The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,638 The Mysterious Man


Ling Yin slowly lowered her hand from the Samsara Jade. At this time, she was sure that the rumors were true. The entrance to the Eastern Ancient World was indeed right in front, but it was not easy to find it. It was more important. What is clear is that there must be obstacles in the barrier. As for the spiritual consciousness she noticed just now, it also came from the east, about seven thousand miles away.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound of wind and grass moving around. After a while, about a dozen figures appeared in the surroundings.

The aura of cultivation on these people could be said to be low or high, but with Ling Yin's level of cultivation, these people might not be able to get away with even one move.

"I didn't expect to meet such a beauty in this damn place, tsk tsk tsk..."

The people around slowly gathered around, looking at the green-clothed fairy in front of them, with frivolous smiles on their faces. They had been in this ancient land for many years, and they had never seen such an unworldly person. When I saw this peerless woman today, I felt like my eyes had been opened.

And with their Taoism, they couldn't sense Ling Yin's cultivation. At this time, a man in black came up and looked Ling Yin up and down with a frivolous smile on his face: "Beauty, where are you from? Do you know what kind of place this is, and you dare to come alone?"

In Samsara Jade, Xiao Chen could clearly perceive everything outside at this time with the help of the spiritual power of the ancient land. He thought to himself that these unlucky guys, if they meet other people, forget it, but if they meet the master and dare to speak so rudely, they will probably be next. Disaster.

"Beauty, are you talking? Hehe..."

Seeing Ling Yin being silent, these people thought she was too frightened to speak, so they gathered around her. Ling Yin's face remained unchanged, thinking about the ray of emotion she had just sensed. Knowledge comes from a place seven thousand miles ahead.

Seven thousand miles away, if she were outside, she could reach it without any effort, but the inside of this ancient place was extraordinary. There might be some cracks in the void ahead. She was not familiar with the terrain here. If she strayed into a dangerous place, she would be in trouble. Something is wrong, and these people in front of me seem to be very familiar with this area, so it's time to let them lead the way.

"What? You didn't scare the beauty, did you... Haha.

The leading man in black walked up slowly and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid. Just hand over the things you have on you and you will be fine..."

It turns out that this group of people specializes in killing people and seizing treasures in this ancient land. The man in black walked up and continued, "Hand over all your fairy swords and magic weapons. In addition... …”

When he said this, he stared at Ling Yin's chest without blinking, and then slowly stretched out his hand. Although these people's cultivation levels are neither high nor low, they have been doing the business of killing people and grabbing treasures all year round, so this How could one escape the faint aura exuded by the Samsara Jade?

Just when the man in black was about to reach out his hand, Ling Yin's expression remained unchanged and he suddenly said, "Seven thousand miles ahead, where is that place?"


At this time, the man in black seemed to have suddenly come back to his senses, and he couldn't help but feel condensed in his heart. Looking at the other person's appearance at this time, he didn't seem to be afraid at all. If it were an ordinary woman, she would have covered her chest and moved back just now. Stumbling back.

"Hey, there is the Gate of Life and Death in front of you, what? Beauty, do you want to go to the Gate of Life and Death?" At this time, another man not far away said with a half-smile.

"lead the way."

Ling Yin was still deserted. This time, the dozen or so people around him were stunned for a moment. Why did they feel that this woman was a little weird? It doesn't seem like a joke.

The man in black's eyes narrowed, and the smile finally disappeared from his face, and he said, "Do you know what I'm doing now? I'm robbing! I'm robbing! Can you be serious?"

"I know, lead the way."

Ling Yin's words remained the same, and his face was cold and clear. The man in black was stunned. At this moment, for some reason, he felt suffocated when he looked at the other person's cold look. Then he realized it and said loudly, "Give it to me." superior!"

More than a dozen people around him immediately swarmed up. However, at that moment, the dozen or so people seemed to be frozen by an invisible force. The man in black was even more speechless as if his throat was being strangled.

"you you……"

More than a dozen people finally reacted. This time they were kicking nails. The opponent turned out to be a strong man in the realm of Taisheng. It was effortless to kill them.

"Aunt... ah no... fairy, fairy, please forgive me, please forgive me..." The man in black kept begging for mercy. He often walked by the river and his shoes would get wet. It seemed that he was right.

"Take me to the Gate of Life and Death, now."

Ling Yin was still deserted, but when the dozen or so people heard about the door to life and death, their faces changed with fear, especially the man in black at the head. At this time, there was no hint of a joke on his face. He could only say tremblingly. "The Gate of Life and Death... The master of the Gate of Life and Death, Luo Yun, this person is decisive in killing. We, we don't dare to provoke him. If we go there, there will be no life..."

"Then do you think you can survive now?"

With just one sentence, the dozen or so people immediately fell into the abyss. It took them a long time to recover. Ling Yin flicked his sleeves and said coldly, "Lead the way."

"Yes Yes……"

A dozen people did not dare to resist anymore, so they had to lead the way. But the further they walked, the more frightened they became. Finally, three days later, they came to the outside of a murderous old castle.

