"The leader of the Southern Alliance even had her Nascent Soul shattered with one palm of her hand. She had no power to fight back..."

Hearing this, Chen Yueqing was even more shocked. Is it really her? She asked, "Can you see clearly? What is the appearance of that woman?"


The two elders looked at each other, and after a while, they turned around. One of them said, "Almost everyone present at the time was killed by her. Some disciples who escaped said they saw her wearing a red dress with ten fingers. , it’s like being stained with blood, and the eyes are extremely red..."

"I see.

Chen Yueqing took a deep breath, calmed down, and slowly walked back to the window, looking at the slowly falling leaves outside the window. At this moment, the worried look on his eyebrows seemed to be relieved, after worrying about things for so many days. , finally came. She was the only daughter who survived when the Qian family was wiped out... She was the one who came back to take revenge.

"Alliance leader...what should we do now? Otherwise...please ask the three supreme elders to come out."

The faces of the two elders were pale, and their bodies were trembling slightly. Now, in addition to the terrifying demons of the Tomb of Gods and Demons, there was such a cold and ruthless terrifying woman. Once the remaining twenty-four peaks were breached, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Chen Yueqing looked at the falling leaves flying outside the window. She didn't know what he was thinking at this time. After a while, she saw him turning his head slightly and asked, "I heard that in the past few days, a woman has come to the East Immortal Alliance from the west?"

Hearing this, the two elders were stunned for a moment, and then they recalled something. One of them said, "Yes, I heard that someone came to the Eastern Immortal Alliance two days ago, but all the way there was blocked by the demons of the Tomb of Gods and Demons." , single-handedly, no one can break through, and I haven’t heard anything in the past two days, most likely...most likely something unfortunate..."


Chen Yueqing sighed softly and looked out the window at the falling leaves. Today's Immortal Alliance is like a diseased tree in the courtyard. Who can we expect to come to rescue now? But after a while, he still asked, "Do you know what that person's name is?"

"It seems, I seem to have heard that...it's called Ling Yin.

Obviously, the Five Immortal Domains are too far away from the East China Sea Continent, and coupled with the sea barrier, the two sides have not communicated with each other for thousands of years. It is normal that the two elders of the Immortal Alliance have never heard of Ling Yin's name.

However, when Chen Yueqing heard the word "Ling Yin", she was shocked. She quickly turned around and looked at the two people in front of her. At this moment, the expression on her face became extremely solemn and she asked, "Are you sure it's called Ling Yin?" This name? Did anyone see the skill she was using, and what was her appearance like holding a jade flute?"


The two elders looked at each other. They didn't know why the alliance leader was so excited, but they had only heard about Ling Yin. How could they know this? One of them said, "It is definitely called Ling Yin, but as for the appearance, the I don’t know whether to use the technique or not.”

Hearing this, Chen Yueqing slowly turned around again, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn. There are countless names like Ling Yin in the world, but there is only one person like Ling Yin in the world, and that is the Immortal Yuan. Five Domains, Xuanqingmen Zixiao Peak, Yaoguang Zun.

Is this really this person? Why is she coming to the East China Sea Continent at this time? A look of confusion gradually appeared on Chen Yueqing's face. He had never seen the Seven Xuanqings, but he had heard of their names, especially the name of Fairy Miaoyin...

"Alliance leader...what's wrong?"

Seeing the solemn look on the leader's face at this time, the two elders next to him were also a little confused. Why did the leader's face change after hearing this name? Who is this person...


Chen Yueqing came back to her senses and said to the two of them, "Please step aside first and let me think about something here."

"Okay..." After hearing this, the two elders looked at each other, stopped disturbing them, and immediately left the hall.

After there was no movement outside, Chen Yueqing slowly turned around and looked at the fallen leaves outside the window. A cold light slowly appeared in her eyes, "Qian Liyan, I really didn't expect you to be so powerful..." …”

On the second day, the noise coming from the Tomb of Gods and Demons made the people of the Immortal League more and more uneasy. The energy of the gods and demons also continued to spread to the Twenty-Four Peaks. At this time, the Immortal League was like a tower. The city is under siege, surrounded by enemies on all sides, and is isolated and helpless.

The peak masters of the twenty-four peaks have tried their best to set up defensive formations everywhere to prevent them from being easily breached like the three peaks in the south.

At noon that day, a spiritual shock suddenly came from the west direction. The elders of each peak trembled. This spiritual shock was...

The sudden shock of spiritual power shocked many people, and everyone rushed to the six peaks in the west. The Immortal Alliance had previously set up a formation outside. The more violent the shock of spiritual power is now, it shows the cultivation of the newcomer. for the higher.


At this time, the mountain was shaking non-stop, and the faces of several peak masters in the west changed. With such a strong spiritual power shock, what kind of cultivation level did the person coming have?

The faces of the elders and disciples were also as pale as paper. They knew that the people from the Tomb of Gods and Demons would attack in the near future, but they didn't expect that they would come so fast, and the attackers' cultivation level was so high. Can they resist it this time?

"That person is less than three hundred miles away..."

Everyone was trembling with fear. It was only three hundred miles away. For people with great supernatural powers, it would arrive almost instantly. As expected, everyone just took a breath and saw a blue light flying from the distant sky.

