The Ten Directions of Heaven and Earth

Chapter 1,603 The Sound of the Piano

"Senior brother..."

It wasn't until the bodies of the four demons fell that Ruoshui came back to his senses. His senior brother took the heads of these four people at once, and his cultivation was much higher than that of Feng Xiaoyin and his uncles.

On Zixiao Peak, all the righteous people were attentive and silent, especially Master Yushan and others, as well as the two masters Xianqing and Yizhi. They thought of the Xiao Yichen of the past and the Xiao Yichen they saw now. , completely different from the same person, not only his cultivation, but his whole temperament is completely different.

If the Xiao Yichen in the past was a cold sword with sharp edges, and everyone was injured by the sword's edge, then the Xiao Yichen in front of him is like an abyss and a treacherous valley, as vast as a valley and as muddy as turbidity. Subtle and mysterious, deep and unknowable.

"Ruoshui, do you remember the sword skills just now?" Xiao Chen turned around, looked at Ruoshui, and asked softly.

"Yeah!" ✷

Ruoshui kept nodding his head, thinking back to the Bixiao sword technique that his senior brother had just performed with him, as well as the Bixiao sword technique that his master had performed, and the Bixiao sword technique that he had performed. Both the senior brother's and master's sword techniques were so powerful, as if they were just like Only his swordsmanship seemed like a joke. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed, his face turned red and he stuck out his tongue.

Xiao Chen said, "You have to practice diligently in the future to be able to..." After saying this, he looked towards the Bishui Yaotai of Zixiao Peak. At this moment, in his ears, the voice of the past seemed to ring again.

"Chen'er, let me ask you, why are you cultivating immortality?"

"It's to protect Master in the future..."

"Wrong! We cultivators should put the common people of the world first. What you have to protect in the future is the entire world, not just one person. I will ask you again, why are you practicing today.

"It's for the protect Master!"

"Wrong! I'll ask you again, why!"

"It's to... protect Master! I don't care, no matter what happens to the people in the world, I just protect Master..."

"Yes! I know!" Ruoshui nodded vigorously and said, "I have to practice my sword well and practice well so that I can protect my master in the future!"


Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and gently rubbed her forehead. Ruoshui stuck out his tongue and smiled. For the first time, she felt that her senior brother was so close to her. It was not like the wind and frost that had not melted for thousands of years, but like the gentle wind by the river. Holding her gently, senior brother is the 18th generation disciple of Zixiao Peak, but why did the master want to accept him as the 19th generation disciple in the first place...

At this time on Zixiao Peak, Master Qingxuan looked at this scene and was speechless. On the Lianfeng stage... he still clearly remembers that palm.

Mei Jianyi and Jiang Nanliu were also silent. There were always many taboos between Xuanmen and the Demonic Way, but no matter how tabooed they were, they couldn't stop Ruoshui from liking him so much that they called him names without any scruples in front of the world's righteous people. As a senior brother, of course, this kind of love is just a shallow and simple love.

"Ruoshui, I'm here to guard you today, and no one can get close.

As Xiao Chen spoke, a thin layer of clouds and mist instantly formed under his body, making him look like he was sitting cross-legged on top of the clouds and mist.

Then I saw him again, slowly taking out the Yao Qin, placing it on his knees, looking down at the strings, his cold voice immediately made the demons outside the world tremble: "Everyone who comes close to Zixiao Peak is a hundred feet away." Those who are killed will be killed without mercy.”

Hearing this, the people in Tianwaitian in the distance were so frightened that they stepped back. Even though there were people with extraordinary cultivation among them, they had just seen the four Gui Ji people die tragically. Who would dare to come forward and die?


At this moment, another shock came from Tianshu Peak and other peaks. Although Zixiao Peak had temporarily stabilized, the other peaks had been invaded by demons and were not so easy to deal with.

"Ah...that's bad."

Ruoshui looked at the distance and saw layers of black clouds. He thought that if those places were breached by Tianwaitian, especially Tianshu Peak, once the formation was broken, Zixiao Peak's formation would not be able to sustain it for long. Even if there are senior brothers guarding here, the master will be in danger.

