The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,610 The Secret of Xuanqing Sect

"Hush... I heard that in the early years, your Majesty worshiped the Xuanqing Sect. Later, he was favored by the Miaoyin Master and accepted him as a disciple. But then, for some reason, these righteous disciples said that our Majesty's origins were unknown, and then Alarmed the people of Tianmen..."

"According to what you said, then during the Tianmen Incident, I think it was Shen Cangming who was behind the trouble. Why did your Majesty and Palace Master Weiyang get involved again?"

"Don't tell me, that time I heard someone said that Fairy Miaoyin came, but in the end, for some reason, she severed the master-disciple relationship with Your Majesty. You tell me, this severed the master-disciple relationship, but last time, I heard that the relationship between Master and Disciple was severed. However, Fairy Miaoyin came to the rescue again, and this time Fairy Miaoyin was in trouble, but it was our lord who came to the rescue again..."

"Ahem! What are you doing around here?"

"Ah... Wu, the ruthless Valley Master.

More than a dozen patrolling disciples stood up one after another. They saw the ruthless Valley Master holding a wooden stick in his hand, his face as frosty as he said coldly, "You are not talking about the matter of your Majesty. Why don't you go and inspect the surrounding area to see if there are any outsiders?" The evil man has sneaked in!"

"Ah... Lord of the Ruthless Valley, calm down, we'll go right now." A dozen people looked down at each other, and immediately went nearby in despair, not daring to discuss these matters without permission.

At this time, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness. The person looked like the bright moon in the sky without flaw, but there was a bit of sadness between his eyebrows.

"Palace Master."

The Merciless Valley Master turned around and nodded to the person in front of him, and this person was Hua Weiyang. She heard what everyone was talking about just now, and this time, Xiao Chen must have mobilized his troops to come to Xuan Qingmen like this. Soon it will also cause people to talk about it.

At this time, in Tianshu Hall, all the leaders or elders of various sects were present. Master Qingxuan was sitting at the head of the hall with his eyebrows deeply furrowed. Although the people from Tianwaitian had temporarily retreated, the Xuanqing Sect was severely damaged this time. , among the elders who participated in the battle in each peak, more than a dozen were seriously injured, and several others unfortunately died in the battle.

The entire hall was extremely quiet. After a long time, Liu Xuanyang from Zangfeng Valley spoke up and said, "This time the demons from Tianwaitian came well prepared, but I think their purpose is not simple. In addition, there have been rumors recently that under Xuanqing Mountain, Hidden a shocking secret... could these evil demons come here for this?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole hall became even quieter. Everyone was silent and had their own thoughts in their hearts. What shocking secret is hidden in the Xuanqing Sect that attracts so many evil spirits to covet it? But the people from the Xuan Qing Sect are unwilling to say a word...

After a while, another white-haired Taoist priest wearing a Tai Chi robe said, "Master Qingxuan, but it is true as the outside world said, under Xuanqing Mountain..." At this point, he stopped talking and just looked at Standing at the head of the hall, Master Qingxuan remained motionless.

Someone else followed and said, "Master Qingxuan, there are rumors from the outside world that Xuanqing Sect hides a shocking secret. I wonder if the rumors are true? If it is true, please tell the master so that we can make other arrangements to avoid those evil spirits." When the demon attacks again, we are completely helpless."

"Yes, Master, not only did the Xuan Qing Sect suffer heavy losses this time, but also the various factions were attacked by those evil spirits and suffered damage. But why is the other party attacking? It's impossible for everyone to be completely unaware of it, right?"

"Master Qingxuan, we are the only alliance here, right now. It doesn't matter what you say. If this secret is related to the common people in the world, then if these evil spirits come to invade us, we will not let them harm the common people in the world even if we go through fire and water and be shattered to pieces! "

Everyone talked a lot and nodded in agreement. Finally, Master Qingxuan raised his head, looked at everyone in his highness, and said, "Fellow Taoists are concerned at this moment. Qingxuan understands that it is indeed not possible to suppress the spiritual vein 'Longyuan' under Xuanqing Mountain. False, this spiritual vein is related to the safety of the entire human world, and must not be lost. Tianwaitian's attack this time is coveting this spiritual vein.