But I saw that the castle was built on a solitary peak, and the cold wind was blowing all around. It had just entered midsummer, but the sky was already full of yellow leaves falling, and there was such an indescribable chilling feeling all around for hundreds of miles.

"Fairy, you, have you seen that old castle? There...there is the Gate of Life and Death..."

Under this murderous intention, the man in black couldn't stop trembling all over, and said tremblingly, "Probably, probably two or three hundred years ago... This, this place wasn't called the Gate of Life and Death... It was called Qiushui Castle. A man named Luo Yun, he killed the Lord of Qiushui Castle...and then this place became the Gate of Life and Death..."

Listening to the man's trembling words, Ling Yin's expression remained unchanged. She could be sure that the spiritual consciousness three days ago came from here, and this was where she must pass. .


At this moment, a faint man's voice suddenly came from the castle, "You should have found out everything about Luo's past..."

Hearing the man's voice coming from the fort, the dozen or so people led by the man in black were immediately frightened out of their wits. The man in black turned pale and hurriedly clapped his hands, "You are talking nonsense, Lord Luo, don't be angry." …”

"Haha... you are angry, my sect master, why are you angry? You, on the other hand, are so courageous that you dare to come to the Life and Death Sect without warning..."

Hearing this, the dozen or so people trembled even more violently. The man in black quickly said, "No, no... no! Either the little one is coming, or even if he had a thousand courages, he wouldn't dare to come to Lord Luo's house." The place is, this fairy...she, she asked the little one to lead the way..."


Inside the castle, the man's voice came out again. It was clearly laughter, but at this time, people could hear a kind of desolation inside, just like at this moment, in the middle of summer, the sky is full of falling yellow leaves. There is a kind of indescribable sadness and panic.

I just heard the man in the fort say, "Well, you just said that Luo killed the original owner of Qiushui Castle. Do you know why Luo killed him?"

"This this……"

The dozen or so people were trembling with fear. How could they know so much? The man in black trembled and said uneasily, "That Wang Tianduan, that Wang Tianduan has always done all kinds of evil... Lord Luo, if you kill him, that is an act of righteousness." , small... small admiration! "

"Lord Luomen's righteousness in eradicating adultery... the young ones admire him!"

At this time, the other people behind the man in black also joined in, but everyone was so frightened that they were sweating profusely.

"Righteousness eliminates rape, haha... Such a great justice eliminates rape."

Inside the castle, the mysterious man's faint voice continued to be heard: "If Luo is a righteous hoe for rape, then you will be the only ones left now, so get out of here!"

"Yes Yes!"

After hearing this, more than a dozen people suddenly felt as if they had received an amnesty. They glanced at Ling Yin beside them, did not dare to hesitate any more, and immediately ran away in the direction they came.

The cold wind whistled, blowing the yellow leaves all over the ground, but Ling Yin still stood motionless. At this time, she could also feel that there was a mysterious oriental aura coming from a distance, but it seemed as if she was being carried away. What's holding you back.

After a while, the mysterious man's voice finally came from the castle again, "Three days ago, Luo's consciousness accidentally caught a glimpse of the fairy. I hope the fairy won't blame you..."

Sure enough, the ray of consciousness that Ling Yin noticed three days ago was sent by this person, and this person also realized that he had been discovered at that moment, so he immediately took back his consciousness.

Ling Yin said, "In this area of ​​hundreds of miles, the vegetation is withered, but there is only an ancient castle standing here. It seems that the spirit gathering formation is located under the ancient castle."

"One glance made the fairy see the mystery. Luo admired it...and the fairy came all the way from west to east. If Luo guessed correctly, the fairy should be looking for the ancient eastern world. If so, the fairy might as well come here A story in the fort."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind surged out from the castle, sweeping away all the yellow leaves covering the ground, and then the mysterious man's voice sounded, "Fairy, please."

Ling Yin didn't say much. With a flick of her sleeves, she flew up to the lonely peak. When she arrived at the castle, she saw that the palace was deserted. It was somewhat similar to her Yaoguang Palace. The only difference was that the vegetation here was withered. , it looked a bit desolate, even the dead leaves outside the window floated in, and no one cleaned it up.

At this time, sitting at the head of the hall, was a man wearing green clothes. The man looked only twenty-seven, but his long hair was casually hanging down, and his mouth was also covered with a ring of stubble. , it looks like there is an indescribable sense of vicissitudes of life.

"I'm in Luoyun, I don't know how to call the fairy."

Seeing the fairy in green clothes walking in slowly at this time, Luo Yun slowly stood up from his seat.

When ordinary men see Ling Yin, most of them will feel amazed, but the man named Luo Yun still has an indescribable feeling of desolation in his eyes when he looks at Ling Yin. .

He is the leader of the Life and Death Sect that everyone with a radius of thousands of miles is afraid of, but he is the only one in the entire Life and Death Sect. It is said that there were some maids and servants in the castle in the early years, but when he went crazy, they all were driven away. gone.

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