Thinking of this, she no longer hesitated, flew back to Zixiao Peak, landed in front of Zhenren Qingxuan, and said anxiously, "Master, Master, please go back to Tianshu Peak and have a look. There are senior brothers guarding here, and those monsters and monsters are here." Don’t dare to approach Zixiao Peak.”

Master Qingxuan looked at Xiao Chen in the sky, and finally no longer hesitated. He immediately turned into a sword light and flew towards Tianshu Peak. He should have stayed at Tianshu Peak today, otherwise the people from Tianwaitian , will not be able to break through the formations of each peak so easily.

Zixiao Peak has been cleared for the time being, and Yu Zhenzi and others did not stay much, and immediately flew back to the direction of Tianshu Peak. This time, Tianwaitian came and did not know how many people there were, nor how many masters were hiding in the dark, let alone There will be some powerful person appearing next, so you still can't be careless.

After everyone left, Zixiao Peak gradually became quiet. Only the thunder clouds covering the sky continued to make noises, as if the thunder would rain down at any time and destroy everything.

Ruoshui came to Xiao Chen again and saw that the demons nearby had retreated. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Brother, please play the piano for me."

Xiao Chen pressed his hands on the strings, but remained silent. Just now, he had sent spiritual thoughts to Wei Yang and others. Yang Xiaoran and others could lead people into Xuanqing Mountain to help kill the demons from outside the world that broke in today. People, the Four Valley Valley Masters, Ye Ying and others can also enter Xuan Qing Mountain, but they must inform the people of Xuan Qing Sect to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

As for those demon sect members in Wuyu Tianxia, ​​it is not appropriate to enter the Xuanqing Sect. They can only stay at the foot of the mountain to help kill the demons from all directions. And he will stay outside Zixiao Peak, even today. Even if Tianshu Peak collapses, he will never leave Zixiao Peak.

"Ruoshui, come next to me."

"Yeah!" ✷

Ruoshui immediately walked over to him and sat down next to him. The clouds and mist were transformed by Xiao Chen's breath, and they became like flat ground, allowing the two of them to stay on top without worrying about falling.

Xiao Chen said, "There will be a strong enemy coming to attack later. Ruoshui, if you see it, don't panic. You should also remember this music. If necessary, I will let you play the piano. Don't mess up the rhythm of the piano." do you know?"


When Ruoshui heard that she wanted to play the piano by herself, she was stunned for a moment, but she was always smart and immediately understood her senior brother's intention. She nodded repeatedly, "Yeah! I can do it!"


Xiao Chen nodded slightly and said no more. With a flick of his hands, the music of the piano began to play slowly. Although he brought many people today, there were also many people in Tianwaitian. He could only guard Zixiao Peak, and the rest People must go to other peaks to deal with the demons of Tianwaitian, otherwise once the Xuanqing peaks' formation completely collapses, Zixiao Peak will be left alone.

At this time, the sound of the piano was leisurely. Ruoshui put her hands on her hands and listened in fascination. She thought that this piece of music seemed so familiar. It turned out to be the piece she heard under the clouds that evening...

When she first listened to it, she didn't know what she liked about the music, she just thought it sounded good. But no matter how hard she searched, she couldn't find the person playing the piano. It turned out that the music that day was played by her master, and the person who liked the music was her senior brother...

Ruoshui was slowly stunned. She never talked about her master to anyone, not even a single word. However, every note and every note in the music was filled with thoughts of her senior brother. Why was she so stupid at the time that she didn't hear it at all? Woolen cloth? Master, Master...

At this moment, Ruoshui's eyes slowly turned red. The sound of his senior brother's piano and the sound of his master's piano were as if they were worlds apart. The sound of the piano that he had been trying so hard to find turned out to be the sound of the piano that his senior brother was playing at this moment... …

The sound of the piano entered the forest, and drifted into the Bishui Yaotai. The four people heard the piano, and they were all refreshed. The sound of the piano...


In the Yaotai, Ling Yin heard the sound of the piano. At this moment, his mind was clear and he was no longer disturbed by any noise from the outside world. The energy of immortality came from it.

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