The entire merciless valley fairyland was raging with violent spiritual power and collapsing everywhere. When the two dozen human cultivators saw this scene, they all looked shocked.

They originally thought they could escape, but now that the spiritual power is raging here, there are still blood-light blockades outside. How can they escape now?

Seeing that the entire fairyland had begun to collapse, everyone had a look of horror on their faces, and when they saw the "shadow of gods and demons" in the sky, everyone was even more frightened, thinking that the person was the person who had been there for the past two or three months. He has come to destroy countless spiritual veins in the immortal world, and today, he actually destroyed the main vein of the Immortal Wuqing...

Everyone looked panicked. Now that the place was blocked by the formation, how could they escape? Do you want to be buried here too...

At this time, Xiao Meng'er was the only one behind the crowd who was calm and undisturbed. Obviously, with her ability, she couldn't be captured by the ruthless Immortal Lord's men, so why was she mixed in the crowd again? There is only one possibility. She is following the Merciless Immortal Lord to investigate something.

At this moment, she obviously recognized the "shadow of gods and demons" in the sky, which was the person who saved her in the gap between the fairy world, but who was that person? Is it really Xiao Yichen? She doesn't dare to make a complete conclusion now...


The entire Loveless Valley Wonderland is shaking more and more violently, and outside, streaks of blood are rising into the sky. That is the Ancient Love Killing Formation. This formation uses the blood souls of thousands of people to sacrifice the formation, and now it has become extremely powerful. , almost no one can force their way out unless they know how to break the formation.

"Boy, what are you going to do now?"

The bone demon's voice entered Xiao Chen's mind, and Xiao Chen looked at the streaks of blood rushing outside, and it was really hard to deal with it now.

This formation is extremely ferocious, especially after drinking human blood, it becomes extremely powerful. He has already felt it. This formation is not as simple as passing through the storm in the fairy world, unless you master the method of breaking the formation.

Although now he has become sharper than ordinary people in battle formation, how can he break this vicious formation in a short time? If you delay a little bit, I'm afraid the Immortal Lord Wuqing will rush back.


Just when everyone was panicking, a beast's roar came from nowhere and resounded through the sky, causing the surrounding area to become quiet.

The dozen or so elders of the Ruthless Valley were startled. The voice just now seemed to come from behind the fairyland. At this time, everyone followed the sound and saw that there seemed to be a group of blue flames rushing towards this side. Come over.

"It's Qingyunmon!"

The disciples were shocked, but a dozen elders seemed to have grasped the last life-saving rope at this moment. "Great! It's Qingyun Beast... Qingyun Beast has awakened!"


The roar of the beast shook the sky, and more than twenty human cultivators were also startled, and immediately became alert.

In the blink of an eye, the cyan flame rushed out from behind the fairyland, and the Bone Demon's voice immediately entered Xiao Chen's mind: "Boy... he is an ancient fairy beast, be careful!"

Just as the Bone Demon finished speaking, the cyan flame rushed towards Xiao Chen fiercely. If he looked closely, he saw that it was a terrifying spiritual beast.

The spirit beast was about ten feet tall, its whole body was covered in green flames, its eyes were green, its fangs were fierce, and it looked very ferocious!


The spirit beast rushed at it ferociously, and was not afraid of the aura of gods and demons surrounding Xiao Chen. When Xiao Chen kicked it out, it was as if he had kicked it on an iron plate. The body of the spirit beast was actually indestructible and its strength was also strong. It was so terrifying that it pounced on him.

It turns out that this spiritual beast is called "Qingyun Beast", and it is the mountain-protecting beast in the fairyland of Wuqing Valley. Strictly speaking, it is not an ancient fairy beast, but it has the blood of ancient spiritual beasts, so it has a very ferocious temperament, and No fear of gods and demons.


Not only was the Qingyun Beast powerful, its speed was as fast as lightning, and it could also release some spells, lightning and fire storms, constantly hitting Xiao Chen.

The power of these spells is also extraordinary. Even if Xiao Chen has the body of a god and demon, he will not directly use the body of a god and demon to resist. After all, the Qingyun Beast has rough skin and thick flesh, and it will do him no good to resist.

After fighting for a while, the Qingyun Beast's arrogance surged, and its figure enlarged several times. It looked as terrifying as the ancient giant beast. Under its sharp claws, everything was destroyed!

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing that the Qingyun Beast was about to go berserk, more than a dozen elders looked frightened, and the disciples below were even more panicked. The Qingyun Beast's attacks were very ferocious, and once it went berserk, it would destroy them indiscriminately, without distinguishing between ourselves and the enemy. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

This Qingyun Beast has never been tamed by the Merciless Immortal Lord, and has always been arrogant. In the last battle of the Gods and Demons Abyss, the Qingyun Beast devoured the souls of countless gods and demons, and fell into a deep sleep from then on, only waking up once in a while.

At this moment, Qingyun Beast was already more than ten feet tall, and with the green flames wrapped around its body, it looked even more ferocious and terrifying.

Xiao Chen moved back a hundred feet in an instant. He didn't expect that this beast would be so difficult to deal with. If it were Ru Zai, he might be able to hold it back, but Ru Zai was in Wuyutian now and did not follow him this time. Ancient fairy world.


In an instant, the Qingyun Beast rushed up again, slapping its sharp claws, and it was like tearing the void apart. Countless bolts of lightning fell straight towards Xiao Chen. There was a loud "bang" and dust and smoke filled the sky. The place where Xiao Chen was just now was... The top of a mountain suddenly turned into ashes and disappeared.

