples dared to approach him. Tang Yun was also shocked. He had practiced the Thirteen Volumes of Heaven, could it be that... he had gone crazy!

"Thunder Gate...Thunder Gate...I, Luo Yun, will definitely bloodbath your entire Lei family! Ah!"

An abnormal energy suddenly gushes out from Luo Yun's chest, causing blood all over his body. He looks like he is possessed by a demon. All the elders of the Tang Sect are so frightened that their faces turn pale. This is...Tongtian Thirteen roll!

"Haha, destroy my Raimon, that's such a big statement..."

At this moment, a faint man's voice suddenly came from outside Tangjiabao. Everyone was startled. Looking back, they saw that Lei Ao had brought many people outside, except for a few saints from the Lei family. The elders and a group of experts, including the master of the Qianyuan Clan, the master of the Feng Clan, and the master of the Yun Clan were among them.

This time, Tang Yun couldn't help but change his expression. At this time ten years ago, Lei Yuan established the Eight Gates Alliance. On the surface, it was an Eight Gates Alliance, but in fact it was to control the other seven gates. And today, people from the Lei family are here... This day finally came, and the Tang Sect could not escape the fate of the other sects.

"Tang Clan Master, it seems that your place is a bit lively today..."

At this time, the man wearing red clothes, holding a folding fan, and walked in swaggeringly, was none other than Lei Yuan's eldest son, Lei Ao. Compared to his father's methods, he was just as cruel as those from several other sects. The leaders are all afraid of him.

"Lei Ao..."

Luo Yun looked at Lei Ao who walked in at this time, his eyes seemed to be dripping with blood. At this moment, he just wanted to cut him into pieces!


Lei Ao looked at him, the folding fan in his hand swaying slightly, and said calmly, "Who is it? It turns out to be the traitor who killed his father in the Tang clan back then... Haha, I seemed to hear just now, you are looking for Tang Wan'er, um, Yes, she is very tender, you must have never tried it, haha..."


Luo Yun's eyes were splitting, and he completely lost his mind at this moment. The thirteen volumes in his body were running wildly, and his whole body seemed to turn into a ray of light, and he flew towards Lei Ao suddenly.

"Protect the young master!"

The four elders of Leimen behind saw the menacing attack and immediately flew up. However, before they could take action, they were knocked away by Luo Yun's palm force.

"Huh? The Thirteen Volumes of Tongtian..."

Lei Ao's eyes narrowed. At this moment, he felt the extremely violent power in Luo Yun's body. He did not dare to underestimate it. With a single stroke of his fingers, the Thunder Gate Xuan Gong was operating in an instant. However, he completely underestimated that Luo Yun would kill him. With determination, almost in an instant, Luo Yun broke through his Xuan Gong and punched him in the chest.


Lei Ao was thrown away by a punch, and his chest was dented, but Luo Yun still didn't stop, his eyes were blood red, and he had completely lost his mind. He actually pushed him to the ground and punched him one after another, until his bones were broken. Broken and bloody.

"Little Lord!"

The four elders of Leimen and all the masters were so frightened that they flew up in an instant. However, they were shocked by Luo Yun's violent aura, and they all flew out. No one could step forward to save Lei Ao.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! Ahhhh!"

Luo Yun seemed to be going crazy, his eyes were blood red, and the blood all over his body was surging. He kept hitting Lei Ao with one punch after another, causing numerous cracks in the ground nearby, and Lei Ao was beaten to a bloody pulp. Already dead.

Luo Yun still didn't stop, he seemed to be possessed. In the end, only a pool of flesh and blood and the clothes Lei Ao was wearing were left on the ground. When the leaders of Fengmen, Yunmen, and Qianyuanmen in the distance saw this scene, they were so shocked that they dared not speak out. He...he actually killed Lei Yuan's eldest son!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

Luo Yun's face was covered with blood, his hands were covered with blood, and his whole body was covered with blood. He threw his head back and cried, and two lines of blood and tears fell from his face. Even if he beat Lei Ao to death, Wan'er would not be able to come back. Why, why!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Then I saw him slowly standing up from the ground, his hair hanging down, dripping blood, and his terrifying appearance, as if he was an evil ghost who had just broken out of the Asura Hell, which scared the Tang Sect disciples behind him into silence.

"No one of you can survive today..."

Luo Yun's face was horrified, and his eyes slowly fell on the frightened people from the Thunder Gate in the distance.

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