Hearing this, everyone looked at each other. There was a land line called Longyuan in the town under Xuanqing Mountain. This was no longer a secret. But why did Master Qingxuan avoid talking about the secret in the rumors?

Seeing the doubts on everyone's faces at this moment, Master Qingxuan continued, "As for the shocking secret in the rumors, it is completely false. These evil demons are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, so they spread some rumors to confuse everyone. Fellow Taoists. , you must know right from wrong and not be deceived.”

"Is this so..."

After hearing this, the leaders and elders of each sect were still doubtful, and some were half-believed. However, at this time, no trace of lying could be found in Master Qingxuan. Moreover, Master Qingxuan is the leader of the righteous path in the world, and he must be righteous. That's it.

If Xuan Qingmen really didn't hide any secrets, then they didn't need to hold on to them all the time. They should think about how to deal with the invading Tianwai Tianmo next, so as not to let the other side take advantage of it again.

It was not until the dead of night that everyone in the palace left one after another. However, they saw the moon and stars outside, the breeze was bright, and the night in Xuanqing Mountain was pure and flawless. There was no longer the murderous atmosphere during the day.

"This Qingxuanzi refuses to tell the truth, what should I do?"

Under the blur of night, I saw three figures slowly passing through the corridor. They were Liu Xuanyang from Zangfeng Valley, He Chongtian and Xu Taichang. The one who spoke just now was He Chongtian.

Liu Xuanyang put his hands behind his back and remained silent, thinking deeply in his heart. The Xuanqing Sect must have hidden secrets, but the old fox Qingxuan was the most cunning and refused to make it public. So what will happen next...

In the Tianshu Hall, the candlelight flickered. Everyone had left, leaving only Master Qingxuan sitting at the head of the hall.

Suddenly, a cold wind poured into the hall, causing the candlelights on both sides of the hall to sway suddenly. Then, they returned to calm, and at that moment, a wisp of black energy flashed across Master Qingxuan's face.


At this moment, a figure slowly walked out from behind the hall. Under the flawless moonlight, he saw that the figure was handsome and his eyes were as bright as the moonlight. He was none other than Qingxuan's eldest disciple, Feng Xiaoyin.

"Master, how are you?"

Seeing that the master's face was not so good, Feng Xiaoyin could not help but feel a little nervous. She frowned and said, "This Demonic Yuan Sha is really so powerful... Otherwise, Master, why don't you go out tomorrow? There are many formations set up outside. A lot of people have come from the sect, plus Junior Nephew Xiao is guarding Junior Sister, so there shouldn’t be any big problems..."

Master Qingxuan shook his head, his brows furrowed slightly, and his face was still deeply worried. After a long time, he raised his head and looked at the disciple beside him: "Xiao Yin..."

"The disciple is here."

After hearing what Master said, Feng Xiaoyin immediately walked up. Master Qingxuan turned to look outside again and said, "Among you, except for Yin'er, you are the most talented. Back then, you... were all..." I was brought up by my teacher. At that time, you were still young and you always liked to fight when we were together. Later, I separated Yin'er, so that she has such a lonely temperament now..."


Feng Xiaoyin raised his head. He didn't know why the master suddenly said these words tonight. At this moment, the moonlight happened to fall on him, making the white hair on his head seem to have more.

Master Qingxuan continued, "Liu'er is the youngest and the most impulsive when things happen. After so many years, he is still like this. Fortunately, his senior sister is always by his side, so he won't get into trouble. But this time the world is out of control. The attack is fierce and the formation may be difficult to resist, Xiao must protect your junior brother and junior sister."

Feng Xiao chanted, "Master, don't worry, I will take good care of my junior sister and junior brother."


Master Qingxuan nodded slightly, looked at the frost-covered moonlight in the hall, and finally sighed, "As a teacher, I am getting old after all..."


Hearing this, Feng Xiaoyin suddenly raised her head. The master asked her to stay at the back of the palace. When the people from various factions left, she suddenly said these words to herself. Could it be that...




Master Qingxuan suddenly coughed violently, his face turned pale, and there was a wisp of black blood on the palm of his hand.

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