"Get away... get away!"

The dozen or so elders of the Ruthless Valley had completely changed their expressions. They did not expect that the Qingyun Beast would become violent and its destructive power would be so terrifying. If it continued like this, it would probably destroy the surrounding Ancient Love Killing Formation.

"I'm worried that I don't have a decent mount, so I'll just grab one today."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm, and as soon as he finished speaking, he formed seals with his hands, and more than a dozen rays of Tiangang Xuan Qi flew up all over his body. For a moment, a strong wind blew nearby, and it was so powerful!

As if Qingyun Beast could understand his words, it became even more furious, as if tearing apart the void, and pounced on him again!


There was a loud noise, dust and smoke flew up all over the sky, and several nearby mountains were destroyed by the Qingyun Beast.

The entire Loveless Valley Wonderland was already crumbling, and the elders were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They originally thought that the Qingyun Beast could come out and restrain this person, but they didn't expect that the situation would be so out of control.

And Xiao Chen appeared above the Qingyun Beast in an instant, and hit it with more than ten blasts of Tiangang Xuanqi. Ordinary finger strength could not penetrate the Qingyun Beast's defense, but these thirty-six blasts of Tiangang Xuanqi were no small matter, not to mention this time. Xiao Chen used Dugu Tianxia's body of gods and demons, and its power was even more astonishing.


Being hit by more than ten streaks of Tiangang Xuanqi, Qingyun Beast was in pain and became even more violent. The sky was full of green lightning, and the fire storm was also suppressed layer by layer. Some disciples of the Merciless Valley were unable to escape and were instantly killed. Burned to ashes.


The expressions of more than a dozen elders turned pale. If this continues, the entire Immortal Valley Wonderland will collapse. Once the Immortal Realm collapses, the Ancient Love Killing Formation will completely lose its support. At that time, it will allow this person to leave. How can the Immortal Lord When will you come back...

At this moment, Xiao Chen jumped up and suddenly hit more than a dozen black mysterious lights on the back of the Qingyun Beast. The black mysterious lights were like mist and very strange. The Qingyun Beast immediately let out a cry. Kuang Xiao wanted to break away from these black strange lights, but at this moment, it seemed like he was bound by something!

"what happened……"

Even the twenty or so human cultivators behind them noticed something strange at this time, especially Xiao Menger, whose expression suddenly became more solemn.

The next moment, Xiao Chen's hands shook again, and two black soul chains appeared, bounding towards the Qingyun Beast.

"That is!"

More than a dozen elders were suddenly shocked. Qingyun Beast was restrained in an instant. They could not imagine what kind of method it was...


Qingyun Beast was restrained, but it was still furious, but its body shape shrank little by little, and finally returned to its original appearance.

And Xiao Chen immediately rode on its back, raised his fist like an iron bowl and hit it on the head. The Qingyun Beast was furious at first, but gradually, it seemed to be completely controlled, and in the end it only kept making low sounds. The sound of whimpering.

"Beast, I know you understand what I'm saying. Take me out now, otherwise I will erase your spiritual consciousness and turn you into a soul beast from now on."


The Qingyun Beast let out an unwilling roar, but if you look closely at this moment, you can see that its whole body is imprisoned by the black strange light and soul chain. So what Xiao Chen said is absolutely true. As for what method this is, it is obviously what he did last time The fragments of the Book of Heaven that I got, as well as the means to cooperate with the Soul Confinement Technique.

"This this……"

The people in the Ruthless Valley below were all pale with fear, especially the dozen or so elders, who were extremely frightened and couldn't believe the scene before them.

Qingyun Beast has the bloodline of ancient spiritual beasts. It has a very arrogant temperament and is prone to violence. Therefore, even the ruthless Immortal Lord has been unable to tame it for so many years. Every time something happens, it can only ask for help. But now it seems that Qingyun Beast is not able to tame it. It's like he was subdued by this person...

"Beast, do you hear me?"

Xiao Chen raised his fist again and smashed it down with all his strength. Finally, the Qingyun Beast roared unwillingly, stepped forward with all four legs, and rushed towards the streaks of blood outside.


Seeing this scene, the expressions of a dozen elders of Wuqing Valley suddenly changed. They knew in their hearts that no matter how powerful the Ancient Love Killing Formation was, spirit beasts often had talents that cultivators did not have. Especially this Qingyun Beast, which was born to be able to break some Restricted, the Ancient Love Killing Formation would probably not be able to trap it.

Sure enough, the moment Qingyun Beast rushed over, those bloody lights suddenly struck. However, Qingyun Beast's body was instantly covered with a layer of green light, which completely blocked the blood lights.

Soon, Qingyun Beast took Xiao Chen and rushed out of the Merciless Valley. At this time, the human cultivators in the Merciless Valley all had pale faces. How were they going to get out? When the ruthless immortal king comes back, he will definitely be angry with them...

"Boy, this time the Merciless Immortal Lord comes back, I'm afraid he will go crazy."

The voice of the Bone Demon rang out, and Xiao Chen came outside, glanced at the crumbling Loveless Valley Wonderland, and said lightly, "In that case, let's give him one last big gift."

The moment he finished speaking, there was already a radiant Yao Qin in his hand. The power of the ancient sacred Qin suddenly changed the surrounding situation!

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