"That is……"

The dozen or so elders present were all trembling. This spiritual aura was so pure that it did not look like the devil from the Tomb of Gods and Demons. They saw his immortal mantle fluttering and holding a jade flute in his hand. He was extremely majestic. Like the Nine Heavens Fairy coming to the dust, could it be...

The others also trembled slightly. Only then did they remember that there were rumors a few days ago that a famous woman came all the way to the Eastern Immortal Alliance. Could it be true? This is the person in front of her. She passed through the heavy blockades of the Tomb of Gods and Demons alone and came to the Eastern Immortal League alone. What kind of ability is this?

"I wonder which fellow Taoist is in front of me? Please stop immediately!"

Several peak masters immediately became vigilant. No matter where the person in front of them came from or who they were, they did not dare to take it lightly. At this time, the figure transformed by the green light was obviously Ling Yin.

At this moment, a deep old man's voice suddenly came from the main peak "Canglong Peak", "You guys stand down, don't be rude to Fairy Ling Yin."

Hearing this voice, everyone was startled, it was the leader... Then they saw a sword light coming from the direction of Canglong Peak, falling in mid-air, and transformed into an old man wearing a blue brocade robe, it was Dongxian The leader of the alliance is Chen Yueqing.

In mid-air, the cold wind whistled, and everyone held their breath in silence. Chen Yueqing clasped her fists at Ling Yin in the distance, and the sound was like a loud bell, "The unknown Fairy Miaoyin has come from afar. Don't be surprised if you are not polite."


Seeing that even the alliance leader was so polite to the woman in front of him, many people were startled. Who is this person? But don’t think too much, how can someone who can come to the Eastern Immortal League alone at this moment be an ordinary person?

Ling Yin came closer, looked at Chen Yueqing, his face was still cold and cold, and said, "You are the leader of the Eastern Immortal Alliance, Chen Yueqing."

Chen Yueqing smiled and said, "That's it, Fairy, please." After saying that, he put the word "please" inside.

The peak masters inside, as well as the elders, disciples and others were all stunned at this time. In so many years, they have never seen the alliance leader be so polite to anyone, including the three princes who have been in seclusion in the Xuanjing for a long time. The elders have never seen the alliance leader behave like this.

Ling Yin didn't say much and went inside. Chen Yueqing, still smiling, followed him all the way to Canglong Peak, where he saw a majestic hall called "Canglong Palace".

There are four main peaks in the Dongxian League. These four main peaks are the Eastern Canglong Peak, the Western White Tiger Peak, the Southern Vermilion Peak, and the Northern Xuanwu Peak. The Canglong Peak is the first of the four peaks.

When they arrived at the Canglong Hall, all the elders were nervous and silent. Not only did they see the alliance leader being polite to the Fairy Miaoyin in front of them, but they themselves could also feel the aura of the other party, which did not look like a human cultivator at all. of.

But Ling Yin did not beat around the bush and made it clear as to his purpose. After hearing this, everyone was shocked. One of the elders even lost his voice and said, "Fairy is actually going to find the legendary ancient world in the East?"

It took Chen Yueqing a while to recover. It turned out that the other party was going to that legendary place. The Immortal League had an ancient formation. When activated, this formation could transport people to a place called "The Ancient Place". "Earth" place, and according to legend, after passing through the ancient land, you can find the legendary Eastern Ancient World, one of the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms.

In the past, many people went to the ancient land, and most of them were looking for the ancient eastern world, one of the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms. Those who went there either spent decades or even hundreds of years and returned without success, or they were buried there. , that ancient place is by no means an ordinary place, and the dangers inside are no worse than those taboo places in the Tomb of Gods and Demons.

There is also a very important point. If you want to activate the ancient teleportation array of the Immortal Alliance, you must use the spiritual power of the Twenty-Seven Peaks. But according to the current situation, the spiritual power of the Twenty-Seven Peaks is just used. It's not enough to resist the gods and demons. How dare you use it to activate the teleportation array?

Chen Yueqing's eyebrows were deeply furrowed. He could see that Ling Yin was going to the ancient land no matter what, and naturally he had some concerns at this time in his heart. He said, "You guys should step back. I will discuss this matter with the fairy for a while."

When the elders heard this, they looked at each other and without saying anything, they all got up and went outside. They were still talking in low voices along the way. This ancient land has always been filled with legends, including the ancient Oriental in the Nine Heavens and Ten Realms. The world is also just a legend.

After a while, when there was no movement outside, Chen Yueqing reached out and closed the door and window. Then she looked at Ling Yin again and said with a wry smile, "What the fairy just said is indeed a bit difficult to handle in Chen's opinion. After all, the fairy I saw it this time, but now..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ling Yin cast two glances at him. Seeing these two sword-like glances, Chen Yueqing immediately held her breath and stopped talking any further.

Ling Yin looked at him and said, "Let me come out and talk to me."

"Fairy, you..."

Hearing this, Chen Yueqing was shocked all over, with a look of shock on his face, and then shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Sure enough, it is impossible to escape the fairy's eyes. Chen's clone has been practicing for many years, and no one has noticed it for thousands of years, but today he taught the fairy to know it at a glance. Pierced..."

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